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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207767-nbd-epiphone-eb0/ G.
  2. Get a BBG5 & put RBX 375 pickups on it. Works great! http://smg.photobucket.com/user/geoffbyrne/media/P1010062.jpg.html Why can't I post images like I used to? Oh - I can!! - the one on the right. G.
  3. I did this on my Cirrus - tried it both ways. It mattered not a jot. G.
  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1368883619' post='2082628'] The variable speaking length of the string is a given constant...... [/quote] Errrrrr - explain that term please? G.
  5. Y'know, for an instrument costing under £100, is the Supertone bridge at approx. £60 worth it? Set of short scale GHS Brite Flats on its way from Thomann. G.
  6. I'm a bit surprised no one has commented on its similarity to a Westone Thunder. G.
  7. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1368715272' post='2080596'] Geoff, you are the first person I have ever heard praising a EBO! The one I had was the biggest pile of cack I have ever played. I wish I knew you were looking for SS flats. I have a brand new set of Status ones you could have had. [/quote] No, it's fine, after the 35" fretless, it's like a breath of fresh air. I've read all the criticism etc & decided to try it with an open mind, and as I've said, I'm really surprised. The pickup isn't a genuine Gibson Sidewinder, & maybe that's to the good. I can really make it bite & growl - surprise, surprise - maybe Thornybank sold me a Wednesday one! Wish I'd known about the strings too - ah well. Being that I've ordered flats, I doubt I'll need another set anytime soon (GHS Brites - 49 - 108) and I wanted them a wee bit heavier anyway. G.
  8. So my line-up is the Yamaha set - the BB415 with John East pre-amp, the BBG5 with RBX375 pickups & my beautiful TRB1005F fretless coupled with Hartke LH500 (12AX7 replaced with 5751) & Ashdown MAG400 (UK built) tops & custom built 15" cabs. The above is more than adequate for most things. So I was curious about a short scale, since 2 of those above are 34" & one is 35". I advertised in this forum & ended up picking up a cheap 30" scale Epiphone EB0 purveyed to me by our very own Thornybank. My!!! What a fun little bass. Dead easy to play - my left hand was flying all over the neck as though demented! It took me around 5 minutes to adapt to the different scale length & I was away! However, what I didn't expect was the tone I'm getting from it! Due to the big pickup being right up at the neck, I was expecting a big, soft, pillowy bass sound - we've all heard the term 'mudbucker' - right? Nothing of it at all! An amazing amount of mid presence & bite & growl too - not at all what I was expecting! I've ordered a set of short scale flats for it & otherwise all it needs is a polish. Pics to follow (only got it last night!) Will I gig it? You betcha!!! G.
  9. Drop D was the reason I bought a 5 string. G.
  10. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1368476299' post='2077601'] Going OT (Now that Lurksalot seems to have figured it out for now) That Burns 12string is absolutely beautiful A [/quote] You can make me a sensible offer........well,it's for sale as I don't play much guitar these days & when it is, it's the Strat. You could PM me if interested.... G.
  11. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1368397067' post='2076677'] thats the idea , yours looks superb , Are you just careful hanging them up then ? ed to add 'superb' being used with the noted excess of strings [/quote] Actually, the hangers hold the instruments at least 3" away from the walls - more than enough room to hang them up & take them down safely - unless you start them swinging quite a lot. By the way, I'm having probs posting images (from Photobucket) - how did you do that? G.
  12. [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/geoffbyrne/P1010059.jpg"]http://img.photobuck...ne/P1010059.jpg[/url] I'm not there now, but I have the brackets lying here in a drawer. G.
  13. Myles has update with 2 more brands. G.
  14. I think Myles used to work with/for Groove Tubes but then fell out with them when they were bought over & packed up all his custom gear & made off on his own. He was working for them when I queried him about stuff for a Laney 30W valve amp & put me onto a guy in their (Groove) British operation from whom I got very good service. He now recommends Watford Valves in the UK (but not necessarily the cryogenic range - I think he says the treatment makes them more brittle & likely to break). G.
  15. ....I just wish there was a cheap & easy tester so you could plug a valve in & see how near to spec it really is - remember a 12AX7/ECC83 is supposed to have 100% gain. G.
  16. I've pointed the board to articles & tests posted by Myles Rose in the US before. Myles is a genuine expert in this field & has developed testing hardware & systems adopted by the rest of the industry. He now works independently & has his own web site. You can directly ask him a question via this address (You'll need to enrol on the forum): http://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/1351234/Feel_free_to_ask_Myles#Post1351234 He has recently tested a shedload of the standard 12AX7/ECC83 types on sale in the US (& since they all tend to come from one of only a few producers, here also). The results he has posted here: http://la-economy.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/current-production-12ax7-tubes-ten-of.html I leave you to form your own opinions. G.
  17. Jon (Bassassin) told me that the 6 bolt neck was indicative of Moridaira as is a body made up of a back slab & a front slab glued together so there is a seam around the outside edge of the body - I had one - check for that. G.
  18. Looks like an old Ibanez or maybe it was labelled Antoria. G.
  19. PaulS forgot to mention the Peavey Cirrus in that list - best/nicest/shallowest neck I've ever played (so far). G.
  20. [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/geoffbyrne/media/Sale/P6050082.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/geoffbyrne/media/Sale/P6050069.jpg.html"][/url] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/geoffbyrne/media/P1010064.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/geoffbyrne/P1010064.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Ibanez Studio ST105. Fender scale, SG-like body - this particular one has a DiMarzio PAF in the neck & a DiMarzio Dual Sound in the neck, both splittable to single coil via push/pull tone pots. G.
  21. "Playing jazz is well hard" There, fixed it for you!!!!! G.
  22. I've written 2 songs in my 66 years, both just over a year ago. The first was going around in my head for months. I have no idea where it came from, it just appeared. It's a bit Dire Staits-ish - I was listening to Mark Kopfler's 'Ragpicker's Dream' at the time. The other was for my blues band to play & was much more contrived (reached top 50 in Soundclick, though - a wee bit chuffed there) - once I got the first line, the rest came easily. Decided to make the chord format the same as 'Little Red Rooster' just to be a bit different. Soundclick address in my sig if you're curious. G.
  23. Before you splash the cash, cast your eye over these - value for money. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-Zodiac-BXP-Electric-Bass-Guitar-not-Squier-/290904942741?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43bb492895 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PEAVEY-ZODIAC-DE-SCORPIO-DAVE-ELLEFSON-BASS-EX-DEMO-/321100847962?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4ac31a1b5a http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peavey-Zodiac-BXP-4-String-Electric-Bass-Guitar-/160908401253?pt=Guitar&hash=item2576e35a65 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PEAVEY-GRIND-BXP-BASS-GUITAR-HUGE-TONE-METALLIC-BURNT-ORANGE-A-REAL-HEAD-TURNER-/130896308874?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1e7a072a8a G.
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