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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. I've done 3 and it was a bit of a push. I'm in 2 at the mo., and that's just about fine. G.
  2. Have you looked at Peavey Cirrus (BXP)/Grind? G.
  3. I have a Yamaha BBG5 fitted with the double-pole pickups usually found on a Yamaha RBX375. I had one & liked the tone but not the bass, so this works for me - it's my 'go to' bass & I use it for most stuff. I wouldn't consider this as an upgrade, more a matter of preference. I also have a BB415 fitted with a John East U-Retro by Howard the Bass Doc (marvellous job - routed both cavity to fit & a battery box plus put on 2 layers of conductive paint unsolicited - thanks Howard!!!) . Again, I'd consider this preference. I also have a Yamaha (noticed something yet?) TRB1005 Fretless which I've left stock as I don't feel there's anything needing to be 'improved' on it - weeellllllll - really, I'd prefer an unlined ebony fingerboard in preference to the lined rosewood, but that's well outside my budget (unless some kind luthier makes me an offer)!!! G.
  4. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1366963848' post='2059438'] now that is an odd way to turn an amp on....WTF were they thinking? ....I thought this was going to be a thread on coldplay... [/quote] Nope, I think he plugs his bass into the headphones socket........... G.
  5. I had a baritone with a 26" -ish scale tuned BEADF#B & really had problems getting strings & making the intonation work on the bottom B. IMHO this scale is too short & you'd want at least 28". It *might* have been slightly better tuned to bottom A, but I doubt it. If I were to go that route again, I'd look at either a Fender VI (or clone) or the Burns Barracuda (both 30" scale) and use Bass Vi strings. G.
  6. As someone who usuallymakes a donation to Basschat if I sell something on here, I have no problem with the £20 charge - I suspect I donated more than that last year as I made several sales. As far as everything else is concerned, I recently recommended this place to an internet friend & he seems pretty happy with it. Apart from the odd thing, & recently being told to 'loosen up' because I stated I was intolerant of profanity(!!!), I'm very happy here & think that is, by far & away the friendliest & most informative bass forum around. And many thanks to the moderators. G.
  7. I like this FX box: Digitech Genesis - I have 2 x Genesis 1's and a Genesis 3. These are modellers and also allow you to plug an input (PC, iPod etc) and accepts earphones. I connect the output of the PC, plug the bass & earphones into the FX box & play along with the music totally silently. You can pick up Genesis 1's pretty cheap on Ebay & I think they are a great wee box - uses knobs, not menu lists. G.
  8. If you're on the North Lanarkshire side, give me a shout (or PM). G.
  9. I had a Hohner B Bass V with 'EMG Designed' J-type pickups. These were designed to have the 'Vintage Sound' (whatever that is). I up graded them with a pair of Joe Bardens, which although bought off this forum, weren't cheap, I'll tell you. These expensive pups were purported to give you the 'Vintage Sound'. Y'know what? The difference was infinitesimal. maybe there was a bit of tonal extension top & bottom - maybe. Maybe I was kidding myself to justify shelling out a couple of hundred quid (almost). At the end of the day, I put the originals back in, & got most of my money back on the Joe Bardens. G.
  10. 6 weeks, but I was playing guitar with the same band anyway. G.
  11. I've used a straight one of these for yonks with no problem - maybe the right-angled one has a problem? G.
  12. Plug into your Multi-FX box, then L&R leads out to a stereo power amp - this will give you seperate feeds & volumes to left & right, but you'll need to have suitable cabs to match impedence & get the best out of the amp. The Multi-FX is doing all the work of a pre-amp in this case. G.
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1365548084' post='2041092'] Cross harp or blues harp is fourth above not fourth below. Key E = A harp Key C = F harp Key D = G harp etc. [/quote] Oooops!!!! I stand corrected - no wonder it didn't sound right G.
  14. If it's for Blues, you need the key an open 4th below the singer's key i.e. if Singer is in C, you need a G, D>A, E>B etc etc. No idea what you need for Gene Genie. G.
  15. I bought a Vantage double P-pup short scale off Ebay. It arrived wrapped in 1 (yes 0ne) sheet of bubble-wrap secured with one bit of sellotape (imagine it!) .......totally undamaged!!!!!! G.
  16. You ought to be able to get an RBX for Not A Lot - I had an RBX375 that was excellent. G.
  17. ......and boost the mids on your amp....... G.
  18. [quote name='such' timestamp='1363864098' post='2018518'] Yamaha BB! [/quote] ^ This. G.
  19. I did something similar with my Yammy BB415 - actually, I got the Bass Doc to do it - he routed out the back cavity (oo -err Missus!!) a bit, routed a new cavity for the battery box and bored the holes for the switches. He also painted the interior of the cavity with not one but two coats of conductive paint & made sure it was earthed, included in the price. This Yammy is now a Tone Monster - thanks Howard, smashing job (Grommet, I'm desperate to say!!) mate. G.
  20. Some of the Hondo II models had DiMarzios - maybe out of the same factory? G.
  21. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1364766699' post='2030752'] I play both guitar and bass. However, to play bass properly you must have a good sense of timing. You are part of the rhythm section and must lock together with the drums. With guitar its not really that important. Thats what I tell the 'Its only got 4 strings' brigade. [/quote] OK, try playing rhythm guitar without a sense of rhythm....... G.
  22. I'd swap the pre-amp before the pickups - you might be surprised. G.
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