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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1364567831' post='2028280'] hah this thread made me laugh...i've seen people turn up to gigs with no amp, just a DI out and reliant on the house PA... [/quote] I'd love to do that via my MXR 80+, but what's the general status on foldback monitors? Supply your own? G.
  2. Unfortunately, nickels turn my fingers black. Looks awful! G.
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121086633526?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 I don't know why Washburns haven't really taken off over here, the ones I have played have been really nice instruments. G.
  4. What does 'pre-used' actually mean? Did someone skulk into a dark corner in the factory & play for a while before sending it out? G.
  5. Still takes a lot to beat the old DiMarzio Model J's as mentioned above - particularly as they can be wired internally in series or parallel, both forms being humbucking. G.
  6. Just remember that your luggage will be X-Rayed at check-in. Maybe see if you can get a hard case with some UK stickers on it - then you can argue that you brought it with you? G.
  7. Might be more effective to put some kind of pre-amp in it. G.
  8. Aren't Fender strings made by D'Addario these days? G.
  9. I think the sandpaper thing is mentioned in St. Erlewine's book. There's also thick & thin & immediate or slightly longer drying glues. G.
  10. I liked the Fender 9120's. Not rubbery like the Rotos, and quite stiff, but nice tone. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be done in 5er sets. G.
  11. So what isi t? We're all dieing to know.....
  12. Just cut up a mouse mat & use that - perfect. G.
  13. If they are coated, they should (theoritically) never need boiling or immersing in alcohol. G.
  14. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1362909842' post='2005965'] I can't believe he's still going on about it. No one agrees, but he'll argue to the death that he's right. If it were me I'd have got bored a long time ago. [/quote] I don't think he does it to prove or win his point - he does it to amuse himself. He must be a very lonely guy with a lot of time on his hands - sad, really. G.
  15. Nice thing about the old Model J's is that they are effectively a P pickup, but in a straight line, with the coils linked in series which both boosts the mids (with respect to a single coil or wired in parallel) and makes each individual pickup humbucking. G.
  16. The bass on the right of the pic is a Yammy BB424 - I have a BB415 with John East pre. G.
  17. The sliver on the left hand side has been broken completely off & it misses the nut completely to the left. The repair is a real bodged job involving either dowels or screws - the white stuff seems to be something like polyfilla - I reckon it'd need taken apart & re-done. The rest of the bass looks OK on a quick inspection - quite nice, really - Candy Apple red. The action is high, but that's fixable. Strings look really rough - must be Rotos! I'm not convinced that's a good price - £200 would be about right IMHO. G.
  18. I saw an MIM Fender Precision Something (it's the one with 2 Jazz pickups) 5er in my local Crack Converters. It's been dropped & the headstock split. The repair is a bit of a bodge, but the rest of the bass is almost as-new. At this price do you think it's worth having & getting the headstock redone by a proper luthier? G.
  19. Generally speaking, on a fretless, mids are good. Instead of Ultras, I'd go for the old Model J (if you like DiMarzios). G.
  20. [quote name='P-T-P' timestamp='1362616044' post='2002377'] I'm guessing that the "partly rhetorical, partly self-depricating" I was hoping to get across with my "who knew" comment didn't quite come over as well as I'd have liked. Apologies if I've offended in some way. I've had a few Yamaha's over the years, mostly TRBs, which while exceptionally well constructed, never quite hit the mark for me. It never made me think any less of the company. Nonetheless I am genuinely impressed at how good a bass the BB414, even with Yamaha's excellent reputation. [/quote] No offense intended - apologies if I have - I have a BB415, a BBG5A & a TRB1005 myself, so I know where you're coming from! G.
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