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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/geoffbyrne/my_custom_sandberg2_zps07f2dc92.jpg[/IMG] G.
  2. Great idea, but it would be nice if they only charged the 'monthly fee ' when it was actually turned on....... G.
  3. Is this nation-wide, or just England & Wales? I suspected the laws in Scotland were different? G.
  4. The Old Volunteer, Nottingham, Thursdays. All right, a bit far to commute........ G.
  5. a proper one of these (if there are any left) is more than OK. G.
  6. DiMarzio Model J's are effectively a P bass pickup put in a linear package - ie 2 coils wired in series - hence the fact that they are not a million miles away from sounding like a P (neck). However. If you change the wiring internally to parallel instead of series you may find a very versatile pickup - especially if you wire it via a push/pull pot so you can select series/parallel. G.
  7. I'm moving from the Midlands back home to near Glasgow this weekend & I might be interested in this. my ad is here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/184136-mature-bassist-available-north-lanarkshire-area/ and the link to to my Soundclick page is contained there. I won't have an established broadband link for a while, only an unreliable & slow dongle attachment so I'll PM my mobile number should you find me interesting. Geoff
  8. Englebert Humperdinck? Nawwwwww...... never be successful with a name like that!!!! G.
  9. Anyone tell me of any Jam/Open Night nights within striking distance of North Lanarkshire? That would include Glasgow/Paisley. G.
  10. The Ox didn't smile a lot............................. G.
  11. I have a rag-tag of stuff. Amp is an elderly Peavey 8 channel PA amp that originally had 2x300W amps, but the right hand side is blown & it's 300W mono - big enough for the small pubs we tend to play. Speaker cabs are Carlsboro, have 2x12, a horn + piezo tweeter. Heavy little pigs, but actually sound pretty decent. The foldback is handled out of the Peavey into an elderly Laney 150W power amp donated to me for free by that kind gentleman CasaPete and the ELO Experience. This goes into a 1x15 + horn which I built out of bits & pieces. The amazing thing is that it all seems to work pretty well - apart from levels (usually too quiet!!!) we haven't had any probs or complaints. G.
  12. geoffbyrne


    Nope, for me, it's not quite as bad, but still down a bit. G.
  13. I think you are right there, so you need to plug in a cab rated at 8 Ohms - that'll give you the 4 Ohms total load. G.
  14. geoffbyrne


    Fair bit of latency recently in comparison to other forums I visit. Just sayin'!!!! G.
  15. I'm in the middle of a relationship breakup at the moment & the big move is likely to be next week, so it was a big lift when something nice happened to me last night. I was at my regular Open Mike night & went up with a bloke I know who is a pretty decent & competent guitarist, and one of the regular drummers - you know, the usual mix. Anyway, I had a good (female) friend in the audience who was seeing me play bass for the first time ever, so I probably turned it on a bit. Now I'm known to a be a 'busy' bassist anyway, so I was doing plenty of filling in and it all seemed to go splendidly, at least I was pleased with my own performance. Later, one of the respected 'elders' came over & tapped me on the shoulder & told me how much he'd enjoyed my playing that night. And it gave me a big smile. And a warm glow. Isn't it marvellous what a kind word can do for you? G.
  16. For goodness sake, Guys - stop haggling - you won't find a better buy for £80!!!! G.
  17. .....and no doubt well worth the $5,500 G.
  18. The graphic looks like the 'Gekko' logo that Warmoth uses. G.
  19. Get them rewound - Wizard springs to mind. G.
  20. I have a brass one that's too big for my finger (given to me as a present - must've thought I had fingers like sausages) and then I got a chrome one that fits me better. Whatever you get, make sure it fits snugly. Glass is meant to be 'warmer' than metal. G.
  21. 2nd dibs if Netballman doesn't want it!!!
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