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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. I fitted one of these to a Hohner B Bass V when the original pre went AWOL. It was pretty much indistinguishable from the original. That probably doesn't tell you too much. No probs - the original in the B was contained in half of an 18V battery box, so I replaced it with a full 18V box & ran it souped up. Worked just fine. G.
  2. For what it's worth, Grant, a good mate of mine who is an excellent rock & blues singer has just moved to the Isle of Wight. I don't know if he has anything fixed up, but if you PM me an email address I could give him a shake for you. G.
  3. Once again available due to band folding over drummer's bad health(!). Please listen to the music via my link. Headphones strongly advised. Mature (ask) bassist (played guitar for many years) in North Lanarkshire area looking for paid gigs. Willing to travel a bit! Preferred styles are rock (not metal/heavy) Blues, Rhythm'n'Blues, Pop, Lounge, Motown etc. Have fretted & fretless, amp, cabs & transport. Have a wide experience. Recently played C&W, Rock, Blues, Middle-of-the-Road, Rockabilly, Motown etc. Life's short. Looking to turn up, play, enjoy & get paid with a good bunch of level headed blokes/blokesses(!). Have been known to sing but don't find it easy while playing bass. I'm playing bass on almost all of the following except Baker Street on which I'm singing: [url="http://www.soundclick.com/geoffbyrne"]http://www.soundclick.com/geoffbyrne[/url] Geoff
  4. Congratulations!!!! Now The World.......... G.
  5. Instead of replacing anything, stick it through an MXR 80+ G.
  6. I've never been in a band that genuinely NEEDS a second guitarist. G.
  7. And why hasn't someone(!) designed/invented a double mic rig & cable to do this very job if it works that well? (I claim the rights on that, by the way! ) G.
  8. So tell us more - what's a simple way to do this considering most have XLR plugs on the cables? Any circuits etc? G.
  9. I'd swap the strap buttons for brass (or gold strap locks) & be happy with it. G.
  10. I'd think twice about putting polystyrene tiles up - aren't they illegal due to fire hazard? But great space!! G.
  11. I'll have these, if you please, Kind Sir!! G.
  12. I've recently got a Yammy TRB1005 Fretless & I love it. The pre is just right for me. The Bass & Treble have oodles of boost & cut & the Mid pot adds & reduces the cut in the mix - exactly what I want. I have a John East U-Retro in another bass, so I have something to compare it against. It doesn't have the out & out range of the U-Retro but it has it exactly where I want it. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/geoffbyrne/P1010062.jpg[/IMG] G.
  13. I usually stand on the Hihat side if I can G.
  14. Saw a black Motown Tribute band (American) whom, over the course of the 2 x 1 hour sets, must have introduced each other at least 10 times..... G.
  15. ....but unfortunately they don't do them in 5 sets..... G.
  16. The C&W band I'm playing with at the mo has 4 members under 25 years old & me (65). Works so far. G.
  17. I have 2 coil leads I bought in the 70's that I still use for practice.... g.
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1340443636' post='1704445'] You can get 5-string La Bella 760N black nylons. [/quote] Anything like the 9120's - and are they OK for 35" scale (Yammy TRB)? G.
  19. If the original premise were true, headphones/earphones wouldn't work. G.
  20. We auditioned a drummer who, when asked to explain the large missing bits in the drumming, explained 'I haven't managed to get my arms & legs working together yet........' G.
  21. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1337797718' post='1665676'] Unfortunately, this is how FB works. Even band competitions [b]on different websites[/b] end up being linked to FB apps. I have had to turn down voting for some friends' band in a comp exactly because FB required me to give it access to my innermost secrets (friends list, personal data, you name it). For that reason - and because I'm a lefty, durrr - I'm not entering (ebaying it etc. in the unlikely event that I should win would be too much hassle!). However, I personally don't see a problem with Warwick pointing us to competition links. Of course it's advertsing, and we are "paying" with our data, but nobody forces us to take part if we don't like that. [/quote] Ditto. G.
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