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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. I used to use these on my guitar(s) but found they went dead fairly rapidly & my stings usually last quite a long time. I'm using GHS SS strings now & love them. G.
  2. I once had a Bill Lawrence extended rails humbucker - I never had it in a bass, didn't have one that fit, but it worked beautifully in a guitar. G.
  3. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1335361685' post='1629830'] Pity your board isn't PCI-E - I have an Ati 3870 in the parts pile. [/quote] That's always the way, isn't it? Maybe I should upgrade my PC. G.
  4. [quote name='supabock' timestamp='1335264143' post='1628132'] Geoff, Ive got a Gigabyte/ ATI Radeon 9200 agp card that you can have if its any good. Im not sure if its win 7 compatible or not, but its only heading to the tip otherwise. Steve [/quote] PM'd. G.
  5. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1335310994' post='1629253'] Not free, but there's a fair chance this would work: [url="http://www.ebuyer.com/341092-sapphire-hd-3650-512mb-ddr2-dual-dvi-agp-graphics-card-11129-06-20g"]http://www.ebuyer.co...rd-11129-06-20g[/url] [/quote] Thanks, I'm looking at one now on Ebay. G.
  6. Just upgraded my music desktop to Win 7 & it turns out that neither of the graphics adapters in it (chipset & AGP) are supported by, or have drivers for Win 7 I can get a picture running, but it's low-ish def and as I'm running a wide screen VDU it's also more than a bit squashed. If anyone has an AGP card that works with Win 7 & is not currently in use, then colour me interested. Geoff
  7. I missed a Yamaha BB414 today - it went for £55.66. I missed it by less than £1!!! Bah!!! But these are great basses & you can get them dirt cheap. G.
  8. A few years ago I bought (off this forum) a pair of rather expensive Joe Barden pickups for my Jazz. They were to replace the EMG Selects that were on that particular instrument. Well. If you read up on them at source they are would to replicate the 'original authentic' sound of an early fender Jazz bass. I sold the EMGs to Ou7shined up there in Aberdeen who put them on a good bass and proclaimed they were 'pretty decent.' After a certain period of time it occurred to me that the EMG Selects were also designed to sound like the original 57 Jazz bass, and to be honest with myself, when I listened to recordings of the Jazz with each of the brands in, I was buggered if I could tell the difference!!! Oh sure, when I payed a lot of money for the Bardens, I kidded myself that I could hear a tighter bottom end, more defined mids and extended highs. That's what you'd like if you'd forked out a load of cash. At the end of the day, I bought the EMGs back from Rich & put them back in - and do you know what? I couldn't really tell the difference. Both were wound to reproduce the same kind of tone & they both did it. Therefore they sounded very very similar except one was about 4 times the cost of the other. I sold the Bardens. And the GFS Fatbody neck pickup for Telecaster is an absolutely superb pup for the money. I may get another - in fact I fancy a specially cut Strat pickguard so I could have a Strat with 3 of them. The GFS bass pups are good value for money too. G.
  9. Agreed. This is a sin against music in general if true. Barbarianism. G.
  10. I use stuff called 'Liquid Gold', well known by the antique furniture fraternity. You'll find it on Ebay or in some antique/pine shops. It's mainly almond oil, but there's some Triklone (trichloroethylene) in it too. Use a *little* of the fresh stuff on a cloth if you need to remove gunk, otherwise, I leave some in a saucer for a couple of days and the Triklone evaporates leaving the heavier almond oil which I use maybe once a year. Not to everyone's taste, but some times I also give the fretboard a wipe with Tung oil & then wipe off the surplus. This, when done on a warm & sunny day will give a 'skin' to the board & protect it from dirt bedding into the grain, & the Tung is fairly easily rubbed off to the extent that it won't be there at the same time next year. G.
  11. I'd defo be interested with one with a pan pot - do you need PM'd for confirmation? G.
  12. + the one for the above ^ Funnily enough, I've just got a OLD one off EBay that I've since discovered I don't need. I reckon this one probably goes back at least to the 80s if not earlier. It probably came off an old Matsubishi-built bass, or a Honda II - a lot of those had DiMarzios. Comes in about 10.11K on my meter. PM me if interested. G.
  13. So long as you realise that after you've spent all that cash doing it up, it'll still be worth £75........ But pimping a cheap bass is what it's all about, so knock yourself out!!! G.
  14. You should consider the humbuckers on the RBX 374/5. They are excellent - and they'll probably fit - I have 2 in my BBG5A. Actually, looking at the spec for the TRBs, it may be the same pup with a different case - no poles showing. Anyone know? G.
  15. I think the OP may want to have a look at a Yamaha SG1000/2000. G.
  16. As above - where in Penang? I was at Ferengi Beach & loved the island except for the fact that you couldn't swim in the sea (effluent) but loved the Nonya cuisine - you MUST try that. If you are up at Ferengi, I recommend a restaurant called 'The Atap Leaf' - tell them it was recommended by the first customer they had who finished his Chinese Porrage........street cred indeed.... G.
  17. My main bass is a BB415 modded by The Bass Doc to take a John East U-Retro, fitted with D'Addario Chromes, and it's just monsterous. Ridiculously easy to play with a slim J-ish neck and with almost any type of tone available via the JE, it's a superbly capable bass at not a lot of money. My other bass is a BBG5A - that's the smaller bodied BB, a bit more like a P bass - I have put the humbucking pickups from an RBX375 in there and, although the active EQ is a wee bit weak, it sounds absolutely great & is dead quiet. Neck's a bit wider, more P like. Yamaha don't make a bad instrument IMHO. G.
  18. Bleach the Tee, try artist's charcoal fixer on the strap. G.
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