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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. I thought I'd have a look at that & do the free download, but aborted it when I saw how much of my personal information they wanted just for a free download. G.
  2. Got given 1 litre bottle of Glenmorangie - not my fav. Scotch. Dalwhinnie is, so I'll swap a litre for a litre - obviously in Loughborough general area only. PM me if interested. G.
  3. You have to turn it on in Preferences. G.
  4. Try borrowing an outboard pre & playing around with it a bit - MXR-80+ et al. If that works, you could install an internal pre. G.
  5. [quote name='goblin' timestamp='1324896758' post='1478277'] I didn't even know it had a drop D Or did you put that one on afterwards? [/quote] The 4's have a Drop Lever on the bridge - this is stock - the 5ers don't need it.....obviously......... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRAND-NEW-HOHNER-BBASS-TR-TRANSPARENT-RED-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-W-EMG-PUPS-/350497159590?pt=Guitar&hash=item519b4239a6 G.
  6. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1324755193' post='1477663'] Without wishing a de-railment, does anyone know anything much about the B-Bass? It strikes me that it is a B2A with a body and headstock, if that makes sense. [/quote] Yes, I have a B Bass Pro 5er - it's really a Jack with a headstock. PM me if you want to ask Q's. G. P.S. It's for sale if anyone's interested.
  7. errrrrrrrrr........ how would this do for those of us who use 18V - or would it? (I know nuffing!!!! Nuffing!!!) G.
  8. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1324640073' post='1476505'] Yep, the "Full Range" label on the socket means the signal hasn`t been filtered by any internal crossover in the cab and can be used to supply another cab. [/quote] Ah! I didn't know that - never come across it. You learn something every day!!! G.
  9. Normally there are two connections on the back of a cab. Assuming this is so with yours, you'd connect the head to the 2x12 & the 2x12 to the 1x15. They are still connected in parallel & the the impedance would be just the same as if they were connected to 2 outputs individually. G.
  10. .....I remember watching that live on TV......... G.
  11. I have 2 Yamaha BB's. My main bass is a BB415 bought from another member here for £180, which was modded by The Bass Doc to take a John East U-Retro & an 18V battery box. Currently strung with D'Addario Chromes, it is, to my ears, a tone monster. It also fulfills all the points noted above about the BB414 despite being a 5er. I also have a BBG5A - the smaller body BB with 24 frets bought from a callow yoof off Ebay for £90. It has a wider neck ( this is more like a P bass, the 415 more like a J bass). I have swapped the P-type-in-a-soapbar pickups for the double-spool humbuckers found in the RBX375 & others. Deep, velvety & hammer-like. Amazing pups for recording as they are exceptionally buzz resistant. Both cheapos and once set up the way I like, play magnificently with oodles of tone. The BB415's the Guv'nor tho'. Fab bass. G.
  12. If we knew where you were, someone nearby may be able to help you with the action. G.
  13. Mighty Mite fretless necks are pretty decent & Fender approved - I had one & put it on a Hohner Pro JJ that was sold on here. Both I & the new owner liked the neck. I would suggest they are 'worthy', but there are other brands out there too. G.
  14. I've played guitar in bands since 1959 - I'm an OK rhythm guitarist but hopeless at the blues-type improv people seem to want these days. I've been playing bass for about 7 years. One of my bands(!) is a Country Rock trio (2 guitars & bass - no drums) with a couple of young lads from Hinkley - not too far from Tamworth, I think(?). G. G.
  15. I would love to go to this, but I'm well out of London - it just wouldn't work - can it go on tour? G.
  16. Actually, if you can put a series/parallel switch on the P pickup, the P/J setup can sound a lot more like a J bass (near enough for most) with the P pickup in both parallel mode & in combination with the J. Just switch back to series for true 'P'. G.
  17. I had one of these & it was 'ok'. I sold it to Bassassin (Jon) who sold it on for about the same £65. They are reasonably well made & if the neck is OK (bear in mind it's a neck-through) then they should be a fine cheap buy. You may want to ask the current owner if the bridge has been rebated into the body. Since the neck is part of the body, it can't be shimmed and the only other way of lowering the action is to lower the bridge into the body - mine was & it played fine. Some of these came with DiMarzio pickups. G.
  18. A couple of 'sketches' I clobbered together while up in Scotland for a few days. There was a hurricane blowing through (peak gust = 165mph!) so I kept my head down that night & popped these onto the Fostex. They are not perfect, some inaccuracies, but just working out an idea or two. I don't usually play slide & I forgot to bring a plectrum (pick to you transatlantic guys) so I played lead in 'All Right By Me' using my fingers & improvised the solo. I used a plastic paper clip in 'Straw In Your Hair' and I don't usually play slide, but it seemed right for this. I didn't mean to leave 36 in the middle, but suffered a 'Zen' moment listening to my own music & missed the 'in'(!!!). Fostex MR-8 fed through a Digitech Genesis 1. Yamaha G5A bass with RBX365 pickups. Custom Strat with DiMarzio TDS1s bridge & neck with a Levenson Blade centre pickup. EV microphone. (Can't I embed Soundcloud here?) I've added these to my Soundcloud & Soundclick accounts. Have to say I think the sound quality is better with Soundclick - headphones desireable here. [url="http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=11283092"]http://soundclick.co...cfm?id=11283092[/url] [url="http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=11283098"]http://soundclick.co...cfm?id=11283098[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/geoffbyrne/allright-1"]http://soundcloud.co...yrne/allright-1[/url] [url="http://soundcloud.com/geoffbyrne/hair-1"]http://soundcloud.co...offbyrne/hair-1[/url] G.
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