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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. You could have my Hohner Pro B Bass V for only half of your £300!!!!! G.
  2. How about red with a red tort plate? I know this is a Strat & a Tele, but gives you some idea: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/geoffbyrne/Sale/P6050078.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/geoffbyrne/Sale/P6050076.jpg[/IMG] G.
  3. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1322673830' post='1454343'] d) turn the gain up and master volume down. [/quote] This.
  4. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1322659445' post='1454034'] Wow, three replies within less than an hour! I'm infinitely grateful! Could you guys possibly tell me the product code/ID for the sets of strings you mention? I only seem to find sets of 4 whenever I search for flatwounds of any type. Thank you! Love this forum [/quote] The reference for the D'Addario Chromes 5 set is ECB81-5. Best price I've seen is from Thomann.de. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DAddario-ECB81-5-5-string-Chromes-Flatwound-Strings-/130513891804?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1e633bf1dc"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1e633bf1dc[/url] G.
  5. I've got D'Addario Chromes on my BB415 & the B is as good as the other 4 strings (which, to these ears, is very good indeed!). G.
  6. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1322569934' post='1452715'] To be honest Geoff, there would be plenty on Basschat or any other " Musicians" forum who would make a quick exit, When they came face to face with that. Garry [/quote] To be honest, so would I, but I'm trying to make a point about 5 years' study. I accept some of these blokes are exceptionally good at what they do. G.
  7. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1322553713' post='1452368'] some of the turntablists I have worked with in my time both as a DJ and within bands would definitely be considered musicians IMO. Truly creative. [/quote] That's fine, as I said, I'm not knocking the skill, but musician? If I put a Mahler Symphony staff in front of them, could they sightread it first time? My son can - along with the other 20-odd musicians in that orchestra. G.
  8. Never tried it, but *really* got my wrist slapped by Jeff Klopmeyer over on the 'Bandwidth' forum at Musicplayer.com when he referred to such a player as a 'musician' & I asked how he figured that? I mean, where does that leave my son, having done 5 years at music college & come out with an LRAM & later a BMus? I suppose he'd better just saved all my cash & got a couple of turntables, then? Very useful in its place, though - I'm not knocking the skill. G.
  9. or pick up an inexpensive, used Yamaha BB414 or similar. G.
  10. This is the daftest idea I've read here in some time & displays a total ignorance (or misunderstanding at best) of the mechanics, physics & mathematics of how a bass works. Better to find one of aul Rose's short scales. Sometimes the odd one comes up for sale here. G.
  11. I'd love to play nickel-wounds, but they turn my fingers black & affect my skin. And I find coated strings a completely different thing. G.
  12. Best neck ever (for me) was a Cirrus V BXP. Backline in my regular Open Night (The Old Volunteer, Carlton, Nottingham) is all (old) Peavey & it all sounds great - bits are missing here & there, but it's all bombproof. G.
  13. Pair of tyre/caravan wheel chocks. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-PAIR-WHEEL-CHOCKS-/150704866024?pt=UK_Campervan_Caravan_Accessories&hash=item2316b5c2e8 You're welcome!!! G.
  14. There's nothing you'll miss more than the extra overhead you haven't got. Save the extra £100 & get the 350. G.
  15. 'Ferr 'nuff, so be vigilant on all fronts. Personally, I've been lucky with FreeStudio, as have many of my friends, and have not had a problem with this particular package. What *really* p*sses me off is the number of utility progs/etc which want to install "information bars" or similar into your browser - if you allowed them, you'd have no screen space left at all. G.
  16. I've used FreeStudio for ages & (so far) it's been perfectly OK, but Avast! checks everything on download & has prevented one or two from happening, but this always gets the OK. but +1 on the above. G.
  17. Download FreeStudio & you won't lack for anything. http://free-studio.en.softonic.com/ G.
  18. I've been changing the keys of songs to fit singers' ranges since I started playing (guitar) in 1960 - you get used to it. I see chords as visual patterns, to change key, move the pattern up or down the fretboard. Similar situation for bass. In our Blues band, we try to play in the original (recorded) key as much as possible, but we play a few to suit the singer. In our Middle-of-the-Road band, with female singer, changing the key is much more common. G,
  19. If you look at the heel shots here (you have to scroll the pic panel down to find them) you'll have an example of what I mean: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-1958-BLONDE-HOFNER-SENATOR-/290626609598?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43aab221be"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item43aab221be[/url] G.
  20. My first 'real' guitar was a thin 1957 Senator, blond with 1 black bar pickup. Because of the design of the heel, most of these old Hofners will split , the whole neck splitting across the heel parallel to the body. It's very common - it's due to the design, with the bottom end of the fretboard floating across the bodywork. If it hasn't already done this, he's very lucky. Usually they need to be taken to a decent luthier, have the neck re-fixed to the heel & then the heel reset to get the action right. A bit to pay, but usually well worth it. I was offered a free Hofner President in decent nick apart from some binding & fretwork about 20 years ago - I had to be honest & told him it was worth a few bob in good nick & suggested he get it to Jimmy Moon, which he did. I saw it some 6 months later and it was absolutely beautiful and perfectly set up. I was sorry it wasn't mine, but felt I did the right thing. The owner was delighted. G.
  21. Go back & read the whole of this thread. G.
  22. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1320174074' post='1423384'] beat me to it! [/quote] ......I'll hang on a bit next time....... G.
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