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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1320174006' post='1423379'] Wow, you make it sound so simple! cheers [/quote] My pleasure. G.
  2. Pickup hot goes to tip, pickup ground goes to shaft, battery ground goes to ring. G.
  3. I reckon you'd be better off getting one of the Dan Erlewine books. G.
  4. [b]First Bass Owned: Sunn Mustang 'P' bass, Indian built 'Go To' Bass: Yamaha BB415 with 18V John East U-Retro fitted by Bass Doc 'Your' Bass: Yamaha G5A with Yamaha Humbucking Pickups (from RBX375)[/b] [b]G.[/b]
  5. Get a nice piece of ebony off Ebay & carve your own? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PEN-BLANK-WOODTURNING-asian-striped-ebony-/150681959621?pt=UK_Crafts_Other_Crafts_EH&hash=item2315583cc5 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Four-pieces-ebony-timber-/300613794605?pt=UK_Crafts_Other_Crafts_EH&hash=item45fdfa7b2d http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Striped-Pattened-Ebony-Knife-Handle-Scales-Black-Bushcraft-1582-/320778731930?pt=UK_Crafts_Other_Crafts_EH&hash=item4aafe7019a G.
  6. ..............I'll buy one for £130!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G.
  7. If you tune those strings to EADG you'll end up with a neck suitable for Robin Hood!!! Seriously. G.
  8. There are at least two threads on BEAD on a 4 every month. Search function is your friend.
  9. Interesting. I've moved mine on. It sounded great at low levels, but when it came to gigging volumes there was something lacking for me. i can't put my finger on it, but despite trying all the things I've read, I just couldn't get the kind of 'grunt' out of it I get from my Ashdown MAG 400 (485W @ 4 Ohm UK built). I've also moved on the Laney VC30 as I really don't play much guitar any more. However, if it works for you, I'm delighted. I defo. found that the Mullard made a difference. I'm very interested in the MiBass. G.
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/guitar-project-/170715361895?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item27bf6db267 G.
  11. See if you can find a Digitech Genesis 1 for cheap - there's only a 3 on Ebay at the mo & it's a different kettle of fish - Oh & make sure you get the correct power supply - AC/AC. G.
  12. Normally strings last a long time for me, but the Blue Steels died in a particularly short time. G.
  13. [quote name='darkandrew' timestamp='1318706107' post='1405489'] I'd thought of the Peavey Cirrus, the US made neck-throughs are particularly nice but I think they're 35" scale - the same as my Euro 5LX and I was thinking about getting a standard (34") scale as having played 34" scale basses for 20 years or so I don't find the 35" scale to be as intuitive. [/quote] Ah - I forgot the Cirrus was 35" - however, I had a BXP & it took me about 10 mins to adapt - thereafter I swapped between 34 & 35" scales without noticing the difference. I can say that, for me, it had the best neck I've ever played (so far). The neck on my Yamaha BB415 is excellent - very 'jazz bass - whereas my BBG5A is more like a P bass. G.
  14. Peavey Cirrus. Yamaha BB something. G.
  15. If there's a diagram for side-by-side buckers, follow the colour guid for that. G.
  16. A fretless Musician bass is the only instrument that I have GAS for.... G.
  17. If you've soldered the links to ground, you've turned it into a single coil. G.
  18. This amp cost me £22, Mark - is it worth it? G.
  19. So, if you hook an external speaker into the output labeled '4 Ohms', does it cut off the internal speaker? G.
  20. For the aforesaid reason I haven't done anything about this, but when I get around to it, it looks like the bridge rectifier is neither too expensive not very difficult to replace, so I'll see if I can (1) remove rectifier, ( 2) get a replacement at Maplin's and (3) replace in situ. If that don't work, I'll be asking Mark about the transistors. G.
  21. It's a while since I last posted in this thread, but my experience is that speed improved then got slow again. It's not *too* bad during the day, but gets pretty dire this time of night when everyone's logging on. It took nearly 40 seconds for this thread to come up & I've had the formatting problems from the word go. I do not have *any* of these problems in The MusicPlayer Forums, Basschat, The String Network , Finn's or Greenboy. Only here. It's really beginning to put me off visiting here - as others have said. G.
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