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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. The sax player in my blues band conforms to the guitar keys, although he prefers it when we stick to (our) EADG & C. The sax player in my middle-of-the-road band also conforms to the guitar keys and we have a much wider range of keys in that band. makes for quite a lot of work for him. In fact, so far, I haven't worked with a sax player where the reverse was the case. G.
  2. Good luck with it anyway, & I hope you find something that suits you. G.
  3. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1316693815' post='1381519'] Hey, at leat you didn't have to give a months notice to quit the band! [/quote] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G.
  4. See my last comment. It's cr@p. I have to say, there's nothing so fragile as a band. It really all hangs together on personalities. If you can get the right set of people together, then it all works, whether they are good or intermediate players - what matters is a desire to *support* each other to the best of their ability. We're in the middle of this - we have a great singer, a great sax player, a drummer who has come on in leaps & bounds and - I like to think - a decent bassist. We can't seem to get a compitent guitarist who will actually LEARN & play the tracks we want to do - they all want to jam them their way & quite honestly, they all turn out sounding much the same (we play Blues). By the sound of it, this maneouver was contrived, and it stinks. I'm really sorry - a rotten way to move on. G.
  5. The dangers of not having an agreed leader & for thinking that democracy in a band is 'a good thing'. I suppose I'll be in the minority, but I like there to be a clear leader - someone who listens to everyone's point of view then makes a decision in the best interest of the group. In fact, I don't mind it if he's the paymaster too. The bands I've been in that worked best had one guy as boss (usually but not always the singer) who organised pretty much everything & more or less employed the other members. You stayed with the band because it suited you. If you didn't like they way it worked, fair enough, you moved on. However, giving 4 weeks notice for non-attendance is silly & impractible, and the band does *not* come before everything else (unless, maybe, you're a pro who makes his living from it). And the fact that you are travelling for 3 hours on public transport should be recognised as a rare form of dedication on its own!!! Are you sure they're not trying to give you the push? G.
  6. I got a multipack (3) of Hartke strings (5ers) & the low B on every pack was as dead as a dodo - rest were fine. G.
  7. Best local with free postage is http://www.axesrus.com I use them a lot. G.
  8. OK, I've discovered that Firefox 6.0.4 is the problem - now using Chrome & everything's OK. But I miss AdBlocker. G.
  9. 35 secs for this on, then others open instantly. (need a Shrug emoticon). Still can't see any avatars but my own. G.
  10. If you think there's too many forums (fora? ) take a look at Talkbass..... And currently, there's a big wait for anything. G.
  11. The only avatar I can see is my own - is there somewhere I can turn them on? G.
  12. Just got a drop-out - 502 - Bad Gateway Error
  13. Is it just me, or is the new site taking quite a long time to respond? Maybe there's a bit of fine tuning to be done, but in my case it's taking a long time to load anything in comparison to the other sites I use. G.
  14. I think this question is asked almost every week...... Use the bottom 4 strings of a 5 string set to get reasonable tension. There is less tension in a bottom B than a high G, so you *may* need to loosen the truss rod slightly. You *will* need to adjust the intonation (might find the B is pushing the end & you may need to take out the spring behind the bridge to achieve scale length). Remember to widen - (NOT deepen) the nut slots (I had no prob going back to EADG after I did this). You may find a bit more low mids & a little bit less bass on the EQ helps. Enjoy. G.
  15. Just to get my tuppenceworth in!! I'm in my mid-sixties, and when I was a kid, the only time I really heard the word 'vintage', it was attached to 'car rally', and if I recollect properly, the cars had to be at least 30 years old to enter. At that point in time, no cars were 100 years old, so none could be termed 'Antique', although there are now some that do. I accept, personally, that all things older than 30 years are 'vintage' but not the other form of usage. Now, language changes, and obviously, the word 'vintage' was directly related to the year a wine was gathered/made, but, as has been thoroughly thrashed over above, its usage now seems to infer 'desireable' and has been consigned to the bin of 'Drop Meaningless Words In Here'. Personally, I will continue to use it in the manner I learned as a child & will continue to read items. So there! G.
  16. Personally, if it's an original 72, then I'd leave it well alone. However, if you must mod it (& that would depend if there's already 4 (or 5) wires coming out the 'bucker - if you add wires it *will* devalue the instrument) I'd suggest that instead of coil-tapping you use a push/pull pot to wire series/parallel. The parallel setting is not far off the single coil sound & maintains the humbucking qualities. G.
  17. Peavey Cirrus BXP. 10mm at the nut & 16mm at the bridge. Hohner Pro B Bass V is the same. G.
  18. A few years ago I played in a Blues band & had BEAD tuning (& strings) on both my fretted & fretless basses. Worked well for that setting & when the band folded, I had no probs with standard stringing back on them. As has been mentioned above, the trick is to slightly WIDEN the nut slots (don't go down!) & to make sure you have a good backward slope in there to maximise the witness point. Also, there's less tension on the neck with BEAD than with EADG, so you might not need to tweak the truss rod at all. G.
  19. The Schaller 3D is probably the lowest around. G.
  20. This is what I use (I've 2 of them) but you need the correct AC/AC power supply & this guy isn't including it. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Digitech-Genesis-1-Guitar-FX-Effects-Box-Amp-Modeller-/300595963861?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item45fcea67d5"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Digitech-Genesis...=item45fcea67d5[/url] G.
  21. Get a 5 string - that's the point. G.
  22. You could pop in to the Old Volunteer over Carlton Hill after 9 on a Thursday night for a jam (let me know if you do) but usually there's more bassist there than you can shake a stick at!! G.
  23. I'm pretty sure if you daisychain & the 1st speaker fails, the 2nd speaker will get 100% of the signal, as the input/output is wired in parallel & the signal does *not* have to pass through the speaker before leaving the cab via the output. G.
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