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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. Received wisdom is that the DiMarzio J wired in series is more than roughly adjacent to a P tone. And it fits without routing. G.
  2. Funnily enough, that's one of the two songs I can play & sing simultaneously - the other is 'All or Nothing!'. Bang up to date, Me!!! G.
  3. If I was a bit cheeky I'd draw your attention to post #8 here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=152322"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=152322[/url] G.
  4. Bridge design looks better than the original............ G.
  5. Depends on the pickups. My Yamaha BB415 has a P/J pairing, but the J is as powerful as the P. Solo'd it stands on itself, whereas on a standard P/J the J usually sounds weaker than the P. I use all combinations. Using the P for the MoTown stuff & the J for the rock & the combo for everything else. I suggest you give a Yammy a go & see if you like it. G.
  6. I've got a nice Ibanez RD605 I could be persuaded to part with................ G.
  7. Maybe have a look at the higher quality Corts - maybe the GB95 etc. G.
  8. [quote name='funkyspuke' post='1351199' date='Aug 25 2011, 12:03 PM']I played this bass for the first time through my cab & amp ... and I was blown away with the ouput level and the sound! for the price, it's stupidly good! I've been used to the Sadowsky & Valenti jazz sound (Aguilar & Nordy setup) and I would love to get as close to that as possible ... might not be an option though. with regards to your pickups geoffbyrne, you say it's "P-Type" inside ... what does that mean? Precission style pups in a soap bar? If I'm right, can you get J-Type?[/quote] Yes, they are modified P-types in a soapbar shell. You can get soapbars with a J-type in them, but my best understanding is that Yamaha doesn't do those & that the Yammy pups are a size peculiar to Yamaha & no-one else makes an exact fit - near, but not exact - you'll get the width, but not the length. I had a 375 & loved the tone, but I have a small hand with a short reach & found the fretboard a bit too wide causing pains between my left thumb & forefinger, so I parted with it. I currently have a BB415 with a John East U-Retro (fitted by the Bass Doc - lovely job) and it's neck is narrow - reminiscent of a Jazz Bass. I also have a BB G5A which is the model shown above. The pickups are terrific, but 'modern' & bright - I'm looking for old school thump, hence the offer. I have to say the pups are much more like J bass than P. Pity you're in Bradford, it's a bit far away for a play unless you happen to be travelling past J23 on the M1 anyway! G.
  9. If, at the end of the day, you can't get on with the humbucking pickups on that model, I'd be happy to swap you for a pair of Yamaha soapbars (P-type inside) which I have on my BB G5A. This can be quite bright & biting and are exactly the same size. G.
  10. That'll be 'No!' then. G.
  11. [quote name='Conan' post='1347189' date='Aug 21 2011, 03:00 PM']You may also need to get the nut cut a little wider and deeper...[/quote] ............maybe *not* deeper.............. G.
  12. [quote name='Conan' post='1347189' date='Aug 21 2011, 03:00 PM']You may also need to get the nut cut a little wider and deeper...[/quote] ............maybe *not* deeper.............. G.
  13. I see Axes R'Us are doing a 2 band pre by G&B for a very sensible price. I've been trying to get something that suits my ear on the Ibby RD605. The original stock was pretty nasal on top of a pickup which is already a bit middy. I first put on the Artec 3 band with the mids-sweep (there are 4 holes to fill on the bass). This was a great disappointment with the 'sweep' being almost non-existant and the treble boost minimal, however, nevertheless, to tone was improved to my ear. I already have an Artec 2-band stacked Treble & Bass on my Hohner B Bass and am pretty happy with it, so I got the 4 pot 2 band from Artec & replaced the 3, and it was much improved (although, IMHO, not as good as the stacked model - go figure!!!), but still not where I'd like it to be. The Yamaha 2-band in my BBG5A has more cut & boost and is pretty much what I'd want. So. while looking at the Axes'R'Us site I noticed the G&B & wondered if anyone here has used it & if so, how it might compare with the Artec 2 band? I'm retired & all the mods & do must be self-financing, so I'm looking at this as maybe a cheap option. On the other hand, if anyone has a Yammy 2-band lying in the drawer that's surplus....... let me know!!! G.
  14. Just put a set on my Yammy G5A. Sounds excellent & the Low B is quite authoratative. I've also just put a set of Picato Steels on my Ibby RD605 & the low B hs defo lost something against the D'Addario Prosteels which were on it, although it may play in. G.
  15. I'm 65 & currently still rockin' in 3 different bands. Don't say you're 'past it' at your age. G.
  16. Grab it! I had the 375 & loved the tone, but the neck was too wide for me - 4 should be great. G.
  17. [quote name='bassmachine2112' post='1338072' date='Aug 12 2011, 07:22 PM']Give Andy at Wizard a call,he,ll help you out[/quote] +1. Get it rewound. G.
  18. I was at his first apperance at the Edinburgh Fringe a few years ago - he's a hilarious reconcteur - had me rolling in the isle - awkward as I was only about 4 feet away from him!!! G.
  19. Get pro setup & if needed shim the neck. G.
  20. Being that the strings are looser, it's fairly obvious that the amplitude of the vibrating string will be greater, so I don't see anyway of avoiding buzz & rattle when tuning down. If you want to play at those pitches you would need to use heavier strings which need greater tension even at those tunings and won't rattle. If you are tuned to BEAD you'll need a 125 or 130 for the B and the others commensurate with that. When I had this kind of need, I had 2 basses with me, one in BEAD & the other in EADG. That covered everything. G.
  21. Geoff Byrne, Loughborough, bass gear, transport and Dave Dickson, West Bridgford vox, Mouth Harp & transport, are available & looking for a drummer, guitar & keys to form a Blues band with influences from BB King etc through to Coco Montoya. Joining a working band would also be an option. You can hear us at: [url="http://www.thesubwaybluesband.com"]http://www.thesubwaybluesband.com[/url] This band is now defunct. You can contact me via this forum or at [email protected] G.
  22. [quote name='CPBassman' post='1335569' date='Aug 10 2011, 07:51 PM']Guy is superb and Mark Gooday is a gent. Used the service dept direct. Very impressive service for a worlwide company. Amps are great too, i will return one day[/quote] When my MAG400 broke(!) a knob I emailed them asking where I could buy an identical one. They sent me one free unasked. Brill!! G.
  23. Have a try at Roto 55 Solo Compressors. G.
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