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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. Sorry - one string too many/few (suit yourselves!) for me!! G.
  2. If not a 3015, how about a 2515 if the cab's big enough? G.
  3. I ran a Sunn Mustang for a goodly long time tuned & strung BEAD with no probs whatsoever. The stress on the neck is actually less than on standard tuning. The only thing necessary was thew aforementioned 'nut tweak' which some find so hilarious!!! Didn't even need to move the truss rod. I put it back to standard prior to selling without changing the nut & it was just fine. I've done this with several basses including a fretless. No probs. G.
  4. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1262026' date='Jun 8 2011, 10:38 PM']Whereabouts? I already have a Bartolini active harness with stacked bass and treble but quite fancy this. There is no battery rout so the game might be a bogey if I can;t get the battery into the existing spacce[/quote] The Bass Doc routed a battery space in my BB415, so can be done. I had a Passive OLP with 2 tone controls - one did one bit of the bass spectrum and the other did err.... another bit. G.
  5. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='1262073' date='Jun 8 2011, 11:03 PM']£114. It's as new. And really nice. Just picked it up from a mile away. Thought it worth a punt, and it seems ace for the money. Thought I'd share. Its unmarked white. Also got a stand, cheap gig bag and tuner thrown in.[/quote] [b][i][size=7][font="Arial Black"]PIKTCHURS!!!!!!![/font][/size][/i][/b] G.
  6. I've worked on a couple of Shines & played a few more. They are not as low-budget as some I have seen around &, in fact, a 335-type guitar a friend of mine had was actually quite a decent guitar as were a couple of the others, although there was one that was just bad - poor fit - poor finish etc. Best thing is just to go & inspect & play it. If it all looks, feels, plays and sounds good for the asking price, then go for it. Otherwise walk away. G.
  7. [quote name='dougal' post='1253642' date='Jun 2 2011, 10:16 AM'][url="http://www.touchstonetonewoods.co.uk/"]Touchstone [/url]has been recommended to me. They seem to have a good stock (but no 6 string bass nuts - how hard can they be to find?!?!)[/quote] I got my nut files from Touchstone. G.
  8. [url="http://www.axesrus.co.uk/"]http://www.axesrus.co.uk/[/url] at least for the nut - not sure about the files, haven't trawled through it recently. Free postage. G.
  9. [quote name='lettsguitars' post='1250951' date='May 30 2011, 11:23 PM']signed up. nice one. maybe we can arrange a review of one of my basses?[/quote] I've seen & played his basses & I think it'd be well worthwhile. G.
  10. Just remember to LISTEN!!! You'll be nrevous & not wanting to make mistakes (nothing wrong with that) but don't forget to listen to wherever everyone else is. This where going out & playing in jams/open nights scores, as you must listen to the other guys to keep your own place & space. G.
  11. I don't drink till after a gig - main reason is I'm 65 & would have to go & pee in the middle of the set if I did!!!! Actually, alcohol does *not* make you sound better in anyone's ears except your own. G.
  12. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='1247300' date='May 27 2011, 04:28 PM']That's crazy! Glad you weren't advising him to buy some poppers [/quote] Sorry, being old & probably un-hip(! - that phrase dates me!) that reference has completely passed me by. G.
  13. [quote name='Randy_Marsh' post='1245047' date='May 26 2011, 12:22 AM']Hopefully you don't mean you leave this type of liquid gold to evaporate around the room? [/quote] G.
  14. I use a product called 'Liquid Gold' which has been left open to allow the 'Triklone' (Trichloroethylene) to evaporate. It's based on almond oil, as are a lot of oil treatments intended for antique furniture. G.
  15. [quote name='mathewsanchez' post='1240936' date='May 22 2011, 10:15 PM']Is the Canon Ixus still around?[/quote] Yes, and it's now yours!!!! G.
  16. Do you still have the Jazz pickguard? If so, can I take it please? Geoff [quote name='Truckstop' post='1229934' date='May 13 2011, 02:05 PM']Hello, having a clear out. Sick and tired of having to wade through this stuff everytime I need something! Pictures are available upon request and FREE DELIVERY ON EVERYTHING: [u]4 string Fender bridge, chrome - £5[/u] Screws included and as new [u]White Fender MIM Jazz pickguard - FREE[/u] 3-ply (wbw), used condition, ideal for slight relic project. No screws. [u]Used gold hardware - £5[/u] 4 String bridge, 2 knobs, string tree, strap buttons and tuners. Used, but perfectly functional. Bought for a relic project but just couldnt be bothered in the end! *Trades for effects or good cables* Cheers everyone, Alex[/quote]
  17. Forum rules demands a price....... Which is.................???????
  18. [quote name='KK Jale' post='1236911' date='May 19 2011, 01:48 PM'] Paul 'Bud' Tutmarc Jr bass, circa 1947 info: [url="http://tutmarc.tripod.com/paultutmarc.html"]http://tutmarc.tripod.com/paultutmarc.html[/url][/quote] Magic!!!!! AND......I can see where Ovation got the style for their basses....... G.
  19. I had an RBX375 and, apart from a fretboard to wide for me, I liked it very much. G.
  20. So. Which YOB bass could I get for 1947? G.
  21. Come on, Guys - what's wrong with these - used strings don't usually last 5 minutes on here!!!
  22. I don't have the bass but I have the Marquee/Marvin-based Double Six. I played an original of these back in the 60s and for me, this is a much better guitar. The original had a bar bridge, the new one has 12 intonatable saddles... The frets & finish, in general are impeccable. The body on these & I think the bass & the guitar share the same one, is pretty big - just about as big as a J Bass although being Agathis or whatever, isn't overly heavy: Personally, I'd fancy a 32" Marquee & put it through my MXR-80+, but that's just me!! G.
  23. It's always clockwise to tighten & anti-clockwise to loosen, no matter which end it's at!! G.
  24. I've currently got a set of Fender 9120 black nylon-covered. A bit stiffer & less 'rubbery' (no Chinese Restaurant jokes please!) than the Rotos & I like them a lot. G.
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