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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. 'Pup' = pickup - it's faster to type! I can't do pics of this as I don't have that bass anymore, but in its greatest simplicity, it's just a case of reversing to positions of the 'Hot' & 'Ground' connections of one (1) of the 2 pickups, in the RBX375's case, where they connected to the rotary selector. When pickups are out-of-phase, usually there is 'phase cancellation' of many of the bass & lower mids frequencies which leaves the tone sounding rather thing & nasally. Putting them back in phase allows the full bass end to come forth & prosper!!! Helps if you can solder. G.
  2. Not the ones you mention, but I did have an RBX375 & in doing reading/research about it, I read one guy found that the pups were wired out-of-phase. I checked & sure enough, so were mine. I reversed one pup & the tone blossomed, so inaccuracies seem to be 'not unusual' in this line. G.
  3. Since I've gone over to using a Yammy BB415 which has a 4x1 headstock, and my other basses had either a 3x2 or a 2x2 format, I have a bunch of strings which won't fit, so here they are (I don't do lightweight or mediums): 5 String: DR HiBeams Heavy, 130 B - 34" 3x2 headstock - seems in pretty decent condition £12 posted. DR Black Beauties Heavy - 130 B - 34" 3x2 headstock - also pretty decent - only minor flaking of coating in odd places £12 posted. Not sure what these are, but they are SS, have no silk and the B is 'stepped' - could be Overwater or Warwick Reds. 130 B (heavy) 34", decent nick, £12 posted. Set of 4 Roto's (77s I think!) + D'addario 130 B string. Good condition, 34", 3x2, again good condition. £10 posted. Same as above, except may be 66s. 34", 3x2 ,decent nick, £10 posted. Unknown set, pretty manky (for me) may (I say MAY) have come off the Cirrus when I bought it, so there's an off chance these are 35", but I'll ony guarantee 34". 3x2, £8 posted. 4 String: DR HiBeams 100 E, 34", 2x2, came off my fretless, so pretty decent nick - no dints from frets. £10 posted. Roto Compressors (55s? - green silk) 34", 2x2, off fretless. Good condition, £10 posted. Unknown brand, 34", 2x2, no silk, good condition, minor fret impressions £8 posted. DR Black Beauties, 34", 2x2, well used, plenty of flaking. £7 posted. Odd strings: I have 3 DR HiBeams - I think a (G - gone to Lemmywinks), A & E - as I seem to remember breaking the D by not looking at what I was doing & trying to tune it to G!. Not much wear on these. £2 each. If you want a job lot of these, make me an offer. Geoff
  4. I bought a Yammy RBX375 a few years ago & the barrel jack socket failed within a few months. I changed it for a good brand name & had no more trouble with it. I read somewhere on the web that a guy had found that the pickups had been wired out of phase in the factory. I checked this out (by swapping round one of the leads) and found this to be true of mine also - immediate gain in bottom end in all positions where pups were paired. Apart from that, I liked the pickups very much - good & broad with both bottom end and plenty of gritty low-mids. The only reason I parted with it was the wide neck which didn't suit my smallish hand. I play a Yammy BB415 now, so still like Yamaha. G.
  5. You could PM our very own [i]Lettsguitars[/i]. I've handled & played some of his original basses & am well impressed. G.
  6. I'd go along & see them, sit down with them over a pint & ask them straight out why they buggered me about. If I got a decent & respectful apology, I'd go with it, otherwise I'd walk away. G.
  7. Pickups please - PM'd. G.
  8. [quote name='JakeFoordBass' post='1217120' date='May 2 2011, 02:52 AM']Hi All! Does anyone know if the valves used in the T.Rex Squeezer pedal are a standard type that can be easily bought and changed? Mine got damaged in the post and the repair guys I've given it to haven't had much luck contacting T.Rex directly! Anyone else got one and had valve problems? Was gutted when my new toy turned up and didn't work! Cheers, Jake[/quote] Google is your friend: [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/squeezer.shtml"]http://www.ovnilab.com/reviews/squeezer.shtml[/url] Actually, ECC83/12AX7 types are about 98% of valves used in these things & bass/guitar gain/tone stages in general. G.
  9. If there's no further interest, this lot's going in the bin in the next few days. [Forlorn Hope] Or will trade for a low-powered 2.1 HiFi amp separate(!!!!!) [/Forlorn Hope] G.
  10. I honestly can't understand how Stewmac can justify those kinds of prices. G.
  11. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1213913' date='Apr 28 2011, 04:00 PM']I was fairly GASless until I saw that Burns Double Six there. Tell us more! Sounds? Playability?[/quote] I reckon that's going into the grave with me!!! Great action - very easy to play apart from the width at the nut & I have quite a small hand, however you get used to it. Can be very shimmery, chimey - bang on the compression & it's pure 'Tamborine Man' stuff. The setting with the two outside pups together does it for me, but all the settings are good - with the only caveat being that anything in combo with the middle pup (RV wound) loses a bit of brightness - must be a different kind of phase cancellation from a Strat - being that these are totally different pickups, not so surprising, but I wish it didn't happen. You have to be very careful playing these in a band as they can be totally overpowering. Currently working up 'Gotta Get You Into My Life' on this, using it in place of the brass section(!) and it's coming out pretty well. G.
  12. [quote name='neepheid' post='1213643' date='Apr 28 2011, 11:17 AM']Yamaha BB (active/passive like a BB1100s or a BB614 with a replacement preamp - probably can't afford one of the posher thru neck jobs)[/quote] <<Lurch Voice>> You rang? This was PsychoAndy's BB415 which I bought. I was impressed by the even-ness both across & up & down the strings - and it *almost* gave me the sound I have in my head, so I got the John East out the drawer & sent it to Howard, the Bass Doc who put in an 18V battery box, opened out the control cavity slightly, made a new cavity-cover & installed the JE U-Retro. Result? Stunning - a set of D'Addario Chromes finished it all off. Currently I have no Gas - but give me time....... G.
  13. [quote name='hubrad' post='1213115' date='Apr 27 2011, 08:42 PM']Haha, I got some 5 string sets of those Ebay Hartkes.. EADG were fine, the low B of each set sounded like it was one of the new Lard-Wrapped Design! [/quote] +100 G.
  14. I agree with Neepheid - it's worth giving the neck a go. I think I'd try keeping the trussrod loose, then clamp the neck straight - or even with a tiny bit of backbow, then tightening up the trussrod to meet the tension of the clamped neck - the way you do with Ricky 4001s. It's certainly worth a go. G.
  15. They are stock on my Cirrus BXP. I've looked everywhere, Rich & I can't find them. Sorry Mate. G.
  16. I *know* I have at least one of these spare, if not two....but can I lay hands on them? AAaaaagh!!! G.
  17. I read your entry as there being fret-buzzing from the nut to about the 8th fret. If this is so, then there is back-bow in your neck & you need to release the truss rod a little - anti-clockwise by 1/4 to 1/2 a turn then wait a while & test. This should get you a *better* action with much lessened buzz, but you will probably have to adjust the bridge saddles. How is the nut-height? - when you hold the string down between the 2nd & 3rd frets you should just about be able to slip a cigarette paper between the 1st fret & the string. G.
  18. Remove the brass nut then carefully remove all the old glue until the slot is down to clean wood & there's none left on the nut. Take a sharp file & cut some hatch-pattern grooves on each side of the nut - this gives the glue something to key on to. Use whatever glue you feel happiest with - personally, I'd probably use Araldite(!) if it has already moved a few times. Give the glue enough time to go off properly before you restring & put some sideways tension on it. Good luck. G.
  19. [quote name='untune' post='1207828' date='Apr 22 2011, 03:17 AM']PM me some info, I have a Grundig reel to reel that I have no mic for![/quote] I have a pic somewhere - I'll dig out this afternoon. G.
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