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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. Is that the Westone at the bottom left if the pic, Howard? G.
  2. [quote name='Hiperi0n' post='1147475' date='Mar 2 2011, 06:45 PM']too bad i'm a little far...if not i'll be over this [/quote] In your case, I withdraw the offer to drive halfway!!!!! G.
  3. I've revalved this amp with Groove Tube EL84S (6) plus there's a Marshall ECC83 in V1, a 12AX7 in V2 & a matched ECC81 in the Phase Inverter. When I got it the handle had pulled (wood screws). I bought a new leather handle & bored through the wood, using bolts through to large load-bearing washers. The H|H speakers have been replaced, with G10 Vintage 80th Anniversary Celestions in the amp combo & a Celestion Q12 1517 in the sealed back Ext. Cab. I originally had a G12-65 (1987) in there, but it didn't like the sealed cab. Each driver is 65W. The 10's are 16 Ohm in parallel and the 12 is 8 Ohm. The full combination runs at 4 Ohms - there's a selector (4/8) switch on the back. I don't think there's more than 10 hours playing time on these speakers and valves, and I don't think the speakers are even broken in yet. I've also put an extra set of rubber feet on the side of the cab opposite to the handle. Supplied will be the old set of power tubes, mains lead, leads for speakers & footswitch for Channel/Reverb Controls are Clean Channel Vol. Bright Switch. Dirty Channel Gain & Vol, Bass, Mids, Treble, Clean/Dirty switch, Reverb & FX mix - this has a Parallel Effects Loop. Price will be £325 ovno collected (there's no way I'll post/courier this, but I'll drive a bit to meet midway) or swap/trade for a good Yamaha BB 5 string. For an extra £60 I'll fit a JAN Phillips 5751 in V1 and a NOS 4004 (Mullard) in V2. <<Edited to remove pics>> P.S. On playing thru for checks, I found the low gain input doesn't seem to work. First time in 4 years I've used it. G.
  4. Get the 415 & put it through an MXR-80+ - my answer for everything!!! G.
  5. .........what's a 4-string? Uh? Uh? G.
  6. If you are playing for fun..... and there isn't any, then time to leave. Take the drummer. G.
  7. Feeling left out of all the excitement recently? Not feeling 'one of the boys'? How about you get these: and take the old, hackneyed pickguard off your '68 P and put on this very-much-in pickguard, with its matching hanging headstock tag. Now you can flaunt it like some of 'in' guys!!!! Be part of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G. (yes, JTUK, it's a joke!!!!) However, if you fancy them you can have them for the postage & a small contribution to Basschat.
  8. [quote name='leschirons' post='1136143' date='Feb 21 2011, 08:13 PM']Pardon?[/quote] I have to say she was a really nice kid, but - predictably - was having key issiues - she needed a lot more practice, but she wasn't a hopeless case by any means. G.
  9. I knew we were in trouble once, when we auditioned a female singer who turned up wearing 2, yes TWO hearing aids. Honest!!! G.
  10. [quote name='nick' post='1134357' date='Feb 20 2011, 02:39 PM']Quite happy with mine. Gigged it a few times now, so its more than paid for itself. I'm not a particularly lighthanded player, but the bass has held up with no issues & not crapped out on me. I'm not kidding myself its in the same league as my CIJ Fender or my favourite old Tokai, but it's certainly no worse than a lot of other P-Bass types I've played at double or more the price. For me, it's filled a need I had for a bass to do rock gigs, jam nights etc particularly in less than salubrious venues. I've also now got a bass in a shade of blue that matches one my suits I have been hankering to wear for some time. [/quote] Oi!!! That's exactly like mine!!!! Did you nick it? The pickguard is more creamy than it comes out in the pic. G.
  11. ....or do what I've done - a Sue Ryder P through an MXR-80+..................................... G.
  12. .............I have this Sue Ryder P bass........................... Actually I seriously fancy one of these, but the only thing I have to swap is my Shuttle 6 & I suspect that's not the kind of deal you're looking for. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=118254"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=118254[/url] G.
  13. Let's see some pics of the Legend, then. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=118254"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=118254[/url] G.
  14. Come on, Guys, there's plenty of love for these here, why no takers? I'll fit it with a 4004 (NOS, militarised ECC83/Mullard).
  15. Try swapping the valve out for something else. G.
  16. 1st bass: Sunn Mustang P Goto: Peavey Cirrus V BXP Mine: Westone Thunder IIIA Fretless Mk2 G.
  17. MXR-80+, or an ART valve pre. G.
  18. Apart from the fact this goes down to 50Hz (40 might have been better), I prefer the frequency bands on the two above. G.
  19. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='1122554' date='Feb 10 2011, 01:13 PM']Back up for sale because I remembered I have another preamp I can use if I so require. Cheers[/quote] PM'd. G.
  20. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1121643' date='Feb 9 2011, 05:59 PM']On the Peavey Windsor heads there is a knob that unbalances the phase inverter for that sort of distortion, so it might be desirable in some circumstances.[/quote] Ooooooooh! Didn't know that..... you learn something every day.......... G.
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