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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. You haven't put a 19 fret neck on a 20 fret body, have you? G.
  2. The only problem I've had with my GB Shuttle 6 was when half of the pre-amp valve stopped working. It took a while to figure, as I kinda forgot there was a valve in there in the first place, but once it was swapped, all was good again!!! G.
  3. Get an MXR-80+, set up your sound as close as possible on that & get them to DI out of that, plus it feeds your amp too. G.
  4. [quote name='Stuee' post='1100691' date='Jan 24 2011, 12:48 PM']Hi Geoff, [url="http://blog.soundcloud.com/2009/07/28/soundcloud-player-in-forums-5-step-guide-for-soundcloud-bb-code/"]Here's a link[/url] that should help. You'll have to contact the admins to get them to enable this, but it looks pretty easy and could be a great enhancement for all of us if they do it. Hopefully it's compatible with the IP Board forum software! Basically it puts a SoundCloud button in the forum posting jobby so anyone can add the player to their posts. This would be great for including audio clips of basses, etc., in the marketplace IMO. Maybe start a topic in the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=34"]Site Issues[/url] forum. I'll certainly support the idea Cheers, Stuee.[/quote] Done. Thanks.
  5. Since Soundcloud is becoming a popular method of advertising our work, would it be possible for the Admins to give us an 'Add Soundcloud' button on the bar? Pretty please? Here's a link for the code: [url="http://blog.soundcloud.com/2009/07/28/soundcloud-player-in-forums-5-step-guide-for-soundcloud-bb-code/"]http://blog.soundcloud.com/2009/07/28/soun...dcloud-bb-code/[/url] Geoff
  6. Just to add, these were all done ensemble - none o'yer layering here - and we managed in no more than 4 takes per number. No' bad. G.
  7. .........and the signal was taken out of the DI on the MAG with no micing........ G.
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1100141' date='Jan 23 2011, 09:22 PM']Nice playing Geoff, and I love the tone you're getting there - nice'n'gritty. What were you playing & playing through? I have to say, we never let an audience into the studio to hear us recording our demos ... [/quote] Spotted it in one, Jack. Not my idea. I was playing my Peavey Cirrus BXP V with 2 year old Overwater roundwound strings through an MXR-80+ into an Ashdown MAG 400 (UK built) head through a smallish SR cab containing an Eminence 3015. All set flat. And thanks. I got a nice compliment from the engineer too. G.
  9. [url="http://soundcloud.com/geoffbyrne"]http://soundcloud.com/geoffbyrne/sets[/url] Anybody know how to insert Soundcloud player here? www.subwaybluesband.com G.
  10. I find those blanking pieces at the back of a PC (the ones you remove when inserting a card) are perfect for this. G.
  11. This sounds OK, however, I've found guitar nut slot files too narrow for bass slots & make for a finniky(?) job to file out the width smoothly. I went to Maplins (or B&Q) & bought a set of hobbiest's needle files. I find the tapered round file almost perfect for this. Remember to leave a slight slope from bridge end to headstock end, to ensure you get the break point right at the front of the nut, otherwise intonation goes to pot. G.
  12. And remember....... all the great Blues & Rock standards we know & love were probably recorded long before 'high output' pups came on the scene..... G.
  13. [quote name='danny-79' post='1098982' date='Jan 22 2011, 07:24 PM']I use a "Marshall Echohead" when I'm using delay, they're pretty good value for the money with (I think its 6 maybe 7) different types of delay on them including a reverse kind of effect, plus you can add a tap tempo to it. You can usually pick them up pretty cheaply on ebay used. (they're really not that much new either - a lot of effect for your money). But sorry no personal experience with the TC Flashback delay/looper to comment.[/quote] +1 for most of the Marshall pedals. The majority have more than one mode, so you can get a lot out of them. G.
  14. If you equate 'low output' to 'low number of windings of wire in pickup' (pretty much true, I think) then you'll find they 'seem' to emphasise treble & bass, & some would say the mids are scooped. As more windings are added to a pickup the mids become emphasised and 'thicker'. At what point the pickup represents the true tonality of your bass instrument is pretty much up to your own ear. Vastly overwound *guitar* pickups emphasise the mids so much that the mids in the amp EQ setup are turned away down to compensate. This 'Mid Scoop' so often spoken about never really brings the over-dominance of the mids in overwound pickups into the picture as an explanation for the 'Smiley Face' EQ contour. It has been said in this forum that the G&L bass pickups are very hot. I'm not familiar with them (only having played Neepheid's for about 10 mins) so perhaps those owning them might comment if the output is achieved via over-winding & mids-dominance, or if Leo found another way to get passive power without skewing the EQ? I have a Peavey Cirrus BXP V and it has active pups which, in themselves, are quite low powered, but are then put into a boosting pre. Works fine for me. G.
  15. The suggestion of the nut being too high sounds good to me. If you hold any string down between the 2nd & third frets, it should only *just* be clear of the 1st fret - literally the proverbial cigarette paper thickness. If this distance is noticably greater on your bass, then that's probably at least contributing to the problem. G.
  16. I've had my Westone Thunder IIIa Mk2 Fretless (£120) and my 1979 Ibanez Studio ST105 (both with original hard cases) from my local CC, but nothing in the last 5 years - it's all crap. And if it isn't, it's no bargain. G.
  17. Above says it all - got bass, got good front man/harp, possibly got drums, need an experience bluesman who doesn't need coaching. G.
  18. Is this the one with the sweepable mids? G.
  19. 5751's are good for this. Firstly, they are are well-known *good* tone generator. They are not too feeble, giving about 70% of the gain of a 12AX7 (given that it's 100%) The JAN Phillips 5751's are pretty decent at the moment. Beware cheap 5751's as many are simply 12AX7s that didn't pass quality control and aren't 'proper' 5751's at all (coughchinesecoughrussiancough). Going to 12AT7's & 12AU7s can lead to too great a drop in gain and therefore not enough 'oomph' to push your power stage properly = lack of volume. And they don't sound so good either. At the end of the day, buy a range of semi-decent valves, they're not too expensive off Ebay, and try them out - see what you like. I currently have a JAN Phillips 5751 in the pre of my Shuttle 6 which is up for sale, but would replace it with an ECC83 if the buyer wanted. [url="http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/index2.html"]http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/index2.html[/url] G.
  20. I've used an MXR-80+ for electric guitar quite successfully on occasion. G.
  21. If you are registered at Talkbass, you could shoot a PM to a contributer named 'Agedhorse'. He's GenzBenz engineer, and, I believe, one of the original designers. I've PM'd him a couple of times & he's responded very civilly. G.
  22. If you change your mind about selling only, I'll give you a straight swap for my GB Shuttle 6, pedal & bag. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=118254"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=118254[/url] G.
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