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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. There is a version of the OLP that was VT(hi) T(lo) - I had one. No idea how it was wired. G.
  2. It's not just the caps, it's also the inductor. If it doesn't have the inductor then it's only a glorified tone control. With the inductor it keeps some of the highs & becomes a mids-notch filter. [url="http://alexplorer.net/guitar/mods/varitone.html"]http://alexplorer.net/guitar/mods/varitone.html[/url] G.
  3. FYI Now that Apple computers use the same type of CPU as PCs, a virus written in machine code could (theoritically) run on either. Nothing to do with the current operating system. Use of proper firewalls, virus detection (as in Common Sense) would largely prevent this. G.
  4. Teacups & storms spring to mind. Ellie's got oodles of talent. She's getting a bit of return for doing something a little bit commercial. Just rewards. God bless her cotton socks & more power to her elbow. Geoff
  5. 2nd dibs if above doesn't work out. Geoff
  6. PartySounds has been most successful for me. G.
  7. I do the odd (very!) lead vocal while playing bass - I can play a boogie bass & sing "Just Seventeen", but it's pretty much my party trick. I can do about 3 more, but f I'm going to do some serious lead vocals, I'll switch to 6 string & give the bass to the other guitarist. G.
  8. The shielding should be earthed anyway, otherwise it doesn't work. Google 'Faraday Cage'. G.
  9. A DiMarzio J wired in series (internally) - if taht's too much for you, change the wiring to parallel. G.
  10. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1048374' date='Dec 5 2010, 04:26 PM']How acoustically loud is the jazz box? I have a friend who wants an acoustic guitar, and is on a tight budget - this might be a better option than something truly acoustic.[/quote] It's about as loud (with flats on) as my APX4 with the feedback-buster on the central hole. It'd sound louder with bright roundwounds on. Not primarily an acoustic, but might work. Action is very low on this. Great for rhythm work. Don't have a pic, but it's unmarked & identical to this (see pics above too!) [url="http://www.globalcube.net/imgcontrol.php?p(clients/staggmusic/content/images/products/12809.jpg)+i(457)+j(457)"]http://www.globalcube.net/imgcontrol.php?p...)+i(457)+j(457)[/url] G.
  11. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1048233' date='Dec 5 2010, 02:08 PM']I used to have a small Trace Elliot Commando combo which was a lot heavier than it looked. I fitted something like this to it: [url="http://www.terralec.co.uk/handles/removable_case_trolley/16420_p.html"]http://www.terralec.co.uk/handles/removabl...ey/16420_p.html[/url] [/quote] That's what's fitted to the Ampeg Portabass cabs. Works ok for some things, but wheels are too small for rough floors. G.
  12. I have a pair of general purpose rack ears I used to mount my Ashdown MAG400 for a while. They are no longer used. PM me if you're interested.. G.
  13. [b]Yamaha Drop 6 Baritone Guitar. - Now gone. [/b] 'Pacifica' style body. Locking nut. Floyd Rose Vibrato. Fitted with Jackson 'buckers. Tele-style selector. 2 x vol + 1 tone/push/pull single coil/humbucking. Previous owner removed finish - result is 'road-worn', but not too bad at all. Currently fitted with EB 12-72s tuned B - b. 26.5" scale. Includes light bag. GONE £100 collected from Luffbra. Pics soon. [b]Stagg Jazz box[/b]. Upgraded bridge. Full setup & fret levelling by the kind gentlemen at Ibstock. Currently strung with flats. Plays very well. Includes semi-hard case. Partly seen in pics above. £100 collected. [b] Laney VC30 2x10 + 1x12 Ext cab.[/b] Amp has NOS (Jan Phillips) 5751 in V1, Marshall ECC93 in V2, Matched ECC92 phase inverter. Power valves (EL84s) recently replaced. New leather handle bolted through. All H|H speakers replaced with Celestions. £325 collected. GONE [b]Line 6 Spider II 2x12 150W Stereo[/b]. Very good condition. £120 collected. Pics on all these to follow. G.
  14. The J pickup-pair are humbucking when both on together. Turning one off should introduce buzz (if there is any around). However, a P wired properly ought to be 'bucking too. Check your earthing. G.
  15. Is it just me, or does the pickup look out of plumb in that pic? G.
  16. If you have the compression enabled, try turning it off. Set up a patch with flat EQ. Otherwise I have no idea. G.
  17. I have a Yamaha Drop 6 which has a 26.5" scale. Currently I have 15 - 72s on it & it's tuned to BEADF#B. Sounds just fine. I think to get low E you'd need to put pretty hefty strings on it & I don't know if the bridge (Floyd) would have enough throw on the saddle to intonate properly. This, too, could be for sale. G.
  18. [quote name='silddx' post='1033385' date='Nov 22 2010, 11:29 PM']sh*t, I bought one and was going to install it on my Electra build but decided against it. How am I going to sell it on here now [/quote] If it's a doubler (18V) I'll have it...... G.
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