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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. So we're looking at some PA speakers, but they are 4 Ohms each. We're still to get an amp, so what would work with 2 Ohms total? Looking at either a mixer head or a mixer desk, preferably powerful (500W/side) used & inexpensive. G.
  2. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/genuine-HOFNER-violin-bass-bridge-rebuilds-restorations-/250718293565?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3a5ff98e3d"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/genuine-HOFNER-violi...=item3a5ff98e3d[/url] Only one on Ebay. If your bridge is floating, have you tried tilting the bass end back from the neck ( \ ) to improve intonation. If you look at a Gibson Les Paul, you'll see the bridge is mounted at an angle for this reason. G.
  3. That pickup is also very similar to those used in some of the Bladwin guitars & basses (non-Burns models) of the late 60's. Actually, I have a pickguard 'in the drawer' that might fit that - right angles at neck socket - but it's cut for a Split-P-type pickup. If you're intersted PM me & you can have it for postage. G.
  4. Isn't Squier CV foam as good (these days) as the MIM? G.
  5. I wonder when they're going to release the 5 stringer............ G.
  6. No wonder the BBC was checking if people can actually read!!! [font="Century Gothic"][size=7]SQUIER[/size][/font] Have a close look at how it's spelled on the headstock - you may actually get a surprise. The name comes fro Austria originally. A string maker whom Fender bought out. G.
  7. You can add me too, subject to the fact that I can never guarantee that I won't have to go to Scotland at short notice. G.
  8. Hi Rich!!! How's it going!!! You know, I wish I could afford to buy one of these Valenti's from you!! I loved that 5 string. Anyway, have a bump on me! And, I'm playing (28th Oct) tonight at the Volo with my new Blues band (with female French keys player). It'd be great if you could make it. G.
  9. I have, and use, an MXR-80+ and for what I do, it's great. However, I don't think it'll meet your EQ needs, Somewhere in Talkbass.com, there's a thread in which someone actually connects an MXR-80+ to some gadgetry & works out its frequencies - I've had a quick look, but can't find it offhand. If I remember correctly, the bass is at 40Hz, the mids at 500Hz & the highs round about 4Khz and the button scoops around 800Hz. Pesonally I like to boost around 180Hz and cut around 1.2 Hz. I found the Yamaha NE-1 quite useful in this respect which is basically a semi-parametric cut filter. After that I used a 5 band parametric EQ which allowed me to get exactly the sound I wanted, until I tried the MXR-80+ which also pretty much got me where I wanted to go and was much easier to carry around. Part of the reason I used this was the fact I got it for £20 as its signal was 'intermittent'. On opening it up I found it needed a drop of solder on the jack-socket connection and has been thereafter perfect. You can not only boost the gain from nil to 'quite a lot', but there is a 'Mix' or 'Blend' knob which allows you to blend the unaffected signal with the distorted signal, therebye *not* loosing the Thump in the higher frequencies of the distortion. I have used it on only one number for which it really worked well. It will allow you to introduce a bit of grit if you want - Old School Valve? Not so sure. I find that with the two tone stacks (the MXR-80+ and the Shuttle 6 with semi-parametric mids) I can boost or cut the low mids on the GB & push the top end on the MXR - it effectively gives me a multi-band EQ setup. And I also have a John East R-Retro on the bass........... G.
  10. You don't have a genuine (i.e. *not* a failed/downgraded 12AX7) 5751 knocking about, do you? G.
  11. I've always used car polish, but sparingly as it's mildly abrasive - I'd have thought T-Cut might be just a bit aggressive. Car polish doesn't show the fingerprints so badly as a softer domestic polish. G.
  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='968301' date='Sep 26 2010, 12:35 PM']Selects are passive. It's just switching from active mode to passive mode ie. placing the pre-amp in and out of the circuit. I had some Hohner "the Jack" bass Jazz pups in a custom 5 build once and although obviously not top-end thought that they were great pups - very loud too. Don't believe the anti-hype. Maybe you could look at a different pre-amp.[/quote] Those EMG Selects are now back in their original B Bass V and are sounding magnificent ( mind you, there's a John East U-Retro between them & the Shuttle!!). G.
  13. If there's an FX loop on it, take a jack plug & put it in & out of both the sockets, say, 20 times - also do the same if there's a headphone socket. I've also found that the phono connectors going into a reverb tank (if you have one) can cause this. Otherwise it could be a dry solder joint or a cap going dry. G.
  14. [quote name='Pentode' post='1001977' date='Oct 27 2010, 06:33 AM']Tell you what - that Shuttle will sound sooo much better with the nice new shiny 12AX7 I have here and, AND, just for you, I'll do a straight swap for that nasty old Mullard. Can't say fairer than that can I....? Result on sorting it though! [/quote] Just to make you jealous, I have a NOS 4005 in the drawer also. I assume you've seen this: [url="http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/Tubeprimerandselection320-2.pdf"]http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com...ection320-2.pdf[/url] G.
  15. Have you tried comparing with the compressor off and *both* amps at 11? ( ) Sometimes (quite often actually) the pots are not linear and an amp will be effectively full on at approx 6 or 7. G.
  16. My Shuttle 6 went wonky a couple of weeks ago. I was sitting 'tone-twiddling' (as one does) with the semi-parametric at just barely over conversational levels, and also playing with the valve-gain & pre-output when there was a buzz and the volume dropped about 70%. I thought it was a glitch & turned it off. When I played at the next practice I found it was severely curtailed in the total output volume department. I opened it up & poked around but could find nothing visible. I decided to change the valve on the off-chance. I had an unbranded 5751 in it as it's my tone-generator of choice. The amp was still on at this time and I poked the bracket supporting the end of the valve, and got a big crackle in response - something obviously not right there, then. I switched off, removed the offending valve & have replaced it with a NOS Mullard ECC83. Now volume all returned & sounds magnificent. Putting the 5751 in my Laney valve amp produced much spluttering & background crunch. 5751 binned. So, a valve with a dud side will drop your volume by at least half, but will still work, so don't panic if you get this symptom, just take the top off & replace the valve. G.
  17. [quote name='skelf' post='999438' date='Oct 24 2010, 09:54 PM']Hi I was talking about fellow scots none of them turned up. Alan[/quote] I'm a Fellow Scot - just happen to live in Loughborough......... G.
  18. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/6-string-hohner-B-Bass-/270653794487?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f043928b7"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/6-string-hohner-B-Ba...=item3f043928b7[/url] I have the 5er, and they are much under-rated. G.
  19. Damn - I've only just seen this, Jez, and I was in Johnstone on Friday for my son's wedding. Next time I'll be up will be end of January/beginning February. If you still have it, I'd be interested, but don't let that stop another who needs it more....... Geoff
  20. [quote name='skelf' post='997426' date='Oct 22 2010, 06:54 PM']Last one there was a bit of interest several people said there would be down on the Sunday I made provision for that not one turned up. The next event will be ticket only and bought in advance so we know what we have with regard to funds before the event.[/quote] Can't let you away with that one, Alan. I said I'd be there on the Sunday.....and I was - payed my cash and spent most of the afternoon in the company of Neepheed. I came up from Loughborough. Probably see you at the next one, if things fit in with the appointments book, but it'll be the Sunday only, again. Geoff
  21. Looking for a decent SS amp tech in the Leicester/Derby/Nottingham triangle - I'm actually in Loughborough. Any recommendations? Couldn't find one in The List. Geoff
  22. Can't talk about this particular bridge, but put the equivalent (offset saddles) on a Tele & it worked great. G.
  23. I've just bought a 29.5" bass from Thomann.de for £55 as a 'travel bass'. If you are passing by Loughborough you are welcome to pop in & give it a try. G.
  24. ..............I thought it was about Chic Murray................ [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y82WdMot--U"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y82WdMot--U[/url] G.
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