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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. If you use the Marshall Guv'nor II, you'll find it has a 4 band EQ, so you can pretty much dial in any amount of distortion AND compensate for loss of the bottom end via the 'Superbass' and Bass EQs - and still have the Mids & Treble to play with!!!! G.
  2. Get an MXR-80+ - outboard pre & DI, then you don't need to carve bits out your bass. G.
  3. OK, to do it in singles, I'm assuming a compressor in front of the MXR-80+ and a bass-friendly chorus after it, but still before the MXR (otherwise no chorus on the DI). So what's an affordable (I'm retired!) decent compressor & a suitable chorus? G.
  4. [quote name='BassKS' post='883032' date='Jul 1 2010, 02:52 PM']Hi Lads/Lasses, I do love my cheap bass almost as much as my Warmoth jazz. Its neck is rounder and more comfortable to play. However, it has smaller frets and, somethimes, it gets a bit difficult to fret a note, especially if you slap like Chewbacca. Now, I spoke to Ou7shined a bit about this, I wanna do this myself and was wondering about the following things: 1) is the wire depth the same for all the fretwire? Last thing i need is deepening the slots or ending up with a fretless bass.... [b]No, there are various widths, heights and tangs. I think the StewMac website has a roundup of all the types you can get.[/b] 2) Where can I get the tools from? [b]I got a pair of pincers with the top already hollow ground, at the Panier Market in Barnstaple - maybe look at places like that, plus a rubber/copper headed mallet and an end-file from Ebay (probably)[/b] 3) can the fret pulling pliers do the job of cutting the fret ends? [b]Yes, if you get the right tool & make sure the jaws are sharp.[/b] 4) Should I really attempt it? I read a lot about these things, have never attempted anything, maybe this will be the beginning of a very expensive hobby... [b]I've only done 3 frets & it was a lot of work....[/b] 5) Im not planning on spending more than 50 squid on the whole thing. I mean its not worth it when the bass was 100 quid and it was defo worth it, but selling it and the added amount towards refretting will bump it up to a Squier CV... Its like, whats the point. [b]Your choice, Mate.[/b] Please advise. Much love Terry Tibbs[/quote]
  5. [quote name='obbm' post='987193' date='Oct 13 2010, 05:38 PM']Not really. If you have 2 amps with different numbers of gain stages but with the same input signal, then the outputs will out-of-phase going to the speakers. You can bodge it by changing the speaker wiring but you need to see the signals on a scope to be certain of exactly how far they are out-of-phase.[/quote] That's really what I was trying to say above - providing the speakers are all in phase that should work. G.
  6. The equivalent of an MXR-80+ with a built-in compressor and chorus (or maybe phaser). That would cover 99.99% of the stuff I do. Suggestions? G.
  7. Lookeee here, Jim Lad!!!!! [url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/MODboards_c_30.html"]http://www.guitarfetish.com/MODboards_c_30.html[/url] G.
  8. Surely the only thing that matters here is the phase/polarity of the speaker wiring? Use the old 9V battery trick & ferkle the wiring so they are all going in & out at the same time & phase. G.
  9. If you look at the frets on an old guitar you'll usually find pitting under the E, B & G - the unwound strings - the D, A & E are usually much less worn. G.
  10. You'll need a fairly hot iron (40W?) with a narrow tip. And be a bit more than delicate! G.
  11. [quote name='neepheid' post='985503' date='Oct 12 2010, 11:02 AM']Heh, I've had a shottie of it, really nice bass, lots of switches and knobs (I can't remember what they all do - and I like that), good sound and a lovely deep, dark finish on it.[/quote] I'll be running courses on the controls at the next Borders Bass Bash.........for only twice my normal fee...... G.
  12. [quote name='Delberthot' post='985142' date='Oct 12 2010, 02:02 AM']Put that away Dammit. One of the few basses on the forum that still gives me GAS and I don;t even do fretless anymore [/quote] There's a Thunder IIIa on Fleabay: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120632286426&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url] I'd probably sell mine for £379................ G.
  13. Looks great!! Here's mine - a Thunder IIIA Mk2 Fretless, all original. G.
  14. Look at a passive Peavey Grind or Millenium and de-fret. G.
  15. I don't have a Burns bass, but I have a Double Six. I played an original Double Six back in the day, just after Cliff & the Shads used one in 'On The Beach' from Summer Holiday. That one was fitted with the special set of 'Octave Down' strings as used by Hank & was essentially a bass 12 string Fender VI equivalent(!!!!). I can say that mine is better made, witha MUCH better bridge with 12 intonatable saddles (the original had an angled bar), has a great action and the TriSonics are a different flavour & hold their own. I wouldn't have too much of a problem with a Bison Bass, although I'd actually prefer a Club Marquee bass - do they do a V? G.
  16. I had a 375 & thought the pups were pretty d*mn good. G.
  17. I bought a lot of 3xpackets of 5er Hartke strings from Ebay - in all three packs the B was pretty dead. G.
  18. Yup, you're right - geriatric moment (again!!!). G.
  19. That poster's handle is 'Agedhorse' (it's worthwhile going onto Talkbass & searching for his posts if you have a GB of any flavour) & he's the Development Director for Genz Benz. I've PM'd him direct about my 6 & received very reasonable & educational replies, as he designed most of it! The 6 has a hi-pass filter set around 50 Hz. Pushing the 'Bass Boost' button doesn't actually give a bass boost - the used that title for the button as it was reckoned that's what most (American) people would understand(!) - it (amongst a few other things) drops the Hi-Pass to 37Hz. You still need to turn up the Bass control, but setting the mids to about 180Hz & giving a mild boost changes things too. G.
  20. [quote name='JamieHoward94' post='973417' date='Oct 1 2010, 01:21 AM']I was just wondering basically where I have an ashdown 4 x 10 all in one, it is connected from the built in head to the cab through a 1/4 inch jack, me and the guitarist where talking and we was saying about where we are gigging alot now I will need back up gear basically a back up head, would I be able to connect a little giant 500w into my speakers just for back up ? Also what are the little giant 500w like ? I have read a few reviews just want other peoples opinions on them Thank you Jamie[/quote] I have an Ashdown 4 x 10 all in one. It is connected from the built in head to the cab through a 1/4 inch jack. The guitarist and I were considering that we are gigging a lot now, so I will need a back up head. Would I be able to connect a Little Giant 500w into my speakers just for back up? Also what are the Little Giant 500w like ? I have read a few reviews and just want other people's opinions on them Thank you Jamie
  21. You can download Audacity & the codec package that allows you to *export* as MPEG. The pitch shifter & the tempo changer are easy to use. To convert Youtube to MP3 download FreeStudio. [url="http://audacity.sourceforge.net/"]http://audacity.sourceforge.net/[/url] [url="http://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/faq?s=install&item=lame-mp3"]http://audacity.sourceforge.net/help/faq?s...p;item=lame-mp3[/url] [url="http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/"]http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/[/url] G.
  22. The one that suits you best. Twee answer, but true. I have a Westone Thunder IIIb that'll go in the coffin with me. G.
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