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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. I make my fingers fatter by beating them with a hammer. I find steel hammers give me a better tone than cast iron, but the best of the lot is the tone given to my fingers by beating them with a rubber-covered mallet. G.
  2. 'Link' ports are almost invariably wired in parallel. DO NOT DO THIS. You will release the Magic Smoke if you do! Geoff
  3. Fender speaker still available, postage only: 1st class, signed-for £8.96 G.
  4. I have these three 10" speakers........ [[Gone:Two are H|H and came out of my Laney VC30 2x10.]] I have no idea which model they are or their rating, but as the amp is 30W clean, I'd guess they'd be 30W each, but no guarantees. Maybe some Googling might reveal something here. The other came out of my Fender Champion DSP practice amp which is rated 30W, so I assume this is the same - no markings, but packaging mentioned 'Fender Special Design' which often means a Chinese-built Jensen. All in boxes, and dispatched for cost of postage - or may be uplifted from Loughborough. G. p.s. I *think* (but not 100% sure) that the Laney speakers are 16 Ohms each (as they were 8 Ohms as a 2x10 cab) >>>> GONE The Jensen is *probably* 8 Ohms. >>>>> Still available G.
  5. OK, so I'm 63, have 5 stents in my heart, am diabetic, sarcoid & have back problems. I have just replaced my UK redface MAG400 with a GB Shuttle 6, and, LET ME TELL YOU, I'm not complaining in the slightest. I have a smallish cab with an Emminence 3015 in it which gives me plenty of lightweight power for small/medium gigs and a bigger 1x15 cab on big casters which I can add for bigger gigs - heavy, but easily moved. The small cab/Shuttle combo means I can put the amp in my bass gig-bag over my shoulder & carry the cab in my hand. SOOOOOOO much better for me than the other weighty gear. Tone? Bags of it!! I never had a problem liking the tone from either the Ashdown or the GB. I get a lot of my tone from the bass pre-amp anyway. Audience doesn't much care about what they hear anyway, providing they can either dance along, sing along or still be heard nattering over their pints. May be parting with the MAG soon. We'll see. G.
  6. Have your hearing checked................ G.
  7. I've had three P basses (honest, I've tried!!) and just don't like the sound. Don't ask - don't know. Just can't get on with it. G.
  8. Heat gun, sandpaper & elbow grease. Nothing else works on poly. G.
  9. That's 'cos he doesn't actually play it much......................... G.
  10. Theoretically you ought to get 150W, but I've found that this varies in practice and with the cab. Sometimes it seems like 1/2 & sometimes it feels like 2/3. I have a MAG400 (UK Built) which does 485W into 4 Ohms and it feels pretty much like 300 into 8. The figures would say half, tho'. G.
  11. Yes, I don't much like them either - I have a Thunder IIIb unlined fretless that'll probably go into the coffin with me....... The Richwood may be returned within 7 days (at your own expense) so you could try & if you didn't like... Trouble is, it'd probably need a proper setup which you probably couldn't get done within the 7 days. You could spot promise though. Say hello to Paisley for me - I lived there for 25 years. G.
  12. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-/280550000694?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-ELECTRIC-BASS...ents_Guitars_CV[/url] G.
  13. On the other hand: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICHWOOD-RBB-ELECTRIC-FRETLESS-BASS-4-STRING-SUNBURST-/360291986950?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RICHWOOD-RBB-ELECTRI...ents_Guitars_CV[/url] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-VJ96MRJP-Fretless-Bass-Guitar-Relicd-Sunburst-/300457089162?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-VJ96MRJP-Fre...ents_Guitars_CV[/url] G.
  14. You could start with a Peavey TNT - loud, heavy, indistructable, cheap....... G.
  15. Cheapest unlined fretless you'll probably get would be a Westone Thunder, but it's hardly a Jazz...... G.
  16. Please note this is not a critique of standard v Badass bridges or anything else. It was a suggestion to help Marvin get a cheap fix for a slipping grub screw. G.
  17. MMmmm - nice one!! Hadn't heard of that before. (You have to join them with a drop of solder y'know!!) Once he's done it, let us know if it's worked. G.
  18. Tung Sol seem to have a good reputation at the moment. Myles Rose has a site (or two) that gives data on the current crop of valves & many other things & if you are getting into valves would be well worth perusing. [url="http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/index2.html"]http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/index2.html[/url] G.
  19. If it's only this bass & you are using otherwise the same chain, then it's possibly(!) a poor connetion or loose earth wire in the internals of the bass. You'd need to open up the control space & have a look at the wiring & see if there's anything either obviously loose or maybe a dull (dry) solder joint. If you don't feel competent to do this then you'll need to take it to a tech. Do you get any other noise from this bass? Humming? Buzzing? G.
  20. Just to say I picked up a (great) wheeled toolbox from the Jezza Lad & played this bass while I was there.....and loved it. If it had an extra string it'd be mine. Have a bump on me, Jezza!!! Geoff
  21. [quote name='XPAULUSX' post='929816' date='Aug 19 2010, 02:01 PM'][url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003JBJX7S/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=AG7YRL2T1YXMS"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003JBJ...m=AG7YRL2T1YXMS[/url] So this would do the job then? Why the minimum wattage by the way? Im just curious.[/quote] That one's probably overkill. 35W is about the minimum to get a good solder weld to the back of a pot which acts like a heat sink. I use 40W. 60W might actually cook your components. G.
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