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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. Compared to what's going on in 'Rude Gear Names?', I find absolutely nothing in the thread to cause locking. I'm mystified. G.
  2. Do any of the Sandbergs fall into that range? G.
  3. Axes'R'Us.co.uk do a 'G&B' 10K P pup at a reasonable price which I used on a project before...it was great, very punchy. Here, and about 11 or 12 down..... [url="http://www.axesrus.com/AxeBassPup.html"]http://www.axesrus.com/AxeBassPup.html[/url] G.
  4. The only thing I've read about the Tokai T-Bird is that the neck isn't set into the body as far as the Gibson original, or the Epi. This adds a little to the inherent neck-dive property of the genre and some find playing the bottom notes a bit of a stretch. If you do a search for 'Thunderbird' in Talkbass, you'll find a couple of mentions on this. Beyond that, the consensus seems to be that it's better then the Epi (and many say that the new ones - especially the Pro Series - are very, very good) and maybe not quite as good as a *good* Gibson (if you can find one). YMMV. G.
  5. I got some plain black cloth off Ebay recently for my Fender Studio 85. Looks great. G.
  6. [quote name='dougie' post='890005' date='Jul 9 2010, 12:01 AM']Clearing out my junk room and will be lobbing out loads of surplus parts ive salvaged from machines ive rebuilt/scrapped loads of memory ddr/ddr2.various hard drives(from 40-160gb ide),graphic cards(agp),dvd writers,cpu`s(mostly skt 775 p4),few mobos(775 and older 748 p4),psu`s etc etc.....pm if anyone can use any of it.[/quote] I'd be interested in the DVD writers & the larger Hard Drives.......? G.
  7. Axes'R'Us have a G&B 10K P pup which I've used before. It's not too expensive and has a pretty decent amount of grunt. I bought a pair for this: which ended up looking like: Find here & scroll down a bit: [url="http://www.axesrus.com/AxeBassPup.html"]http://www.axesrus.com/AxeBassPup.html[/url] G.
  8. Since you are keeping the string-spacing narrow, I might suggest you consider the pair of Joe Barden pups I have for sale here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=90113"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=90113[/url] I had them on my Hohner B Bass V and since they are twin-rails, there was no problem with the string spacing. These are top-quality pups wound to reproduce the original sound of the Jazz bass. Boxed PM me if you are interested. Geoff
  9. [quote name='carlsim' post='889416' date='Jul 8 2010, 12:22 PM']Hi all... my current setup is a Tecamp S210 4 ohm cab powered by a Genz Benz Shuttle 6... (375watts in 8 ohms, 600 watts in 4 ohms...) I would like to add another cab for depth to the sound for bigger gigs... how much of a loss of power would i experience if i rewired my cab from parallel (2 x 8 ohm speakers = 4ohms) to series (2 x 8 ohm speakers = 16 ohms) and then i can add another 8 ohm cab to run at around 5.3 ohms when necessary... 1 - Will the GB Shuttle power a 16 ohm cab??? [b]Of course it will.[/b] 2 - How much power loss will i notice going from a 4 ohm to a 16 ohm cab??? [b]That depends on how loud you need to be. At medium volumes in a medium room you'll turn up the master to compensate. At full volume you probably will miss a little, or you'll have a bit less headroom.[/b] 3 - Has anyone found any other solutions being in a similar position??? I really like the cab and would love an 8 ohm version... ( I have it up for trade at the moment with no luck...) [b]Why not leave your leave your 4x10 as is & get a 16 Ohm 15"? This will let you run at 3.2 Ohms (I think - someone check that for me) and I doubt that that would affect the amp very much unless you have it fully open the whole time. Of course, the 4 Ohm cab will get a lot more power then the 16 Ohm. There may be a volume imbalance noticable until you turn it up quite loud. It may be worthwhile seeing if you can borrow a 16 Ohm cab & giving it a try before trying to muck around your 4x10. You can't rewire a 4x10 to 8 Ohms anyway, if they are all 8 Ohm drivers.[/b] 4 - How difficult is it going to be to get in the back of the cab to do what needs to be done??? [b]Depends if the speaker drivers are front or back loaded. Back panel for back-loaded speakers is easier, but you have to be careful re-sealing it afterward. [/b] Any info would be muchly appreciated! Cheers![/quote]
  10. Fit & glue some snug plugs & redrill? The flange on top of the bush will hide the edge of the plug. G.
  11. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='889401' date='Jul 8 2010, 12:01 PM']ooh-errr, Peavey say 4ohms should be minimum load for their Tour series heads. I asked in the Hartke subforum about how to rewire the 410 cab as a 4ohm to get the max push out of the amp and was told it could not be done.[/quote] fair enough, if the manual says that 4 Ohms is the optimum, then you already have the ideal setup in 2x8Ohm cabs. A lot of Peavey amps will go to 2 Ohms, however. G.
  12. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='888648' date='Jul 7 2010, 04:54 PM']Peavey Tour 450 head & 2 hartke cabs: Does it make any difference if I wire each cab from the two separate outputs on the amp, or daisy chain them from amp to cab1, then cab1 to cab 2? Is there a best method?[/quote] No, it doesn't matter. Assuming your cabs are 8 Ohms, both ways will result in a load of 4 Ohms. Most peavey amps seem to be OK down to 2 Ohms (most Peavey cabs are 4 Ohms). G.
  13. I had been playing guitar in rock groups & bands since 1959 and, as child #1 was on his way would soon give up as we were out 3 times per week and had been for about 8 years non-stop - in fact it was difficult to organise a holiday! I was using a beautiful Antoria (Ibanez) Les Paul Black Beauty with an ebony fretboard inlaid with the Tree of Life & had Super 70 pickups - a real cracker, which I stupidly let go for Not Very Much when the babies came along. I originally paid about £135 for it. My amp at the time had been a 50W Marshall 2x12 combo which I changed to a compact Maine 2x12 & 65W head to be more portable as the Marshall weighed an absolute ton. I think the amp cost me just under £100 and the cab was about 85. Effects? What are those? Never took pics in those days, got almost nothing at all. G.
  14. This is a *lot* of bass for £50. I played more than a few Corts when I was in the Middle East and they are pretty decent. They made (make) a lot of big names' 2nd string models. Someone buy this - if it had 5 strings I would..... G.
  15. Be careful here!!! Very few cabs, to my knowledge, have standardised series wiring. If you take a cable from cab to cab you will, most likely, still be connecting in parallel. I remember once, a long time ago, seeing a Vox cab with 2 black plastic-nutted jacks marked "parallel" and one white-nutted socket marked "series", but apart from doing custom wiring, that's all. Geoff.
  16. I think the one you bought has an extended faceplate which fits neatly into a 19" rack. The standard item needs the addition of lugs. G.
  17. I read somewhere it might have been Keef Richards playing bass on that....... G.
  18. What do you mean by 'drop B' - do you mean BEAD? If you do, you couldn't tune the strings needed for that (effectively the bottom 4 strings of a 5 string set) back up to EADG - you'd ruin the neck. G.
  19. [quote name='Smash' post='883543' date='Jul 1 2010, 11:26 PM']Still the same problem tonight these SPB-3 are not for me, I am a big fan of Dimarzio pickups does anyone know what ones would emulate a USA Precision Pickup, thanks[/quote] have you considered swapping round the wiring to run them in parallel? This would reduce the output (but also change the tone). G.
  20. I'm posting a possible interest in this. I'm waiting to see if some gear I have for sale is going (or not). G.
  21. [quote name='4 Strings' post='882706' date='Jul 1 2010, 08:53 AM'](I realise when you say '3', you mean 3 O'Clock which is a hefty boost!)[/quote] Agreed, but this is what I've found works in practice. G.
  22. If I can suggest reading up here: [url="http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/"]http://www.guitaramplifierblueprinting.com/[/url] This resource was put together by Myles Rose who can be contacted directly here: [url="http://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/1351234/1"]http://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.p...opics/1351234/1[/url] He works with a lot of top musicians & has a particular interest in Dr Z Amps. I re-valved my Laney VC30 to his advice. I have a CV4004 (Military Spec Mullard ECC83) in my V1, a NOS Mullard ECC83 in V2 and a matched spec ECC81 in V3, along with 4 matched Groove Tubes EL84S in the power sockets. [url="http://www.tubedepot.com/12ax7.html"]http://www.tubedepot.com/12ax7.html[/url] The clean channel cranked is amazing when it starts to break up, but it's LOUD at that point (2x10+1x12) If you want a cleaner sound - more headroom than either an ECC83 or a 12AX7 will give you, try a 5751: [url="http://www.audioasylum.com/scripts/d.pl?audio/faq/joes-tubes.html"]http://www.audioasylum.com/scripts/d.pl?au...joes-tubes.html[/url] This is what Stevie Ray Vaughan liked in his V1. It has about 70% of the gain of a 12AX7/ECC83 (the 12AY7 and 12AU7 are a LOT less) and can give loads of headroom with the scrifice of a little total volume. [url="http://www.vacuumtubes.com/12ax7.html"]http://www.vacuumtubes.com/12ax7.html[/url] Obviously despite the above being guitar amps, the generalities apply completely to bass amps. Hope this helps. Geoff
  23. I have a UK-built MAG400 (Redface - 485W@4 Ohms) into 2x15 cabs. I'm assuming it's the same tone stack. I have found that the MAG set 'flat' (all tone knobs at 12 o'clock) doesn't carry much punch at all. I leave the bass at 12 o'clock, low Mids at 3, Mids at 3 o'clock, Hi mids at 9 o'clock (as is my wont) & treble at 3 o'clock. Run like this I have plenty of power & rarely need to go past 12 on the master volume. If I go back to flat, it all goes quiet........... Anyone else find this?
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