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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='879143' date='Jun 27 2010, 07:44 PM']yip I was going to comment on that in my original thread, he seemed really emotional. im sure the song was written about Pete when he left the band, or certainly inspired it. So I can imagine how he would feel singing it now....im pretty sure thats why he was so adamant he was doing it when he got told to come off stage[/quote] According to an interview/prog he did for (I think) Arena a few years ago, 'Days' was written for his father when he died. G.
  2. Bill Lawrence does humbucker-sized bass pups - twin rails. They are very good, but I can't remember the designation. G.
  3. The DR HiBeams on my ebony-fingerboarded fretless are about 2 years old now & sound great. G.
  4. [quote name='dlloyd' post='869544' date='Jun 16 2010, 10:50 PM']No.[/quote]
  5. I was going to ask if you're getting enough salt, but it's already been mentioned. G.
  6. Try & play an open string if it's possible in the context - it gives you an aural landmark. G.
  7. If this were local to me I'd have it in a minute, but Bristolium is a bit far from Luffbra. G.
  8. I have a Marshall EchoHead that I'm pretty pleased with - it does about 5 or 6 different things. G.
  9. You have ears, you have fingers, you have knobs(!!!!!) - go for it, Man!!!! G.
  10. Dear God, Man - what's happened to that bass???!!! G.
  11. [quote name='BB2000' post='871983' date='Jun 19 2010, 06:23 PM']I've owned the following lightweight amps - GB shuttle 6, EA micro 300, EA iamp500, AI Clarus, GB Neo-Pak, WW Ultra, RH450, MB LMK, SA450, LMII and F500. I'd be happy to have any of them again apart from the EA's. Having said that I spent this morning with an Ibanez P5110 (with the P500H head) and given the head price of £360, and the fact that it apparently has a 5 year warranty, I'd be tempted to go that route. The only thing the head doesn't have is an effects send/return, and if you overdrive the input it can produce a hell of a thud (phase reversal?), but soundwise it's fine. Tried the head through an EA MLine, and it sounds like a mix of a NeoPak and RH450, so no problems there.[/quote] Sounds good. G.
  12. Not so long ago tesco were doing Sennheiser HD435s at about £35, so I bought a pair & they're more than adequate. G.
  13. Thanks, Count! (1..2..3..4..5..6..7.............) What about the SWR Headlite? I know it's new (like the Promethean) bau has anyone played one? G.
  14. [quote name='gary mac' post='871505' date='Jun 19 2010, 09:04 AM']Anyone else having trouble getting on their website or is just me?[/quote] Try going into the 'Tools' or 'Options' of your browser & deleting all your cookies. Sometimes works. G.
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='870567' date='Jun 18 2010, 10:26 AM']Ampeg SVT and a really long lead, it never has to leave the house just turn it up.[/quote] G.
  16. [quote name='JTUK' post='870249' date='Jun 17 2010, 09:29 PM']Or...TC RH450..??all of which Gareth is well versed in and could tell you all about them. Cabs would be single 12" so GS112x 2...? I think you'd need to commit at least £1000 to get that rig with a bit of searching, second-hand...maybe you would not get the RH450 and the fancier Markbass F1/F500 though.[/quote] I don't think my stated budget of £450 would come anywhere near that.
  17. Maybe I should add that a lot of the time I'd be using my small 15" cab (lightweight) with the Eminence 3015 in it - hence 8 Ohms, which is why I'm looking at at least 500W through 4 Ohms, so I'll still get a decent bit of poke through 8. G.
  18. I'm keeping the cabs I've got, so it'd be approx £450 to buy the head. G.
  19. [quote name='Count Bassie' post='869574' date='Jun 16 2010, 11:30 PM']I must: Why are you replacing something you seem to like and trust? Why not just add to the ranks? Or get another of the same thing for backup? I'd be spending on a bass... you implied riff-raff could respond... [/quote] OK Riff-raff I'm 63. I have 5 stents in my heart. I have hip problems not to mention the arthritis. I can no longer lift/carry heavy items. The Ashdown is great but simply too big & heavy for me these days. So I want something lighter. OK? G.
  20. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='815943' date='Apr 23 2010, 11:11 AM']If we're down in Ilfracombe at that time, I'll toddle over. G.[/quote] I've got to be in Scotland on the 12th, so sadly, I won't be able to attend. G.
  21. I've got a lovely pair of Joe Bardens to go, if you like?
  22. Isn't a bass ukelele a tenor guitar? G.
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