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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. In that case, he once let me play it at The Old Volunteer Open Mic at Carlton, Nottingham. So I'm sad if it has deceased. And yes, I've seen better headstocks. G.
  2. Is that the Valenti once owned by Richardd if this parish? G.
  3. I'd have a word with Jon Shuker & see if he already has a template made up. G.
  4. Hi Guys! I have procured a preamp which came out of an Ibanez RoadGear RB500. It has 4 'snipped' wires and I need to know where they go. The BLACK coming from the Push/Pull switch (I'm assuming this is an Earth/Ground) The BROWN coming from the 2 position mini-switch. (I'm assuming this is Hot to Jack) The BLACK coming from the main circuit board. (I'm assuming this is another Earth/Ground) The BLUE next to the above Black. (I'm assuming this goes to the RING in the Jack & completes the Battery Circuit) If anyone has this pre in their Ibanez (Is it only in RBs?) I'd be much obliged if you'd have a look & help me out here. Ta. G.
  5. Surely it's not beyond the wit of some UK manufacturer to produce shims equivalent to StewMac's? And at a reasonable cost, too. G.
  6. Reminds me of an old 2x10 PA speaker. G.
  7. Up until quite recently I thought Daft Punk was a genre.... G.
  8. Fenders are famous for the A string buzz. Answer is to leave a longer wind and be sure to wind the string down the way instead of up. Or you could use a string tree. G.
  9. Nobody's mentioned Annie Lennox's version of 'Whiter Shade of Pale' yet..... G.
  10. Still there, Jezza? G.
  11. I used to have a Thunder III Mk2 (Soapbar p/ups) Unlined Fretless 4 - and it was one terrific bass. The Pre is odd but very effective. Active/passive with treble roll-off in passive plus a switch that put each pup in series/parallel. (I think there was 1 x P-Type and 1 x two spool humbucker in the soapbar shells). It was superbly built & put together. I let it go because I play 5s these days, but highly recommended none the less. G.
  12. Look at film from the 50's - everyone (pretty much) played thumb style. G.
  13. Don't forget Overwater & Jon Shuker!! G.
  14. Are your pickup(s) set up close to the strings? If so, turns the screws and lower them well away from the strings as this can affect the tuning - google 'stratitis'. G.
  15. Personally I've made more contacts via Jams and Open Mics - you have to demo that you can play. G.
  16. Why not try an external graphic EQ pedal? G.
  17. Good idea, I'll give it a go next week. G.
  18. OK I've checked those, but there doesn't seem to be a 35" option, unless the standard string is longer. However I note that these are mot recommended for through-body stringing, suggesting they are 34". G.
  19. I defo had one on my BB415 which I parted with last year, but I can't remember what strings were on it, although I suspect they might have been Fender 9050s. But I doubt they would be OK for 35". G.
  20. Should have said these are flatwound... Sorry! G.
  21. I'd like to try a single tapered B - say 130 - on my 35" scale, but am unsure which to get. The rest would be Overwater strings. Give me your suggestions, Gents. G.
  22. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all Forum Members! G.
  23. I had a Cirrus BXP 5 which probably had the nicest neck I've ever experienced. Unfortunately previous [s]dick[/s] owner reamed out the truss rod nut with an unsuitable tool (probably himself) and messed with the electronics so they 'weren't right' - bridge pup being much quieter then neck, no matter how I set it up. If all had been proper, I'd probably still have it. Construction was immaculate. G.
  24. Sounds like they need you more than you need them. G.
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