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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. Actually, a Hohner B VI with Norstrand Big Singles would work for you..................... G.
  2. [quote name='Faithless' post='722484' date='Jan 23 2010, 07:30 PM']My tutor has a sixer.. Ok sounding, but I want something with Jazz pups..[/quote] Ah - my 5er has Jazz pups - I didn't realise the 6er was different. Actually, it'd have to be, as J-style pups for a 6 would need to be custom, I think? G.
  3. There's a Hohner B Bass VI if you want close string spacing - I have a V - but in the long term you'll want to change the pickups & electronics. G.
  4. Absolutely terrible. So sorry for all concerned. Geoff
  5. When I left my last band, it ewas going into a hiatus due to some taking breaks, holidays etc., and conveniently, there were no gigs on the books. So, at the end of the last gig we had booked - and after doing most of the packing up - I announced to the rest of the band, collectively, that I reckoned they should start up the New Year with a new bassist. Seemed to work. G.
  6. I think BFM said recently, that you shouldn't be able to see the back of the speaker if you look through the port(?)!! G.
  7. If you're driving past Loughborough, I'll lend you one. G.
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='717546' date='Jan 19 2010, 10:23 AM']Cheers. I could do but im more after suggestions first. I dont want to end up putting something thats not really suitable in. Once i know what's what i can then put an add in.[/quote] AAaahh! Sorry - misunderstood the post - good luck. G.
  9. Put an ad in 'Wanted' here & see if anyone can offer you something decent at a reasonable price - and make them pay for it!!! G.
  10. That'll take a minute or two.......................... G.
  11. [size=6][font="Arial Black"]Never[/font][/size] leave the lead plugged in on [size=6][font="Arial Black"]anything[/font][/size] active. I learned the hard way too. G.
  12. At no point does the 'blurb' say *anything* about the bass. What he *does* dsay is that he has a factory in China that makes guitars & basses. So you think this an original, do you? G.
  13. Consider DiMarzio Model J's or the Ultrajazz model. G.
  14. Less than £10 if you can solder................ G.
  15. I have 3 5ers all with fairly narrow spacing as I have a pretty small hand. The narrowest is my Hohner B Bass V with modded electronics. I find this very easy to play. Peavey Cirrus V BXP has a very slightly wider neck but I still find it very nice to play and is currently my #1 bass. OLP Stingray 5 - very similar spacing to the B Bass, but a much deeper, clubbier neck. I don't find it quite as nice to play as I have trouble reaching round it. A slimmer (back to front) neck & I would love it. G.
  16. If you need any proof, Joe Pass is (I believe) a lefty playing righty. (Mind you, it's rumoured he's an absolute %%$*&&* to work with!). G.
  17. You could also look at Crate Powerblock - 75W each side into 4 Ohms. I've got one - very versatile. G.
  18. [quote name='HoweDy' post='702021' date='Jan 5 2010, 07:41 PM']However i have got to the point where the pick ups have lost most of there tone and there is a dodgey bend in the neck. cheers Carl[/quote] Now, to the best of my knowledge, pickups don't lose their tone - there's usually a connection or pot problem, or the strings need replaced. How long have your strings been on? Most times (but not all) necks can be straightened. So, either see the blokes mentioned above, or toddle down to Loughborough with it & I'll give it a look. I'm sure it can be vastly improved if not completely fixed. Better to have a backup than none. G.
  19. The legendary Running Horse in Nottingham has stopped doing the open mike nights and many of the blokes are turning up at the Thursday night session at the Old Volunteer instead. G.
  20. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='703356' date='Jan 6 2010, 07:53 PM']+ Roger Waters - supportive playing makes Pink Floyd's songs sound great. Understated, and no-one [i]really[/i] wants to listen to that poppity poppity sh1t. - Jaco Pastorius - almost all of his music has bored me and not connected with me in any way.[/quote] I'm sure I read somewhere that Roger Waters didn't really like playing bass & David Gilmour actually laid down the basslines in the studio. Correct me if I'm wrong - I'm sure someone will............... G.
  21. Yeah, I've been following that the last week or so - amazing! G.
  22. I've got a very original fretless one of these, complete with original case, and it's a 'cold, dead fingers' case. Very peculiar pre-amp. Centre detente. Anti-clockwise boosts bass, clockwise boosts mids. Passive treble roll-off. Switch puts both pup individually parallel/series (although they both look like humbuckers, the neck is actually a P and the bridge is a side-by-side 2 coil humbucker); switch for active/passive; push/pull on Vol for in/out of phase. 18V electrics. Thru-neck. Beautifully made. Ebony fingerboard, no lines Currently, not for sale. G.
  23. A Gretsch bass is as cool as a very cool thing indeed!!! Actually, it is so cool you could put it in your Glenmorangie and call it an icecube!! G.
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