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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. Try swapping it for a European-built (NOS) ECC83 - & if it doesn't sound any better, leave it as it was. G.
  2. A couple of things here - if the string/scale length is too long, the note would be flat - not sharp. The fact that it's going sharp while holding down on the first fret would initially indicate to me that the nut is cut too high & the force necessary to hold the string down is pushing it sharp. You can have too high an action if the nut slot is too high. Check this. Hold the string down between the 2nd & 3rd frets. The string should be barely above the 1st fret - the distance of the proverbial cigarette paper. If it's much greater than that, your nut slots aren't cut low enough. If you feel compitent to do it & you have suitable files, then go ahead & do it yourself - if not get someone who's done it before as it's dead easy to overcut a nut. Also make sure the slot is cut running 'downhill' toward the pegs as this give the 'witness point' at the bridge-end of the nut, where it should be. Oh - and screw down the pickups while you're doing this - the other thing that can cause this is the magnetic pull on the strings pulling it sharp - google 'stratitis'. I have my nut(s) cut like that, my necks(s) have minimal relief & I have about 2mm at the 12th fret. Doesn't suit everyone, but I have a light touch & let the amp do the work. If I want a higher action, I lift the saddles, but everything else remains the same. Geoff
  3. You could consider getting an Ashdown Little Giant 1000 and powering 1x2x10 and the 15! G.
  4. [quote name='Sibob' post='686158' date='Dec 16 2009, 11:21 AM'][url="http://www.metasonix.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36"]http://www.metasonix.com/index.php?option=...=view&id=36[/url] Si[/quote] They wouldn't have just found a box of obscure old valves, would they? G.
  5. If I'm after something substantial & see it on Ebay, I try to get one relatively local to me so I can go & inspect & pay cash. I've only once turned something down. It was an Antoria Les Paul which the seller described as 'in good condition'. When I got there (60 miles round trip) it was obvious that the thing had been immersed in water for a significant amount of time & I refused it. He was peeved & said he'd come a long way & I agreed that he'd come almost as far as me. G.
  6. I've had a couple of 2nd chance offers sent to me. I PM'd them using the Ebay system to check & they both worked out fine. Just get in touch using the Ebay emails and double check. There was a scam in the Staes a while back (maybe still) of 3rd parties send '2nd chance offers', & they took the money & ran. G.
  7. I play both scales. I stumbled over the bottom notes to begin with, but I'm used to them now. G.
  8. Nice colour! The height between the string & the P pup is, visually, a bit high-looking. Is the G response the same with the J pup & P pup solo'd? Do you have an old set that'll fit it? If so stick on the G & see if it's the same. G.
  9. I'd love this, but wrong time. It's either this or a lightweight head. I need the head. G.
  10. Does it sound like that acoustically? Are they choking on upper frets? Have you tried (1) releasing the truss rod just a little & (2) trying changing the heights of the pickups on that side? I recently got an OLP with a pretty poor B string. A decent setup & new strings plus lifting the pickup on the bass end has made it into a real monster with an incredibly strong & clear B. So much so that my guitarist mate who plays bass in another band has grabbed it off me! G.
  11. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='683361' date='Dec 13 2009, 08:34 PM']"you're always fiddling about with me,why do'nt you play the other strings,you never give me compliments like you used to,always picking faults" sorry. [/quote] That's 'whinging' or 'whining' - mine do that all the time!!! G.
  12. I can't believe there's no-one on this forum who can't give me an opinion on this amp!!! Come on guys, I know there's some out there!! G.
  13. Choking above the 12th fret is often associated with a slight backbow. Try releasing the truss rod a touch. G.
  14. See: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=604268&highlight="]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.p...&highlight=[/url] Read to the bottom. G.
  15. It would suit me, Sir!!! However, outwith the budget. G.
  16. Would also work with a drummer & keyboards - must be someone around!!! G.
  17. Incredible! The words 'Repetitive Strain Injury' also spring to mind...................... G.
  18. I'm looking for a really small, lightweight head for practice & small gigs - not terribly loud. I'd be playing it through a smallish cab with a full-range Eminence 3015 (8 Ohm) full range. For my full rig I couple the aforesaid cab with a physically larger 250W 15" Celestion cab (8 Ohm), and my UK built MAG400 - more than adequate for what we do. I'd have in the region of £200 to spend, providing I sell my Crate Powerblock & the John East U-Retro I have in the drawer. My Ampeg Walkabout with a 12" Beyma 250W may also be added to this. Looking around, I find the amp in my price range which fits this bill is the Ashdown Little Giant 350. Using the Search Facility(!) I've seen that there are varying opinions of this, especially at lowish volumes. So, what are your experiences, if you've used it and, can anyone suggest an alternative at the same price point? I'm looking for lighter gear as I'm 63, with 5 stents in my heart & diabetes! Big stuff is no longer an option. Geoff
  19. Before you go recutting the bridge, check that the A string has enough wraps on the tuning post to force the string down on the nut to give a decent break angle. Fender-type necks & headstocks are notorious for the A string only just floating on top of the nut groove & giving poor/false notes. You probably want at least three full turns on the peg. I always leave a bit extra length when winding on an A to a Fender-type. Also, assuming that there *is* ample tension & break angle on the nut, check that the groove on the nut is properly cut clean and at a downward angle toward the tuners. I've had a couple of instruments where this made all the difference. G.
  20. +1 to the above. Personally I prefer my neck *almost* straight. I have about 0.5mm of relief at the 9th fret when holding down the 1st & end frets. G.
  21. ...............a bit far for me to commute..................... G.
  22. I was in a crap band till recently & the main reason I didn't leave earlier was that they had gigs on the books & I wouldn't leave them in the sh*t despite their flaws. The moment they had a reasonable period free 'I let them go'. G.
  23. Maybe not even a new nut - pretty much depends on the break angle. G.
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