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Everything posted by geoffbyrne

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='590639' date='Sep 5 2009, 02:01 PM']That can happen with four strings too.[/quote] Oh definitely, and if he'd had a 4 the outcome would have been no different. But when a guy pulls out a (slightly) exotic instrument you have certain expectations, don't you? G.
  2. I was at an open mike night last week & a bloke arrived witha a Yamaha bass case. Came his turn to go up & jam the bass for a couple of people - pulls out a Yammy 6 string - neck like an ironing board. 'Blimey - this is going to be good!!!' thought I! Well. I don't want to do the bloke down, but he really was a disappointment. The two artists did a 12 bar variant & BassPlayer was totally lost. Same in next number which was a proper 12 bar. Maybe he's really great at the stuff he plays, but maybe shouldn't be jamming. The Yammy sounded great by the way - through a Peavey TNT 150. G.
  3. [quote name='EntropicLqd' post='589960' date='Sep 4 2009, 05:58 PM']Bummer. I really should check this site while I'm at work. Ah well, it's probably gone to a better home as I almost never used the pre-amp in it anyway as I liked the passive sound a lot.[/quote] Lemmywinks might be parting with his in the medium term..... G.
  4. [quote name='JTUK' post='589437' date='Sep 4 2009, 10:02 AM']hmmm but he wants a 4x10... [/quote] He **THINKS** he wants a 4x10!!!!! G.
  5. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='589307' date='Sep 4 2009, 01:02 AM']Having replaced my pre in my B Bass V with a John East U-Retro, I have the original sitting in a box, if you would like it? G.[/quote] This pre has gone. No longer on offer 4/9/09. G.
  6. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='589611' date='Sep 4 2009, 01:00 PM']Have you any idea what the pickups and preamp are in the Hohner bitsa fretless i bought off you? They're being replaced by passives and a piezo bridge so i'm probably gonna give the whole lot away EDIT: Also what model was the body originally taken from? Ta[/quote] They were the originals, I believe. I certainly have no knowledge of the pre being changed, or even what it is. It is completely different from the pre in my Hohner B Bass V. The B has the guts of the pre in a small rectangular box held in a double battery box beside the 9V battery. If I remember correctly all the guts on the J are in the cavity. The pickups are essentially license-built EMG Selects. The body is a Hohner Professional JJ Bass, 2 piece in stained maple. It's entirely possible that it too was built by Cort in Korea. Geoff
  7. +100 for Axes R Us. I've been getting stuff from them for several years - often just a packet of screws. Always as advertised and always prompt. Once or twice I've ordered the wrong thing and they've swapped (with cash adjustment) with no problem. Geoff
  8. Amps are very much a personal choice, depending upon which sound you have in your head. As far as speakers/cabs are concerned, I'd add the Barefaced Big One to your list. G.
  9. [quote name='Brave Sir Robin' post='589308' date='Sep 4 2009, 01:12 AM']Interesting. I've got some cash aside and decided to upgrade my old trusted B-Bass IV's electronics (the weak point, although they are decent as is). I'm going for wizards and a Noll TCM3 PM B2026 Anyone actually tried EMGs in there? That's also an option, albeit expensive! The B-Bass is a great little thing.[/quote] Mine had EMG Selects which went to Ou7shined (I think) & he put them in something decent & really liked them(!). I managed to pick up a pair of Joe Barden Twin Rails from another Basschat member, and those, along with the John East have made the B V into a class act. G.
  10. [quote name='EntropicLqd' post='589111' date='Sep 3 2009, 09:00 PM']I played a Hohner Professional B Bass V (5 string) for years. It was a great bass (cost me about £350 new in the early 1990's (maybe 1992)) and I've got no plans to get rid of it anytime soon (although it's retired now because I bought a custom Shuker). Just for reference the serial number on mine is C100628. It has both active and passive pick-up modes although some active feedback at a gig fried the pre-amp. However, all of that probable isn't that much help to you as it's probably not the bass you have [/quote] Having replaced my pre in my B Bass V with a John East U-Retro, I have the original sitting in a box, if you would like it? G.
  11. As I said, I'm no expert - however, I read about something like this on another forum Turns out that the bottom edge of the plastic/bone saddle wasn't totally flat and wasn't conducting the vibes of that string through to the piezo underneath. The fix was to get a different saddle & sand it down (making sure it was parallel) to the right height. I read another problem which was caused by a bit of scurf under the piezo. I'd loosen the strings, lift up the saddle & have a gander. G.
  12. I use a Hohner B Bass 5 (modded) as it has a pretty narrow/thin neck for a 5er. They make a 6er, so it might be worth checking the dimensions on that. Unfortunately I have no idea where! G.
  13. I doubt if you'll find a replacement neck for the Grabber. What's wrong with the neck? Is it the fretless fingerboard you want to change & put frets back on it? A luthier could re-fret for you, or make a new fretted fretboard. G.
  14. Well, I suppose it depends what you mean by 'straighten'. Turning the truss rod nut clockwise will cause the headstock to bend backwards away from the body (backbow). Turning the truss rod nut anti-clockwise will cause the headstock to come up toward the body (bow). G.
  15. Could be the nut slot cut too low. Try slipping a little bit of paper between the nut & the string. If this works, you can build up the slot using baking soda & super glue (careful - it gets hot!!!) which sets pretty hard & can be re-cut. G.
  16. Sounds as though the saddle in the bridge isn't sitting securely on the piezo? I'm no expert on those things - maybe someone else is. G.
  17. [quote name='Bassassin' post='585517' date='Aug 31 2009, 12:46 AM']+1 to the man in the seasonal hat. Jon.[/quote] Cheeky Bu&&er!!!! G.
  18. Well, from China via Germany - some of that stuff is OK for the money. I think the 'sunburst' looks awful - maybe just me - the black looks OK. Neck looks pretty chunky. That's the problem with Ebay - can't try before buy. I'd hesitate to say 'Try it!' G.
  19. [quote name='Alien' post='585629' date='Aug 31 2009, 09:57 AM']And he was in Thin Lizzy for a while. That's all the cool any man needs. A[/quote] I didn't know that!!!!!!! Or maybe I've forgotten (I'm old )!! Any Youtube? G.
  20. The Hohner basses made by Cort in Korea are pretty d@*n good. G.
  21. I recently played through a Peavey TNT at an open mike night and was quite blown away by the tone & volume. G.
  22. [quote name='barnettiuk' post='575227' date='Aug 20 2009, 10:34 AM']Hello all. Anyone ever put heavier strings onto a lower cost bass (eg Squier) and had to take them off cos the neck wouldn't stand it? (I appreciate you'd probably have to adjust the truss rod) (Thinking of trying some flatwounds) cheers Ian[/quote] I've never come across a reasonable guitar/bass with a properly working truss-rod that couldn't be adjusted to the tension of flats. G.
  23. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='575317' date='Aug 20 2009, 11:34 AM']No 47 virgins for you then mate...[/quote] Damn!!!! Only 47? G.
  24. Crate Powerblock. Class 'D' (I think). 75W into 4 Ohms stereo. 150W into 8 Ohm bridged. Has Speaker sim for headphones. Actually intended for guitar, so front end breaks up a bit early for bass (IMO) so that's why I go in through the Line In via the MXR-80+ - much more headroom. Those are now discontinued - If I recall they were £299.99 when they came out. SoundControl sold them off at £50 when the were discontinued & I couldn't live without one at that price. There was a bass version on the books but it was never produced. I reckon Crate should re-jig them & bring out the bass version. Geoff.
  25. Why not take your powered, from Ebay, by a Plug your bass into a (or similar) and put it through the Line In. Up to 150W, low cost. That's what I'm doing, except my cab is an Ampeg Portabass 112 with a Beyma K200 12" 250W @ 8 Ohms. G.
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