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Everything posted by s_u_y_*

  1. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='35823' date='Jul 23 2007, 10:40 AM']If you bought this bass you wouldn't need to store it, I'm sure you wouldn't be able to put it down![/quote]
  2. I owned a Lixe XT for over a year and used it a lot in both live and studio applications. For what it is, it is great value for money. I used it as a amp modeller to go direct into the PA at gigs. And it did a great job. It is great as an educational tool. IMO it does give a very good approximation of the amps I was familar with. In the end, I sold it mainly because it was tiring dragging it along to gigs by public transport. But the only other negative (apart from a squeaky volume pedal which is quite common) is also a positive. If you're a tone freak and love to explore, you will love it as you have an entire world to explore tonally. I mean, you can even mix in your effected signal with a DI signal. That's the kind of level of control you have. But if you like things simple, you may find this overwhelming. It is easy to use, but with the masses of options have your fingertips you may feel it's all a bit of a waste if you don't use them.
  3. [quote name='ped' post='33848' date='Jul 18 2007, 08:59 PM']I don't think the idea of this forum is to post links to your own non bass related auctions [/quote] I use my Mac to record bass using Garageband...
  4. Bad FOH sounds is something I've become accustomed too, and it can be pot luck if you get a good or bad sound engineer. The thing is, I've also heard awful sounds because a musician decided he knew what was best and didn't go through FOH. If he was too loud, levels were impossible to balance. I personally take the view if the sound messes up, at least it wasn't my fault. I also use as little backline as possible to help the soundguy get a good FOH mix and also give him a flat EQ signal from my active DI. Your position on stage isn't right to judge what's best for the mix, and ultimately you have to place a lot of trust on your sound guy for better or worse. But hey, at least you could hear something. One gig, this soundguy forgot to turn us on. As a result, the bass and vocals were really low. From what I hear around the London circuit, he is known for forgetting to turn things on.
  5. s_u_y_*

    Single or Multi

    I recently made the turn from multi back to single. The main factor was really space. The main band I'm in now doesn't need a lot in terms of effects, so all I really needed was a bit of overdrive and chorus. Since I was taking public transport, it was becoming a bit hassle to carry my Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live around to gigs. I could have went for the Bass Floor Pod, but in the end decided to go for singles as I could choose what effect I needed to bring and save my poor back. TBH I do prefer multi-fxs. For live situations, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between a effect modeller and the real thing. Also, all the settings were stored digitally meaning I wouldn't have to remember all those settings or bother with writing on bits of tape. Ultimately, it boils down to your personal situation examining the pros and cons.
  6. Oooh... I'm sorely tempted. But I have so many basses at the mo I don't know where I'd store it!
  7. s_u_y_*

    South East Bash

  8. [quote name='Musky' post='33475' date='Jul 18 2007, 10:39 AM']Many of these basses have been advertised on London Gumtree for a while now, all from someone in Finchley. The seller has his phone number there, as well as the fact that they can be viewed at a guitar shop. The Precision - [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/44/8115444.html"]http://www.gumtree.com/london/44/8115444.html[/url] The 75 Strat he's 'selling' is from someone else though, also on Gumtree - [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/52/9703252.html"]http://www.gumtree.com/london/52/9703252.html[/url] . Different phone number. And the Modulus is being sold by someone in Ruislip - [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/14/8046614.html"]http://www.gumtree.com/london/14/8046614.html[/url] Steer well clear.[/quote] Yeah... some pratt stole my Gumtree listing and put it on an eBay one. It's a tricky one because you can tell if someone's duplicated another eBay listing, but the seller might have geniunely put it up on eBay because it wouldn't sell on Gumtree. Luckily for me, the daft so-and-so who stole my listing listed his eBay location as Scotland.
  9. Ah... glad to see I pulled on your heart strings there. You could make her project bass if you had a bit of cash ready to blow. That's what I did with mine.
  10. [quote name='neepheid' post='31872' date='Jul 14 2007, 06:45 PM']I'm far too sentimental to sell my first bass [/quote] Yeah mate... don't do it! It's great to pick up your first bass everynow and then. Makes me appreciate all the hard work I've put in and appreciate how lucky I am to have the instruments that I have. But anyways, this is a great value for money bass. The best in its price range IMHO.
  11. Very nice!
  12. I bought my EBS MBII because I was going abroad for a few gigs. As I wasn't carrying any backline, I wanted a solution if none was provided. I too am in love with mine. It is just so damn versitile! I use it as a practise headphone amp, to jam with another bassist through the same amp, as a DI at gigs, as my main preamp for my backline and as a DI for home recording. I love the small details, like the mute switch and battery life indicator. You can really tell that working musicians were involved at the core of the design. One thing I like about it, is its subtlety. The tube emulator isn't a full out blown ball crunching tone. More like a gentle soft clipping. The drive isn't great for that extrovert fuzz tone IMO, but great for warming up that low end. In the end you have a product which is user orientated and a natural feel to the tone. That suits me just fine! It is quite dear I must admit, and wish I could have found one second hand. But once you've really got to grips with it you'll see why. I should be bringing mine to the South East Bash, if anyone wants to have a proverbial bash at it.
  13. Wow... I thought I had seen some really bad bass face, that breaks down new boundaries for me!
  14. I am in utter shock that this bass is still here, and for that price too! Have a bump on me... as I said on the old BT, if I saw this in Jan I would have bitten your hand off.
  15. [quote name='bassboy115' post='29204' date='Jul 9 2007, 05:48 PM']What do u mean...i know they will atke money outta the gig but what do u mean all? dont u get paid with a promoter?...not saying that we have to get or anything i just thought you did[/quote] Different places, different rules. Majority of places, you just get a cut from the door after you get a certain number of people in. Some places charge you a "deposit fee" will you get back once you reach that magic number. (In my experience this is usually between 30-50). But my band have a strict no "pay-to-play" arrangement, and we tend to avoid these venues. Musicians Union believes it harms up and coming talent, and we agree. The question is, are you asking the right promotors. If you're getting "You have to do it through an agent", perhaps you're aiming slightly too high... especially if you're just starting out as an originals band. Simply, you have to pay your dues. My band has. We started out at the bottom of the ladder, and we've managed to get a few nice gigs through word of mouth with a handful of promotors who we are close with. So there's a good tip, find a promotor who likes you.
  16. Posted only... no definte location within UK. Smells fishy to me.
  17. Yes! I paid almost twice that for mine...
  18. [quote name='kjb' post='28441' date='Jul 7 2007, 10:29 PM']The Gallery in Camden are getting some Incase bags in, they should arrive end of next week, if anyones interested.[/quote] emm... how much they gonna charge for those badboys? Would they be the only stockists in the UK then? Even Europe perhaps?
  19. Yeah... with listings that say "Made in the USA", I'm always suspicious unless I see explictly it is an American Standard, etc. As far as I am concerned those who sell Highway 1 guitars and basses without explictly stating it, are scammers.
  20. [quote name='Dragonlord' post='26185' date='Jul 2 2007, 07:38 PM']Well, just measured it... It might just fit, or might not fit by a little. My bet is it doesn't fit, but I won't be surprised at all if it does. I would email Sadowsky and ask about it, they might have tried it or know someone who does exactly that (I bet you're not the first one to think of it!).[/quote] Thanks mate, I appreciate the effort. I did email them, but didn't receive a reply. It would be great if Mark Bass released a gig bag that would carry both a bass and the MB LMII, plus a few bits and bobs. emm... I might just email them about that. Failing that, if anyone has any other suggestions for a good gig bag that would accomodate a Mark Bass head, do tell!
  21. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='27950' date='Jul 6 2007, 03:39 PM']It'll be the strap locks then. ;-)[/quote] Elementary, my dear Watson.
  22. s_u_y_*

    Oh, God

    [quote name='Toasted' post='28164' date='Jul 7 2007, 12:52 AM']Yes, 1970. For sale at the Bass Gallery, last time I checked listed at 2200. I'm sure you could get it for less [/quote] Yes... I occasionally browse through the Gallery website and longing lust at some of those basses, especially some of those vintage ones. It's not good for keeping that GAS firming in control.
  23. Whoa... if I didn't have myself a MB LMII already, I'd be seriously GAS-ing after one of these! But the price tag is a bit of a shocker tho.
  24. Hey... I might as well join in! Squier Precision* - (Bought for £20 from a stoned guy as I started my venture into the world of bass. Poorly made, but I still love her and bought "enhancements". On loan to a friend starting bass) Fender MIM Precision - (The worse bass I have ever owned. The guy sold cheap, I know now why. You could fire arrows from the neck) Warwick Ash Corvette - (Really loved the look and sound of this bass. Light and a nice tonal spectrum. Issues with straplock and nut.) Hohner B2V - (Got given this bass. It was nice to play with the 5 string, but it was lacking in depth. Loved the compact headless design) Warwick Thumb NT* - (This is the nicest playing bass I've ever owned. The neck is a joy to play) Fender Precision '79 - (Relieved some GAS. The nicest sounding bass I have ever owned. But the neck needed a lot of work, and I didn't want to bother at the time. Regret selling it) Musicman Stingray 2EQ* Trans-era - (The most beautiful bass I've owned.) Fender CIJ Precision - (Me expressing regret selling my 79'. Nice, but just wasn't the same) Musicman Stingray 3EQ - (Thought I had caught the SR bug, but then this came along...) Fender US Jazz* - (With custom vintage pups, a great bass and is becoming quickly my favourite) Fender Precision '83* - (Me expressing regret selling my 79' again. In lovely condition tho.) * = Still have
  25. I got two of those extra wide Planet Waves ones.
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