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Everything posted by s_u_y_*

  1. Welcome! Tell us a bit more about yourself.
  2. Any guitarist who thinks that simply has self-esteem issues. Why else would you go of your way to try making someone else feel small? I just pity them for their problems and then ignore them. It is pretty sad though. If we take the "number of strings" argument, think about how many strings a piano has? Wow... I must be amazing to be able to play it.
  3. [quote name='lateralus462' post='336749' date='Nov 25 2008, 11:14 PM']I've had a look and I there are a couple of guys near me who teach - I have no Idea whether they're any good or not though. How do you find out whether a teacher is any good?[/quote] Think about what makes a good teacher in any subject. For me, key skills are the ability to communicate ideas with ease, patience and the ability to motivate and inspire. This is in addition to qualifications (i.e. Grade 8, degree, etc). Remember, great players does not mean great teachers. At uni, I had lecturers who were at the forefront of their respective scientific fields and were professors for many years and wrote fantastic books. They were [i]terrible[/i] "teachers".
  4. They aren't pay to play. We had a gig booked with them, but then cancelled as soon as we heard a band our drummer knows played there brought over 40 people and didn't see a penny. Also, they said their promise of industry people seemed to be false. I'm always weary when people offer 'showcase' gigs, and this experiences served nothing but to reinforce my opinion of them.
  5. [quote name='jamesf' post='335824' date='Nov 24 2008, 09:13 PM']This amp has a shiny white serial number sticker on the back!![/quote] Becoming a bit of a tradition, ain't it? Good luck with the sale.
  6. [quote name='vmaxblues' post='334258' date='Nov 22 2008, 09:29 AM']Lysdexia, there can't be a better bass guitar photographer in the galaxy, your pictures are breathtaking.... Publish a book, we'd all buy it![/quote] Believe me, I've tried hard enough!
  7. [quote name='bassaussie' post='334750' date='Nov 23 2008, 10:31 AM']My impression of the Wal market is this. Wal's are very good basses, and have a wonderful electronics package in them that can achieve a wide varieties of tones. However, the prices they are currently fetching has very little to do with their ability as an instrument, and more to do with American interest in them since Flea used one on BSSM and Justin Chancellor's use of them. ... and this adds to the desperation of people who simply have to sound like their idols.[/quote] +1. I love the Wals I've tried. The sheer tonal spectrum is amazing (if not a little daunting). But the "Justin Chancellor hero worship" effect is definately helping to hyperinflate the prices of these basses after talking to quite a number of Tool fans.
  8. [quote name='bremen' post='333192' date='Nov 20 2008, 03:37 PM']I'd never heard of this guy, where is he from? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKCwH3amLaU&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKCwH3amLaU...feature=related[/url][/quote] lol... that's quite funny. Quite an effort to make the sound match the visual.
  9. [quote name='mathewsanchez' post='332507' date='Nov 19 2008, 06:18 PM']Damn I want it. I love the mojo look and it sounds awesome. I think its a great price it's just I have no money at the moment, so all I can offer is a BUMP.[/quote] +1.
  10. [quote name='Galilee' post='324518' date='Nov 7 2008, 09:30 PM']Okay, a serious response. No, it's not a reliable form of stress relief for me. Sometimes, if it's going well, then it relieves stress. At other times, it makes me angry beyond words. I have been close to throwing £1,000 worth of bass guitar across the room many, many times.[/quote] Felt that way a few times. Personally, if I'm stressed I prefer to engage in some sort of group activity. Take my mind of it.
  11. [quote name='OldGit' post='321018' date='Nov 3 2008, 03:50 PM']Just remember that only one or possibly two people in the room will notice if you mess up little bits and pieces here and there whereas a large amount of the audience will appreciate you looking at them and smiling as if you are enjoying yourself ...[/quote] +1. Of course you should always strive to be perfect. But be comfortable with the fact you probably can't, so have fun and enjoy the ride.
  12. [quote name='Beedster' post='319205' date='Oct 31 2008, 05:05 PM']A rather interesting day, the taxman informed me that I've been on the wrong tax code for well over a year and owe him a few thousand quid, a state of affairs that has forced a rethink on several of my bass-related projects .[/quote] Hey man... feel your pain. My auntie's is in the same boat and her bill has double with interest and fines, although they only informed her after a few years. and in embroiled in a legal challenge that will bankrupt her, a retiree. Hope everything works out for you Chris.
  13. Did you contact Warwick directly? They might have been able to point you in the right direction.
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='314750' date='Oct 25 2008, 08:17 PM']Whereas someone who owns 57 bass guitars is NOT someone you want to piss off with an ill-considered "humorous" comment.[/quote] My thoughts exactly!
  15. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='311212' date='Oct 21 2008, 12:20 PM']Maybe that's why you get a lot of decent musicians in these bands?[/quote] I have seen the same. I personally put it down to these guys having a gig at least once a week! TBH, I wished I had got into playing music when I was a more regular churchgoer. I'd be a much better musician for sure. Like I said, regular gigs.... lol
  16. Glad to hear that you're alright. Scary stuff.
  17. [quote name='Protium' post='307441' date='Oct 15 2008, 10:31 PM']I have to have 3 winds of string on each peg :wacko:[/quote] Me too... 3-4 inches of excess string is the perfect for the amount of wind I find.
  18. [quote name='dangerboy' post='303541' date='Oct 10 2008, 08:25 AM']I have to admit that the thing I hate most about gigging is the people who don't realise we're all in it together - people who won't kitshare, don't talk to other bands, run over so we all end up late and the crowd have to go and get the last tube before the headliners play, don't watch each others' sets etc.[/quote] I always try to talk to the other bands... the gigs I enjoy most are the ones when the bands are both good and very friendly. It makes the whole experience much more pleasant. Also, I make a point of when I can to stay and watch the band's soundchecks and shows. I think it is a great opportunity to see live music FOR FREE! Found a few gems that way.
  19. Glad you're back mate.
  20. *gives an inquisitive look, then leaves*
  21. For the sake of adding to this nice resource of London Reshearsal places.. there's Livewire [url="http://www.livewirerehearsalstudios.com/"]http://www.livewirerehearsalstudios.com/[/url] in Streatham, next door to the ice rink. It's alright... large rooms with a sofa. I tend to use Unit 9 more mind you.
  22. [quote name='Protium' post='294963' date='Sep 29 2008, 10:39 PM']Zero watts DI box [/quote] lol... same here too. Onstage, I wouldn't feel comfortable with anything less than 150W as backline.
  23. A bit late I know... really enjoyed it guys. Thanks to everyone involved for doing such a great job, and thanks to WalMan for lifting me a lift back to the train station. Highlights for me were Bernie Goodfellow's Jazz which I think was owned by Mika's bassist, and johnnylager's Ashdown Lomenzo sig distortion pedal. Can't wait for the national!
  24. Here's my review of it here. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28057"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28057[/url]
  25. Okay... well 7 months ago, I posted this thread ( [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=15213&view=findpost&p=156415"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...st&p=156415[/url] ) asking about compact poweramps to accompany my EBS MicroBass II as I couldn't find one, and thought it would really help me as I take public transport to gigs. Andy (Alien) then offered to build one for me and a quite a few of you followed the progress in this thread ( [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20284"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20284[/url] ). Now after two gigs, I feel finally ready to give my verdict. Firstly here are some stats: 400W @ 4 ohms / 240W @ 8 ohms 220mmx180mmx55mm 1.6kg/3.5lbs Speakon speaker output Neutrix XLR/jack input First time this was run, it was done through an 8 ohm 4x10 cabinet. In order to be heard over a full band (drums, two guitars and keyboards), I was running the poweramp at max, with the preamp running at slightly more than half. Now I've always saw this poweramp to be for the typical gigging bassist around city via public transport, with the assumption those gigs would have PA support. But with the first gig I used this with, this wasn't possible. So I basically put everything to close to max going into my EBS Neo 110 and 112. The comments I heard was that the bass could be heard most of the time. But the second gig, (into a 4x10 Hartke cab) has PA support. I had to slightly turn down the poweramp as not to drown the stage. The soundguy said it only needed a slight boost. In terms of ease of transport, it fits very well in my rusksack with my preamp DI and my tuner along with my leads and at 1.6kg it won't break your back! The cooling system works very well. After 4 hours of being pushed, I could barely detect any heat. Also, it is less noisy than a lot of amps I've played in terms of fan noise volume. So im summary, if you need a complete standalone amp for a small to medium venue, you may be able to get away with it this but it isn't ideal. My idea was to have a complementary poweramp for preamp DIs (such as the EBS MicroBass II and the Tech 21 Sansamp) with PA support for the gigging bassist who travels via public transport and this fufills this need perfectly and would be happy to recommend it to anyone. If anyone wants a close up look, I'll be bringing it down to the SE Bass Bash on the 27th September.
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