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Everything posted by sellisnba

  1. Evening all I'm looking to change the connections on my guitar cable to angled jacks, just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some good quality and affordable kit. Thanks
  2. Pictures and a bit more info will help your sale.
  3. Felt the need to resurrect this post a bit. I had these strings on my bass for around 6 weeks, bearing in mind I alternate between two basses and always look after my strings. So I'm fine tuning today and the D string snaps for no reason, pretty poor in my eyes for expensive strings. I've mailed Eb let's see what they say. It's a shame really because they are nice strings to play.
  4. Thanks for the tip, I just wondered if the sound will distort the headphones? will it be any different to the headphone out on my mac? Forgive me I'm a complete noob when it comes to this sort of stuff.
  5. looking for help from Garageband experts please. I'm running GB through my macbook air with a usb 'Rocksmith" cable. The problem I'm having is when I play my bass the volume is very low. If I turn up the amp and volume settings on GB it just makes my headphones into a fuzzy farting mess. If I try to play without headphones you can barely hear anything through the macs speakers. I'm really struggling with this and I just wonder if having a proper audio interface will help. I'm planning to get a monitor at some point but at the moment I really need to be able to play through headphones when my little one is asleep. Please Help
  6. Just wondered how people battle the dreaded GAS. For some reason I've got it in my head that I want a squier CV 50s p bass. I don't need it, don't really have the room for it can't really justify it but I'm ready to pull the trigger on the thomann website. Very annoying and it doesn't help when the missus says it's fine!
  7. Im thinking of getting myself a macbook air,looking at the spec sheet there is no line in port. Just wondered if i can plug in my bass with a usb cable or would I need an audio interface. It's only for noodling on with headphones when my little one is asleep (can't wake the beast)
  8. I have a Fender hard case in excellent condition im looking to move on. Its . Been used to transport a bass once, its then spent most of the time under the bed. Its now surplus to requirements. Apologies for the link and stock photo but i have no means of getting a picture on the forum at the moment. https://www.gak.co.uk/en/fender-abs-molded-precision-bassjazz-bass-hard-case/112420?gclid=CPa9g9XSnc0CFY8y0wodbIkGAQ Looking for £50 collected from Exeter or £63 posted. Thanks for looking
  9. Anth sold me some tuners, as always it was a stressfree pleasant transaction. A big thumbs up from me. Cheers
  10. Thanks for all the advice. I fitted cobalt flats, no truss or intonation adjustment needed (went with a lighter gauge) and I'm one happy camper.
  11. Just wondered what people People's view of the American special range is. I may be in a position to buy a 2012 p bass locally used, it has a few bumps and scrapes but adds to its character. I currently have a 2012 Mim precision bass. Would it be a worthy upgrade over my existing bass or am I wasting my money. I've heard very mixed reviews on this range. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. Just put a set on my p bass, like other people have said initially the strings were a bit sticky but this soon went away. I went from 45/105 rotosound to 40/90 flats. I didn't need to adjust my bass at all and the new strings are a lot brighter. Another happy customer.
  13. Thanks for the replies guys, after having a think I'll probably not bother. It just seems silly to chop up my bass. It already has upgraded pickups in and does everything I need it to.
  14. It's a MIM fender, not the most valuable but very valuable to me.
  15. I've searched for this topic but with no results. I'm thinking about adding a jazz pickup to my p bass. I was just wondering if anyone had made this modification and what did they think? I'd be looking also to add the extra pot to the pickguard rather than a jack added to the body.
  16. They are steelrounds
  17. Thanks for all the replies, I've decided on a slightly lighter gauge set of chromes. They get good reviews and can be bright if needed. I'm going to bite the bullet and get a setup at the same time.
  18. Hi all, I'm thinking of changing to flat wound strings, I currently have rotosound strings on the bass. Great strings but I really can't get past the scratchy sound. My question is, if I stick to same string gauge will I have to get the bass setup at all. I'm thinking of giving Ernie ball cobalt flats a try, I've tried Fender flats but found the tension a bit high.
  19. I've got a couple of green day books that are now surplus to requirements as I no longer play guitar. Nimrod, American idiot. Free collected from Exeter or I'll find out how much to post.
  20. Hi all, I've decided to sell on my guitar. It's a squire se stratocaster. Black with rosewood fretboard. The guitar is very well put together, the fit and finish is very good. It's got a nice "aged" look to it. I'm not sure what year it is. It will come with a good quality gigbag and had new strings (10's) fitted recently. It might be of use to someone. £40 collected from Exeter. Please contact me for pics.
  21. Bumping this as I've started playing again.
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