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Everything posted by GuyR

  1. Here are a couple of mine, if we are on a CAR theme. Any excuse...... love the 66 btw.
  2. In my experience, his instruments are as good as a CS to play, but with a more realistic look and feel, particularly the neck. You are well qualified to give your opinion, so don't forget your NBD post. New CS are the same price as a decent refin original bought privately, so no contest for me. I have a Bravewood Strat still and although I have just bought a lovely '65, the Bravewood is going nowhere.
  3. Excellent choice, I would be surprised if you regret it. Very interested to know your thoughts when it arrives.
  4. The age related serial number is a nice touch
  5. This has been online for a few days. Amazed it hasn't gone. It's too similar to my Oly White 62 or it would be in my hands by now.
  6. They had a very good start with Cunetto, so no excuse really.
  7. The finishing on the back of the neck is my main issue with CS. The Bravewood looks and feels just like a pre cbs example. The CS looks like someone got busy with the belt sander, which I guess is not unadjacent to the truth. It amazes me that they can't do better. My light relic CS is ok though, just a little wear on the neck, but still looks completely contrived. Sadly, I was won over by the tarty good sparkle body, so overlooked the mediocre unconvincing neck finish. Still a delight to play. I just need to use it for 30 years and hope.
  8. Whichever colour, it is a bargain in comparison with Fender CS. Higher quality and more convincing finish at half the price.
  9. Apparently patience is a virtue. Lovely bass and very covetable!!
  10. Use it for gigs to save wear and tear to the valuable stuff.
  11. Fair point. None taken...😀
  12. He's doing better than me, and the vast majority of people denigrating his choice, if he has £22k to spare for a bass. Good luck to him/her.
  13. Some people give house room to the second series, best keep quiet about that
  14. I hope you mean a first series 1982 large fender logo jv Squier
  15. Then spend 30 years playing and handling as many examples as you can
  16. Buy The Fender Bass by JW Black. It will all become clear.
  17. I'm a buyer not a seller, but finally admitted to myself my Bravewood Jazz, built to my spec, was not the one for me. I added another two very nice basses - Pino Stingray and modified 62 Jazz, that I didn't pick up regularly and have turned the proceeds into a 65 Strat (heresy) As others have said, if you don't play it, if you have tried strings/setup changes, take the hit and buy something that will ultimately give more satisfaction and consequently, more value. Secondhand exotic basses can be bought for very attractive prices currently, so you should be able to buy something great without having to top up. Move on, you will feel better fo it.
  18. Thanks for replying. One of these days I might chance across it again. They are so easy to play. Mine had the original black tolex case, which I guess won't fit anything else.
  19. I sold a very early blue musicmaster to Andys in Denmark St in 1983. Had a deep gash in the bottom and headstock fag burn. Previously owned by Joe Brown, I think I got £80 PX against a jv squier I still have. It would be too small a world if one of yours.........
  20. Maybe I should have asked more than £5k for my ex-Pino stingray?
  21. No wonder my ex-Pino one sold so quick price at £5k
  22. It gives a brief but seemingly frank and contrite account of that and Clapton speaks candidly about the shame he has for his conduct. BB King's on stage tribute to Clapton as the "Most gracious man I have ever met" gives his assertion a level of credibility. Only Clapton knows the truth, but I'd give him the benefit of any doubt based on the interview.
  23. That was a great buy. Well done!!
  24. There are so many other areas of interest this applies to. The word "bass" could be substituted for so many others......
  25. If I have tried something in a shop and I like it enough to buy it, I will buy it there. I am happy to pay for the service I have received in trying the instrument in person. I always haggle and I always get some discount. If we continue to treat shops as a showroom for the Internet, our specialist retailers will continue to diminish in number, our high streets will continue to fill with charity shops and we will continue to pay higher taxes to compensate for the loss of jobs and business rates, while Jeff Bezos gets ever richer...... Sorry, I have gone on a bit of a rant there, definitely not a pop at you Dov65😀, It applies to most forms of retail.
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