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Everything posted by GuyR

  1. I had an original 62 jazz bass made fretless. New unlined unmarked board. Also had a large fender log jv Squier defretted in n the 80s. Kept the fingerboard and had the gaps filled with matching rosewood fillets so the lines disappeared. Both great basses. As long as you don't need to sell, who cares about the value?
  2. I am certain I really like Jazz basses, which is why I have "several". I am assuming you have more than one Precision. If not, please stop letting the side down.
  3. Sounds like something off the horror channel. What a chilling tale and warning to the rest of us.
  4. If it involves the acquisition of another bass, then what could possibly go wrong?
  5. Can't believe it took you so long.
  6. Just do it. - assuming it plays as good as it looks. "Gear abstinence challenge"? A chilling reminder of the tragic consequences of your significant other coming across your log in details.
  7. It's a market, like any other, with the price set by supply versus demand. Enough buyers have funds to pay for the very limited supply of genuine pre 1965 examples to keep prices strong. Prices seem to have dipped a little in the US, but the reduction in the value of sterling has kept them high here. (Just my perception based on online browsing) Perhaps when the current custodians sell to release funds for old age the increased supply will drive down prices. Will there even be demand in another 20 or 30 years? It won't be a source of concern for me. I'm a consumer. I just like cool old basses.
  8. What's not to love?
  9. Apologies to anyone who has seen these before. I do have some others.
  10. It has been put to good use, and is in good company, I can assure you Adam. 😀
  11. And bass players
  12. I had never heard this version. It’s different to the album track which has no guitar and a more ethereal type of sound. But it is lovely, thanks for posting 🙂
  13. Anything featuring Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen. A perfect example is "Jeg gik mig ud en sommerdag" from "the eternal traveller" It is my favourite passage of music featuring a bass. sadly, I can't post a link from this device
  14. How long did the repairer say it would take? It should take exactly the amount of time you were quoted when you handed the item over. If it is going to take longer, for instance, due to the need to order a specialist part, you should be kept informed, even if just a brief email or text. Two months without any communication? I think they are due a call!!!!
  15. Congratulations on a very sensible use of funds which would inevitably have been otherwise wasted. Enjoy!!
  16. Minging not blinging
  17. Further pair added since last family photo.
  18. O
  19. I can't believe you let your dog sit on the sofa. V cool looking bass. Good choice.
  20. How do you manage on only 4?
  21. There is a basic error in your policy.
  22. They do make "that" sound. The buyer has picked up my one from the gallery, so it's too late to change my mind!! If you're a precision player, I'm sure they are ideal. Mine was set up super-low, but no buzz whatsoever. I never touched the set up in the six years I had it, never needed to. I wish my vintage fenders were that quality. Good luck with your search.
  23. It's lovely, Steve, but I'm the seller, not the buyer!! Stingrays are just not me. I always end up picking up a jazz bass.
  24. Having sold nothing for the last 20 years, I have sold 3 basses at bass gallery in the last 12 months. All at very satisfactory prices. All within 3 weeks of consignment. ( deal pending on ex- Pino stingray). I haven't tried selling on BC before, but there do seem to be buyers if the price is sensible.
  25. Jazz with a precision neck. Necks are interchangeable. An already existing hybrid can be cheaper as it is not "proper". I bought a Mexican precision with a jap jazz neck and a Seymour Duncan pickup for £116 a couple of years ago. Sounds like the bass made with the leftover bits would suit you. Welcome! BTW😀
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