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Everything posted by GuyR

  1. Your threshold of disgust seems quite low. Buyer and sellers willingly conduct a transaction via a third party market-maker where the terms and conditions are plain in advance to all concerned. Absolutely disgraceful.
  2. I have always simply followed their advice on pricing. They know their market and I don’t.
  3. I’ve sold five basses at the Gallery at prices between£270 and £5k. In my opinion, the net price after their very reasonable 15% commission was at least what I would have achieved selling privately as their reputation and coverage generates confidence, enhancing value. A constant stream of prominent London session players being exposed to your bass is not something you are going to generate from your home. I understand Pino Palladino tried out my defretted 62 Jazz bass. I doubt he would have messaged asking to drop by if I’d advertised it, even on these hallowed pages. One bass they sold for me, a 6 string Shergold, suffered a cracked scratchplate in transit to Italy. No worry for me. A serious ball ache for the Gallery, and no fault of theirs, they dealt with it at their own cost. All my basses have sold within a few weeks at most. @Roger Phillips, I don’t know what you would consider to be a reasonable commission rate, but to me, 15%, of which the government gets 20%, seems anything but downright disgusting.
  4. Lovely looking bass. Congratulations on a great purchase and enjoy it in good health. I don’t know any collector types who are seriously put off by minor replacements of consumable parts that have a limited life, like frets, pots, even tuners. Only one of my vintage Fenders is completely without repair/ replacement parts. To me, the only things that would deter me from a purchase are refin (unless indecently cheap), modification to the wood/structure-routing etc and most important of all, it has to be a great bass, or what’s the point of having it? As time goes by, the proportion of completely original basses, that are still fit for use, will reduce to tiny numbers. In 100 years, if there is still interest in such instruments, how many will have fully functional original electrics, even if they have been unused? Virtually none. Another perspective is that paying a significant premium for a fully original, without minor maintenance repair, bass is a worrying liability. Your bass has changed pots, if it needs new frets, you’re not making the first repair/replacement, so not carrying the loss supposedly associated with it, although as said earlier, I don’t actually know anyone who is put off by maintenance that prevents a bass becoming simply an ornament. Pots. Why would you care? Other than if they didn’t work.
  5. Not sure about the pickups and pencil date, but the tuners are 100% correct. Both of mine have the gap under, as do the original pre cbs basses they replicate. Your bass has a low serial number for a Squier logo bass. Must be just after the change over. I have a JB with a serial number 300 higher than yours and a large fender logo. No reason to believe your bass is other than original from the images.
  6. Beautifully expressed. Any assistant in a music store who thinks that trying to intimidate customers with their Mark King party-piece makes a sale more likely has no place in a service industry, nor some may say, unincarcerated. NB If actual Mark King has ever worked in a music shop, he gets an honourable exception.
  7. I could find house room for this, and because I have an almost identical example, certain parties need never notice……..
  8. Maybe circa £3500 with the stripped finish. Lovely looking bass.
  9. Lots of good suggestions, I often just don’t bother plugging in, or use an old zoom multi-fx. One point worth making, I’m sure many of us here suffer from tinnitus, mine was 100% caused by headphones. Go easy on the volume, particularly over extended periods. Once the damage is done, it is irreversible.
  10. Sorry to hear your very sad news. Depending on where you are in the UK, Bass Gallery Camden, Andy Baxter Leeds, ATB guitars Cheltenham would all be worth a visit. The value depends heavily on whether any changes or modifications have been made and that’s not reliably done by only sending photos. £5k ish if it’s original in good order is the ballpark, if it is in the standard sunburst finish. More if it is a different colour.
  11. Ruined
  12. Another for Hi Beams. They are the zingiest and they last for ages. I use them on all my basses
  13. If you buy a second hand bass, you should btw, spend £40 having it set up. Any local guitar/bass shop will be able to do this in house or recommend a local tech. Have it set up to be easy to play and your initial learning will not be unnecessarily impeded. Welcome and good luck!!
  14. Firstly, I’m very sorry to hear about your Dad. Re the bass, a friend of mine asked me to dispose of a black 6 string marathon bass for him about 4 years ago. I posted a thread here asking for advice and took it to a shop where they looked online and recommended £1200 as a sensible price based on what little evidence there was and it was sold. I received a number of messages of interest subsequently and I am confident a significantly higher price around £2000 might have been achievable. In the same situation again I would eBay it. I understand it is a very rare instrument, so make sure it gets full exposure to get the best price. Happy to forward the enquiries to you. Link to my thread from 2018
  15. As someone who suffers from w@nker intolerance, I have a similar reaction to that phrase
  16. They are all real. The basses both have provenances going back 25 years. The Strat doesn’t, but has been examined in detail by vintage dealers and found authentic. The white 62 Jazz was bought from Randy Hope-Taylor and saw use with Jeff Beck, a few changed components but original finish, the CAR 65 I bought around 2010, but subsequently found out that one of our own members @Kazan had been a former custodian. It was great to find out further detail about past owners and meet an interesting musician and gentleman into the bargain. As you can tell, I do like a worn finish. Too much at stake with an immaculate bass!!
  17. GuyR

    Why? oh Why?

    They could do a lot better in my opinion. I wouldn’t criticise other people’s choices but to me Fender CS relics are unconvincing, the necks usually being less authentic than the bodies, especially the belt sander effect.
  18. First time it sold in 2012, there were a number of his basses in the shop. I remember there being a Wal, an Ibanez I think, and a few others. It was priced at £2900, which was about £1000 or so over the going rate. Pino had owned it for about 20 years and it had been used only when his main bass was in for work, he couldn’t give any detail of particular gigs or sessions. When it next sold about 2 years or so ago, the gallery recommended asking £5000, based on their educated guess of what the market might bear. It didn’t sell for a couple of months, then they received an offer of £4250 which seems reasonable, maybe £1500 over the going rate. It is a very clean and original example, and plays as you would expect. I keep an eye on the gallery website, I’m pretty sure this is the only Pino Stingray they have had for sale.
  19. It’s very seldom you see a genuine non-sunburst slab 62 for sale. Last one I am aware of was the fiesta red one ATB sold quickly a few years ago asking £30k. Fair value for such a rarefied bass, if rules permit me to comment, and I have no doubt ATB will find a buyer if nobody here has sufficiently deep pockets/a sufficiently understanding wife. Pmjos, you are a gentleman of taste.
  20. I have bought a couple of very nice guitars there. If you post a decent description including weight and good photos it should sell, priced right. With something as expensive as a masterbuilt, I would leave it on consignment with one of the custom shop importers, like Peach or Coda. They will have the right buyers and should get a price that covers the commission, compared with a private sale. Or just keep it.🙂You can’t have too many nice guitars.
  21. Are you posting this because you have been back the Gallery to ask them to resolve the situation and they have refused to?
  22. No need. Just repeat it slowly and loudly in a cockney accent, like we do in France.
  23. It's not mine, buI think this deserves to be back at the top of the list..........
  24. Lovely looking and rare bass, sensibly priced.
  25. If I were looking for a fully handbuilt relic JB, I wouldn’t look any further than the Bravewood in the classifieds. If you don’t bond with it, it would be difficult to lose any significant money. I have had one, they are great. I have had CS - also very good, but the Bravewood felt more like an authentic original.
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