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Everything posted by GuyR

  1. It's certainly got the look of that era. I'm sure whoever wants it will appreciate the offer. As an update, I've plugged it in and it is in full working order, all pots crackle free. It sounded OK.
  2. I have been given what looks like a 70s No name Jazz type Bass by a friend who does house clearances. It’s fairly horrible. One of the tuners doesn’t work- spins on its shaft, but the neck is playable and overall it seems in ok condition. It is fully functioning, pickups and electrics all good. There is no case. On the basis it won’t immediately appear on gumtree/eBay, anyone who is able to collect it from either Barnet or Kentish Town is very welcome to it.
  3. That does look like a Status type neck. The back up recently sold, also a '79, was bought in the early 90s for use when his no1 was in for repair. Although it is a great bass, it didn't appear to have been used much. The bass in the video is not the backup.
  4. in common with every category of instrument, Vintage Fenders are not all created equal.
  5. Thankfully, we will now recognise it next time it is advertised for sale.
  6. Thank goodness they don't, otherwise the prices would be even more painful. And give me a worn looking bass every time. There are usually two reasons for a pre cbs Fender to be pristine; either it has a sad story, or it is a dog, of which there are plenty.
  7. That looks as good as any l series I have seen, and the price does not seem excessive, but I’m sure the condition would put me off using it. My crop of pre cbs basses and guitars never see the inside of a case, often being left randomly around the house. That 65 is too clean for serious action.
  8. Excellent work. You’re not that Mick Mason bloke, are you?
  9. A decent looking '64 Oly White, tort and white headstock Jazz at ATB currently. Been in stock for a while, I think on commission IIRC from my visit there. Possibly worth a look and perhaps open to offers.
  10. I have bought well from ATB and found them straightforward. I understand guitaravenue are reputable too, although that is not from personal experience. If you have confidence in your own judgement, Gardiner Houlgate have four auctions per year. I have also got excellent value there.
  11. I'm putting every available £ into used Sansamps. Seems you can get 10x your money back.
  12. I don't understand why you are still engaging in this person's game, @Prowla. In my opinion, you would be best served to put it in the hands of the police today.
  13. The first run JVs have some minor differences in detail - for instance on the Jazz bass, the Fender logo tortoise scratch plate has one fewer layers of ply than the later version. Not sure if the same is true for other tort plate JVs. I can't see any difference in fit and finish on my examples. The 84 is noticeably lighter than the Sen ash 82. I'm not sure what th body wood is on the 84 as it is Oly White. When I bought it I tried every JV Jazz in Denmark St. The one I bought was special, so unsurprisingly it is better than the 82. I have an 84 JV Strat which is also fabulous and extremely light. It so outshone the Fender logo 82 Strat I formerly had (which had a serial numbe about 100 away from my 82 Jazz and was an identical piece of wood) that I sold the early example. In my opinion, the pickups of JVs in general are the weak point. All mine are unchanged, but I don't think they quite do justice to the potential contained in he unamplifed tone.
  14. Shows you where the real value was........possibly still is?
  15. Many excellent points made in the full version of your post. With regard to the JV jazz basses, they were the first dot-neck versions produced by Fender since 1966, so for those looking for that specification, there was plenty of pent up demand for a vintage accurate reissue, which had never previously been produced by Fender. The Fender logo version was already trading at a Modest premium over the Squier logo when I bought mine in 1983. £220 used against £200 for a new one and £800 for an original 62. A number of Fender logo JVs sold at auction last week at up to £1488 including premium, which seems a lot when you can buy a CS relic privately for circa £2k. When JVs went over to Squier logo after 10000 units approx, it was obvious the more desirable originals would increase in value, but less so that the second version did, particularly with the large number made. I have one with a serial number around 75000 from 1984. In terms of what might be the next JV equivalent, I think the market is more flooded with excellent competing options than ever. The number of overlapping ranges offered by Fender makes it very hard to predict. Anything interesting with a short run - the Solid rosewood neck basses in pink and green produced last year would be my choice if speculating. Having said that, buy a bass you love to play and the value becomes irrelevant. I still have my JVs bought in 83, 84 and 89/90ish, so even if they had reduced in value, I have had an excellent return on them. I pick one up most days.
  16. King Crimson at the Hackney Empire a couple of years ago was quite impressive.
  17. All my vintage Fenders have been refretted at least once. If you don't get it done, it eventually ceases to be a musical instrument. It will also enhance the life of the fingerboard, which will be taking more wear from the strings with low frets. If you are concerned to keep the bass as original as possible, ask the luthier not to plane the fingerboard. I had my 66 Tele (rare 6 string short scale bass, didn't catch on) done recently by Bass gallery, using correct profile profile CS frets-retaining the divots between the frets. So much better when I got it back. No buzzing, no playing around worn areas.
  18. My 62 curved board has a smaller neck than my 64 and 65, which are both still similar to each other and narrow. The 62 is darker sounding, the 64 very zingy and modern, the 65 somewhere in between. To me, all early Jazzes are have their own individual character. I tried a wonderful 64 once with a very full feeling neck. It would be interesting to see how much variation there is between the measured profiles of vintage basses manufactured in the same month. It wouldn't surprise me to see a wide difference.
  19. I acquired a CS Jazz bass, Sei Jazz and a 65 Strat. CS moved on as the neck profile was too chunky, although the bass was otherwise magnificent
  20. It won't be the last one you buy, however nice it is.
  21. You'll probably win a preamp and a set of crap 45-105s
  22. If I lived in Bristol, I'd go to every one. From London, it's a bit of a mission. Have you bought anything there?
  23. I bought a lovely 66 Tele for £5500. Not player grade. A 62 slab Jazz bass, modified but very nice £1700. The '60 Esquire custom in the current catalogue was bought in the auction about 5 years ago for about £5800, the same auction where a Rick Turner Renaissance bass sold for £600. All including the commission. It depends on your definition of a bargain, but I invariably wish I'd taken more money with me. The auction where I bought my tele had a 56 esquire, body only refin, for £6k and a lovely body only refin slab 62 Jazz at £3720, which sold in the Gallery for around £7k a couple of weeks later.
  24. I have bought very well there, and seen a lot of excellent value for buyers. I have also seen plenty of buyers get carried away. Agreed, it is an enjoyable way to buy, if you are level headed and set limits.
  25. Sublime
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