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Everything posted by kendall

  1. When I got back into playing after quite a few years off. I picked up an Ibby GSR200 as I didn't want to spend much. I was amazed at the sounds and quality of an entry level instrument. On reflection, I wish I hadn't sold it. Nice and easy to play, good sound for a cheapy.
  2. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1423680432' post='2687910'] This month's issue has just arrived and it's possibly the worst one yet. The annual LBGS "preview" issue, with 7 pages of stuff we ALREADY KNOW, like "profiles" of players appearing this year, and (snorrrre.....) pages of manufacturers profiles too. This is stuff BGM have been banging on about since they announced the first guest months ago, a complete waste of paper. They have included more interviews but these are just expanded versions of the dismal "Bassically Speaking" section (which in itself now runs to 5 pages) and it's all THE SAME; "I don't/do slap because...", "I don't/do play 5/6/7/8/10/12 strings because..." GAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! Oh, and here's a handy hint for BGM's gear review photographers - when you take a picture of a guitar can we have an image where we can actually see what it looks like (preferably from the top) instead of pointing your camera down the bass from the bridge end (see this month's Jackson Dave Ellefson Kelly Bird review...) Time for a new format guys, seriously. It's really dreadful this month. [/quote] Agree. Picked it up in Smiths yesterday - a quick flick through and I put it back. The Alex Webster column is the only interesting thing in it. Another thing, my wife bought the Bass Guitar Bookazine (or what ever its called) for me as she thought I'd like it. It was very poor. Nothing of substance, and just a rehash of old BGM Mags - very lazy and expensive.
  3. Not a huge fan of these. But recently listened to Script for a Jesters Tear by Marillion.
  4. How does the neck feel compared to the Music Man you originally tried? I love the sound of the Stingray - but could not get on with the neck. Felt too chunky.
  5. [quote name='kendall' timestamp='1423566899' post='2686312'] Next Up: "Living as an angel in the place that I was born." [/quote]
  6. Next Up: "Living as an angel in the place that I was born."
  7. And pain and lies, so follow me, I'll hold you tight. The Great Pagoda of Fun - Donald Fagen
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1423381033' post='2684035'] PCB : Printed Circuit Board [/quote] Aha - so that's what it stood for! Thanks. Continually learning. Yeah the heat thing makes sense, it worked then cut out. Have so far hammered it for a few hours straight and all's still good. Cheers to all.
  9. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1423334749' post='2683709'] Was it a wire into a connector or straight into a pcb ? [/quote] Into the PCB (I think) the green plastic thingy right?
  10. Took amp out of cabinet this morning, pushed a few wires randomly, found one that was loose. Reconnected it - job's a goodun! Almost disappointed as have been looking at new amps........
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1422872903' post='2677660'] That's God's way of telling you that you need a better amp. It's also the reason I don't like combo's. When one part fails you can't use the other part. I'd take it to a tec, get it working, then replace it. [/quote] Thanks for the replies chaps. I've now got a good excuse to look for a new toy! Not a combo I hasten to add.
  12. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1422882823' post='2677815'] Damn quote function @Charic, you mean Alex Webster? Cannibal Corpse bassist? [/quote] I hope so..... Alex is a beast! His Blotted Science work is immense
  13. I always loved the tone that Jamie Stewart had on the Cult's Love album. Sanctuary, Rain, Hollow Man, Phoenix.
  14. Hi there I have a Laney combo which has worked fine for years. Lately its taken to just not making any sounds. If I leave it for 5 minutes, I switch it back on and all is good for a while. I use it most days for about 30 - 60 mins, and this happens randomly every couple of weeks. Any ideas?
  15. Well its nearly a year since I picked this bass up. I was noodling with it last night and reflecting on what a nice bit of kit it is for the price. I have changed the strings and that's it. It handles drop tuning (drop A) perfectly - strings not floppy, no buzz etc. Sounds are pretty good and with a tube screamer it's a bit of a beast. Amazing what you can get these days for next to nothing...... I think brand new they are only about £150 which is amazing.
  16. You could try these three: 1. Tesseract 2. Hawk Eyes 3. Dillinger Escape Plan.
  17. I have purchased a Bass from GAK before. I changed my mind on the model last minute. It wasn't a problem and the Bass turned up when expected, well packaged and in perfect condition. I would use again.
  18. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1400367909' post='2453318'] Tonight's gig was cancelled as the venue double booked, doubt we'll go back as apparently they got a bit arsey with the singer when he called about it. So instead, I've been trying to learn The Grudge by Tool, not an easy one. I think, though I'm not sure a delay pedal would help. [/quote] The Grudge - Yeah been there, still trying to nail it. It's a bit of a tinker to say the least! I keep reverting back to The Pot. So much fun to play!
  19. Screamager - good choice
  20. Credit Cards are the devils work. I have suffered at their hands. My fault entirely. Finally cleared the debts after a lot of pain. But I totally get the excitement of choosing and finally pressing "Buy". The anticipation of the new arrival. That feeling when it arrives is so exciting.....a few days later, you think, maybe a new strap, strings, pedal will help you get more out of your purchase. The excitement builds as you get ready to press "Buy" again. A few weeks later, the bill arrives, you make the minimum payment, and notice you still have some "available credit" left.....feeling pretty down about the bill and the debt, you decide to 'treat' yourself one more time.........and so the cycle continues until that 'available credit' is nil. The minimum payment is huge. Reality bites and you start to think about selling things to make payments. This time, when you sell something, it hardly dents the bill and you are left with nothing but interest payments and a debt that refuses to die.
  21. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1396431435' post='2413395'] If you don't 'need' a Stingray like sound then the Squier Active Deluxe Jazz (3 band EQ and a slap switch) comes in at under £300 new. [/quote] I have one of these. Awesome bit of kit for the money. The Slap Switch is kinda superfluous, but the 3 band eq has a great variety of tones and the neck is comfortable to play, even for someone like me with 'Hobbit Hands!'. I was a bit unsure about buying a Squier initially but I was blown away by the finish quality. A minor tweak on the action and fresh strings was all it needed to get it playing as I like. [url="http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/squier-deluxe-jazz-bass-iv-active-4-string-electric-guitar-in-black.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&gclid=CNiKm4Diw70CFanjwgodB1wAGg"]http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/squier-deluxe-jazz-bass-iv-active-4-string-electric-guitar-in-black.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&gclid=CNiKm4Diw70CFanjwgodB1wAGg[/url] I have the above but in a five string. It was bought as a back up, but gets used more than my Fender.
  22. [attachment=158536:IMG00729-20140325-1127.jpg] Here she is.
  23. Found myself in a junk shop this morning with Mrs K looking at odds and sods for the house, when I spotted a six string bass in the corner covered in dust. On closer inspection, it was a Shine Extreme bass. I had recently read a favourable review of these in BGM so decided to give it a try. I was quite taken with the feel of it and the sound was much better than I expected. It was tagged at £75, so after a bit of haggling I walked away with it for £55. A quick clean a polish and its pretty much immaculate. Frets perfect and bar a small scratch on the back the rest of it's spot on. Never really wanted a six string bass but couldn't resist once I'd had a go. The B string has an incredible thump to it. Oddly enough, it reminded me of an Ibanez SR I used to have a few years ago and regretted selling. Doing a spot of google, I've discovered that Shine make some the Ibanez models. All in all, a nice bass for the cash. Best Monday i've had in ages.
  24. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1394186775' post='2388805'] Jason Newstead's bass sound on the three Voivod albums after leaving Metallica. Excellent tone and more importantly, after his tenure in Metallica, you could actually hear his bass lines. [/quote] +1 to this
  25. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1394110456' post='2388002'] is it one of the strings vibrating on the frets BEHIND the point of fretting? You may be damping the unplayed string less if you are fretting 2 strings [/quote] We have a winner! A minor tweak on truss rod and all is good. Three days later and it's playing great. Thanks
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