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Everything posted by kendall

  1. Hi there - just wondering if someone can give me some ideas on how to resolve an issue I have with my bass. I have set up the bass, the neck is straight (slight bow) and all the strings are buzz free when I play individual notes on them up and down the neck. However, when I hold down the 10th fret on the G string and the 12th fret on the D string and play each note individualy, I am getting a buzz from somewhere. I have tried playing each note on its own and there is no issue. I've checked my technique etc. and yet it still has this rogue metallic buzz. I've checked the frets for uneveness and they are fine......I've tried raising the strings to higher than I prefer and yet it's still there.... I'm at a bit of a loss now.... Any thoughts gratefully received as I'm out of ideas.
  2. Been messing around with these lately.... Slipknot - Duality (deceptively difficult to get spot on.) Metallica - Call of Cthulu and To Live is To Die.
  3. Fascination Street - such a great bass line to play.... The Cure in Orange - is that the one where Simon rips the wig off Robert Smith and he's left with a crewcut? I remember Shake Dog Shake being pretty damn awesome on that vid......
  4. Thanks for the replies all. Glad its not just me that found the neck too chunky. They really do have a special sound to them. But that neck! I will try out a Sterling next chance I get.
  5. Saturday found me in a music shop in Liverpool and as it was raining, I decided to take some time out and try a bass I've never played before. A Musicman Stingray MIA was passed to me. First things first, it sounds immense, really liked to amount of tones I could get out of that one big pick up! Weight, balance etc were good also. Comfortable to play apart from.... The neck, it felt so chunky - it was a four string but I struggled with the thickness of the neck. I was also surprised to find a few sharp edges on the frets......especially as it was over £1,200. That said, maybe I would get used to a thicker neck, The neck on my 5string jazz is wide but slim enough for my small hands to cope with and after an initial fumble, me and the jazz get on nicely. I am really taken with the stingray sounds, but that neck is a bit of a downer for me..... Maybe I should try a few more variations of it..... What's everyone elses experiences of Stingray variations?
  6. Meshuggah, Dillinger? I'm interested. I'll check it out when I'm not in an open plan office!
  7. Behemoth - The Satanist.
  8. My favourite bass is my old Aria, new pups and some TLC over the last year or so and she sounds immense. I have always loved the slim neck and now that its got 27 years of wear on it, it feels super slick. I have a Fender 5 string Jazz that I enjoy playing and experimenting with, but for sheer joy, sounds and playability the old Aria is hard to beat.
  9. Clutch - Earth Rocker
  10. My playing is restricted to three types. 1. Aimless noodling and messing around with pedals. Usually Mon to Thurs (30 - 60 minutes post work comedown) 2. Learning songs or new techniques (weekend stuff) 3. Writing music usually from ideas created in number 1. (weekend stuff - tends to happen Sunday evening when wifey is watching countryfile or something like that) Now and again I go and jam with guitarist friends or share riffs over the internet. It's all about me time really. A nice way to zone out from lifes trials and tribulations.
  11. In no particular order: 1. Justin Chancellor 2. Cliff Burton 3. Glenn Hughes 4. Frank Bello 5. John Taylor 6. Tony Pettit 7, Simon Gallup 8. Tim Commerford 9. Steve Harris 10. Dick Lovgren
  12. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1386592609' post='2301810'] I'm in the same boat, as am getting a fuzz for Xmas. My choice in the end was the Malekko Diabolik [/quote] Well let's hope its a "Happy Fuzzmas" for us both"!
  13. I use a Line6 Backtrack without mic. there is one with a mic which may suit your needs. Easy to use and quality is not bad for a small piece of kit.
  14. Tarkin it is. Ordered and awaiting Christmas Day now....Thanks to all.
  15. Wow plenty to think about - i'm off to try a few out today. Along with the BassFuzz resource, I'll have plenty to options to keep my mind open. It's really for experimentation more than anything else. And as for guitarists complying - I'm my guitarist aswell, so I'll have to have a strong word with myself! Lol. Thanks for all the input - I'll let you know how I get on - then pass on the good news to Mrs K for my Xmas box.
  16. Bassfuzz - great resource - thanks! Must say - that Tarkin looks pretty nice! Cheers
  17. Gee thanks - never thought of using the search function! Already had, couldn't find any responses from my search. Thought I'd ask a simple question based on users experiences.
  18. Hi there. I am considering asking for a Fuzz Pedal for Xmas. Not after any tone in particular - more for experimentation. Don't want to spend more than a £100 really. Any Bass Chatters have some experience with Bass Fuzz that they can share? The type of music I play is metal/rock. Thanks
  19. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH2umxtA_sc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH2umxtA_sc[/url] Probably the best None Xmas Number 1 ever.
  20. Ended up buying the Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinkys, somehow - the price of the D'Addarios felt a bit too much! They feel ok, set up nice and easy and sound pretty good. Certainly an improvement on the Rotosounds. Have to see how long they last.
  21. Cheers Dom - I have been considering these as it happens. Going shopping tomorrow - let's see how they go!
  22. I broke my G String last night - ooh err! Now after reading all this, I have no idea what to replace my strings with........
  23. [list] [*]Anthrax - Among the Living [*]Sylosis - Monolith [/list]
  24. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1383818507' post='2269412'] Well, I've done it. To be honest I haven't taken it to the nth degree, but have reduced the clearance at the first fret by about half. I wasn't actually struggling down there before, but its definitely a bit slicker down at that end now. Just need to let everything settle down for a day or two and then tweak the intonation. To be more honest I did f*** up on the A string and took it too low, and ended up super-glueing a bit of plastic (a bit of the base from a CD Spindle pack) in and taking it down again. [/quote] When I overfiled a nut I used a mixture of superglue and baking soda, let it dry, refiled it and coloured it in with perm. marker pen. I did this over 18 months ago as a temporary repair and it's still going strong.
  25. Five string basses I always hated the feel of the wider fretboard - since i tried the jazz deluxe in a shop, I had to buy it and 18 months later it's hard to put down. Hate goats cheese still.
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