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Everything posted by kendall

  1. Hey - I feel your pain. I am in a similar position to you. I play Death/Tech metal and write my own music. Never managed to find anyone committed or even remotely interested. I ended up buying myself a guitar and learning to play the rhythm riffs myself. I think it helped expand my bass playing and gave me a new focus. My next step was a drum machine, which was less successful, but did bridge a gap I had. Happy enough now that I can make my own music in full. All I need is my DAW, my guitar, bass and drum machine.
  2. As a result of this thread, I have discovered Obscura and Beyond Creation. I have been blasted their latest two albums a lot over the last few weeks. Thanks to Graham and Alinbassplayer........
  3. I have always felt that I should like Mastodon, but despite desparately trying to find something in the last four albums, I've given up. Blood Mountain and before is where I am with them.
  4. Kylie Minogue - without Jason she lacks that special something.
  5. We have a winner. Much better than Scalextric!
  6. Best topic on here for a while......some really great info here. Sean Malone - wow!
  7. I have this bass in black but the five string model. Absolute cracker of a bass for the money. @NikNik loving the black hardware on yours.
  8. I love TheThe, Soul Mining remains one of favourite 'maudlin' albums. Dusk is another underrated classic of theirs.
  9. I prefer this cover to the original Sweet Child O Mine
  10. Total Elixirs convert here. All but one of my basses have them now. The non-elixir bass is using Blue Steels, which have done well, they just don't 'feel' as nice.
  11. Currently shaking a tail feather to Pig Destroyer - Head Cage. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=pig+destroyer+head+cage&&view=detail&mid=ED37B4401F1BA656CE41ED37B4401F1BA656CE41&&FORM=VRDGAR
  12. I couldn't agree more. I am a bit of Cliff Burton fan boy, but Jason was and always will be Metallica's de facto bassist.
  13. I subscribe to BGM. I particularly enjoy the hairy blokes/blokesses who make loud noises! My gripe is and always will be Jools Holland on the cover a few years back. A good compromise might to interview the Hairy Blokes/Blokesses who play on the Heavy Metal Cruise Ship festivals such as 70000 Tons of Metal......just a thought if Joel McIver is reading.
  14. Just taken delivery of a rather nice Darkglass B3K (with stickers and a pick!). Great comms, friendly & helpful. A great transaction. Thanks Simon.🤘
  15. More than likely Elixirs, I have them on all my basses. They've never got fuzzy.
  16. Ah the SR500. I've had mine for nearly 2 years, I rarely play anything else. It's a joy to play and the EQ allows such a great range of tweakery! and, as I mentioned in my NBD post a while ago Mrs K likes the fact that it matches our coffee table. A winner on all fronts! Enjoy!
  17. I have a Squier Jazz Bass Deluxe V. I've always liked it I find the neck comfortable and the sounds it can create pretty decent for the price. When I put some Elixir Strings on it a few months back, it really came alive for me. The tension was just that bit better on the B.
  18. I like the Foo Fighters more than I like their music.
  19. Just mentioned this to Mrs K, she reminded me that had had a habit of shouting "whoopah" at intervals throughout his songs. Yeah - I would love to have seen the expression on your face when you opened that door. 🤣
  20. Hey, I used to live in Woodley, near Reading and I'm sure I've seen this character at the Woodley Precinct near Waitrose. He used to bounce on his toes as he played, and exactly as you described, scare the living daylights out of OAPs, kids etc. I was always amazed that he expected someone to buy his CDs.
  21. Been enjoying this album all weekend.
  22. I have an old RBW200 in my office. Sounds great, weighs a ton! It has been gigged and a number of occasions and did a bloody good job I hasten to add.
  23. Double snap! Just noticed the picture on the pick guard - surely that's not stock!
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