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Everything posted by rumblefish

  1. Purchased Kiki Dee CD, marvellous transaction. Micky is a great person do business with .
  2. Bought a Bartolini PJ set from Tom, excellent basschat person. Barts now fitted to my fender fretless,best it has ever sounded!!!! fretless.jfif
  3. Excellent arrangement and a fine bass line from the legendary Herbie Flowers?
  4. Hi Mike In 2019 I dropped my D800 when it was in the Mesa travel bag and from that point the amp was faulty. Sent the amp to the service centre (Westside distribution) who sorted the problem but advised that the front controls needed to be protected. Bought a small flight case and amp still sounds great after a number of gigs. Regard Robin
  5. GEAR LIST: 1. @cetera - Charvel 3B, ESP Surveyor '87, Fender FSR PJ Precision, Hamer Impact, Italia Imola, Spector NS2, Spector Euro, Spector EuroX (Spectorbird), Spector Pulse II, Spector Dimension 4HP, Gallien Krueger 400RB & Legacy800 heads, GenzBenz Neox 2x12 cab 2. @TheGreek - All short scale this year - a @Jabba_the_gut scale 5er, Mini Ray, Short scale P bass 3. @Harlequin74 - Zoot Performer, Status Shark, Spector QV4 , Markbass TTE501 and Matching CAB. Maybe the Lehle Basswitch… 4. @Frank Blank - @Jabba_the_gut short scale fretted and fretless, JMJ Mustang, QSC K12.2, Grace Design Alix 5. @TrevorR - Mk 1 Wal, Wal Pro IIE, Aria SB700, Frankenjazz, pedals and MarkBass LMII & Traveler 2x10 6. @bnt - travelling light, probably a couple of pedals such as T-Rex Diva Drive, Orange KongPressor 7. @bass_dinger - 1999 Washburn XB500, 1994 Washburn XB500, Washburn XB925 in zebrawood, Washburn XB925 in bits, Boulder Creek 5 string (likely to be for sale, SWR Workingmans 12. 8. @greentext- 2008 Spector NS4-H2, 2015 Sandberg VS4, 2000 Trace Elliot T-Bass, my pedalboard and my tin of picks 😈 9. @prowla- Probably a couple of Rickenbackers and some interesting oddities. Amp-wise a Markbass EVO and a 1x12 (last year I bought some others to try and never switched them on, as the EVO sounded spot-on). 10. @SuperSeagull- Status S2, Feline P Bass, Modded Fender Lyte, Flea Jazz, MB Combo 11. @Merton - various short and medium scale ACGs, Zoots and Conway basses, Barefaced cabs, modern Trace Elliot amps 12. @MacDaddy Shuker (probably no3), Snapdragon Folding Bass, possibly a Rob Allen Mouse. 13. @neilp - matching pair of fretted and fretless 1980 Aria SB1000s, possibly my fretless Wal mk1, Ashdown ABM500/Ampeg 4x10, Tech 21 Bass Fly Rig 14. @NickD - Strunal Schonbach 5 String DB, and whatever else I can shoehorn in the car around it... hopefully a MD CMD121 H, Zoom B6, and maybe a Maruszczyk Jake and a Shuker Series 2. 15. @walman - converted Wal Pro, Zon Legacy Elite, Status S2, G&L L2500 fretless, McMillen 12Step & DSI MoPho, Two Notes Bass Revolt, Trondheim Audio SkarBassOne, BackBeat2 (and my BackBeat1 will probably be available for sale). Darkglass Microtubes500 and one of the Barefaced cabs. All depends how late I leave and what will fit in the new car 🚙 😁 16. @Smanth With my small, light, battery powered gear (mostly) ... IBBY-Ibanez GSRM25 5 str sub short scale, 'ELIMA - Kala California 5 str fretless ubass, QUINN- HB 5 Str Fretless, MOD Dwarf based pedalboard, Boss Dual Cube Bass LX. (Also some toys to sell) 17. @tauzero- the basses that @TheGreek made me buy (handmade 6-string headless, Pedulla 6 fretless), Roland GR-55, one or two Seis, anything else that occurs to me, Mrs Zero (probably) 18. @Stingray5 - EBMM Stingray 5, a trio of Tunes i.e. TWB-6, TWB-4z, SWV4-BB, Boss GT-6B, Eden EC180 combo. 19. @rumblefish- Reverend Rumblefish,GB basses,Mesa Walkabout amp,Vanderkley 112 MNT.
  6. I have played this jazz bass and it is an excellent example and is in great condition and looks the business in candy apple red.
  7. 1. MacDaddy - Custom Shukers / Rob Allen Mouse / Peavey Vypyr VIP III 2. Binky Bass - Binky 10 string, USA Conklin 8 string, ACG 9 string, 3 x ACG 6 strings, Reiver 7 string (geeeetar), GR Bass Dual 1400 & GR Bass AT410+, Helix LT, Pinegrove straps, Richter straps etc. 3. Cetera - Spector (USA NS2 & NS2X, Euro Classic, Euro LX (w/Haz),Euro 'Rachel Bolan', Pulse II ) Wal Mk1 'Geddy Lee', Fender FSR PJ with East pre, Hamer Impact, Pedulla Buzz 4 fretless and maybe Jackson TBird, GK400RB, GK Legacy 800 & Tech21 VT500 Heads, Genz Benz Neox212 cab. 4. Frank Blank - Jabba short scale fretted, ACG SS Recurve, Ibanez SRC6, QSC K12.2. 5. Merton - various ACGs, Zoots, Conway Instruments basses, Glockenklang Blue Rock, Barefaced Two10/One10 6. Eude - ACG Finn SC Classic 6 string, ACG RetroB 5, ACG TKO Modern 4, ACG ChubstRR Mikro 6 string, 2 X ACG Mule 4 strings (on loan from ACG), GK Legacy 500, 1 or 2 Barefaced One10 Cabs, Dod 250(r) modded with @Sibob 7. Stingray5 - MusicMan Stingray5, Tune TWB6, Tune SWV4-BB, Boss GT-6B, Eden EC15 combo OR Trace Elliot GP12SMX combo. 8. NancyJohnson - NS Design NXT5a EUB, Lull JAXT4, Darkglass A/O900, Darkglass 112 cab, Tech 21 dUg. 9. prowla: Obligatory Rickenbackers, a Warwick or two, maybe a Kramer aluminium necked bass, some pedals, Ampeg & Tech 21 preamps (subject to change), maybe the Minitaur & MIDI bass pedals. 10. Lozz196: US Precision, Ashdown ABM600 & Ashdown ABM PRO NEO 210s x2 Ampeg SCR-DI, Sansamp BDDI v2 11. Silverfoxnik: G&L SB1, BC Rich Eagle, Godin Shifter Classic 5, Sprackenbacker Ricky copy, Mesa Walkabout 15 combo, or Handbox R400 + Vanderkley 1156 MT. 12. Happy Jack: an assortment of weird 5h1t that I can guarantee nobody else will bring 13. WalMan (hopefully!): Wal, Status S1 & S2 & Zon Legacy Elite. One of the rigs (probably Mesa D800 & BF One10 or BBII as there's already One10's on the list) or Helix & Headrush. SkarBassOne pedal. May have an old case & 2U rack to sell/raffle 14. Steve Browning: Mesa TT-800 and Mesa Subway 1x15 cabs. SVL basses. Greco Pbass and Tokai Jazz. 15. OrangeFriday: Latest homebuild items - Tubular Bass and Basscape effects plus maybe Jellybean Bass (the one with a few LEDs in the neck) 16. BillyBass: Charvel Pro-Mod San Dimas V (J) and IV (reverse PJ) , Balaguer select series Goliath (HH), Tech21 GED 2112 pre amp, Barefaced Midget, maybe a super compact too. Not sure about which head yet. Jam pedals Lucy dreamer, Hamstead Subspace, Jam Pedals Ripply Fall. 17. Wolverinebass: Aside from bringing sideburns and sarcasm, not sure what I might bring. 18. Mudpup: Zon Sonus Std, Cort A4plus, Mesa Big Block 750, Mesa MPulse 600, Quilter BB800, Barefaced Big Baby cab 19. Simon C : G&L L2000 Tribute, Sire V7 Fretless, Ibanez EHB1000S Headless Shortscale. Various pedals (switch, tuner, Hypergravity compressor, Laney 85 Bass Octave, Bass Clone Chorus, Spectradrive) 20. Rumblefish: Reverend Rumblefish,Bernie Goodfellow bass, EBS HD 350,Vanderkley 112 MNT.
  8. The bass player who substituted for Carol at the last minute was in one of the first decent bands I ever played in during the mid 70s. He is a talented singer/guitarist and actually contacted me for some bass playing tips a couple of days before his performance. I thought he did an excellent job considering the circumstances and it was a great opportunity he could not pass up.
  9. This is a great price for this excellent power amp as I was looking for this very amp last week but the hire company had sold out so I bought a Matrix UKP 1300 power amp instead.
  10. My Mesa Boogie MPulse 600 had a problem with V2 where I replaced the valve with a Tung Sol valve only for it to fail twice. The outcome was that using only Mesa Boogie spec valves will operate correctly in the V2 cathode follower position. Trust you get you amp sorted OK. Regards Rumblefish
  11. Just purchased an Ampeg 250 Portabass amp from John. Excellent communication and Parcel Force succeeded in delivering the amp in one piece :0). So I am very happy to recommend John to one and all here on Basschat! Thx John
  12. IMHO the best amp to use with Bernie Goodfellow (GB) basses. My HD350 is SNo 262680.
  13. Anyone who owns a Bernie Goodfellow bass needs one of these to bring out the best in these basses IMHO.
  14. Just purchased a Bart pre amp from Mark,excellent person to deal with.
  15. That was my CN212 although I did send in a couple of postal votes on the day to make sure of victory :0)
  16. Anyone out there tried running 2 CN212s ,just asking for a friend ;0)
  17. After working on a video shoot for the band Dead Crow Road ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqdTRwFDmyY ) I decided to build a tea chest bass from those useful bits and pieces that you find down the shed. The tea chest bass comprises: 1960 pre CBS Brooke Bond tea chest, 2004 broomstick, Headstock sawn off of my 1958 Fender P Bass (NOOOOOOOOOO!!) :0) Construction Notes Using my P bass to obtain a template the headstock was cut out of a piece of wood with a jigsaw. A single schaller tuning key was fitted to the headstock . The headstock was then attached to the broomstick utilising a hanging rail from a wardrobe with some screws normally used to mount a mirror. Structural wooden support bars were added to the bottom of the tea chest A length of nylon strimmer wire was utilised as a string. Sounds great, just need to work on some form of transducer to amplify the bass.
  18. Hi Andrew Thx ,some interesting information regarding the fault on the 12AX7 with the MPulse 600. Regarding your your fault: " The fault was pretty fundamental as it was in the power supply relay cct which switches in after the valve heaters have come up. There is a capacitor after one of the voltage regulators in this section which is underrated on working voltage and failed and in doing so blew the regulator too." Last year whilst setting up for gig at the Half Moon Putney my M Pulse 600 had the same fault,luckily the bass player in the other band let me use his MB 400+. Now always bring a class D as a backup although I still love the sound of the MPulse.
  19. Great guy to do business with,sorry to hear about your injury.
  20. Lockdown blues... Give it a share for a bit of fun and stay safe everyone. With a big thank you to all of the people involved in the making of this video :0) - Rumblefish Had some great fun filming my contribution to the video with my GB Spitfire.
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  21. An interesting take on the 1973 classic Radar Love by those wonderful DCR chaps from down south in Hampshire. Enjoyed playing my P bass on this track which was put together by the Bass Doc and features a vintage p bass pickup by Eternal Guitars.
  22. Mike, great review of the amp:
  23. Pm sent.
  24. Purchased a comfort strap from Colin which arrived as described,excellent communication and swift service. Cheers.
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