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Everything posted by choob.squeemer

  1. PM'd - probably too late lol
  2. As it happens I have a 320 too which I was thinking about selling - so if you want two , seems we have them
  3. PM'd you
  4. I've heard that wee cab - its remarkable - actually its remarkably remarkable
  5. OK - I think Im gonna have to buy this - can you pm me the details please and I'll come down and get it next week - cheers mike
  6. Oh well tried to edit something - meant to say Monacos not Monzas have got a Monaco
  7. Ah. now that is very interesting 2 Monacos well I use a shuttle and a Monza but I keep putting my Vanderkley under them too , with the horn turned down . So do you have a switch for the bottom horn or does it sound fine with both horns , no phasing probs . Im in a reggae band so have to use a lot of bass boost - have been absolutely toying with the idea of getting another one but not sure I want the height with the horn so near my ears - decisions decisions . I have come from using 2 vanderkleys - to 1 Vanderkley and a Monza , which sounds superior - but the height is creeping up
  8. Ah. now that is very interesting 2 monzas well I use a shuttle and a Monza but I keep putting my Vanderkley under them too , with the horn turned down . So do you have a switch for the bottom horn or does it sound fine with both horns , no phasing probs . Im in a reggae band so have to use a lot of bass boost - have been absolutely toying with the idea of getting another one but not sure I want the height with the horn so near my ears - decisions decisions . I have come from using 2 vanderkleys - to 1 Vanderkley and a Monza , which sounds superior - but the height is creeping up
  9. Yes absolutely - love mine, clear as a bell - I sometimes put a Vanderkley 1x12 underneath it for bigger gigs cos I push the bass frequencies quite a bit for reggae - but it is the best cab I have heard - totally recommended
  10. Shame about the thread - hope the sacrifices in accuracy will still be workable in this precision winding exercise and that the pickups will indeed be repeatable - waiting on baited breath
  11. Finding this both riveting and hilarious by turns - can't wait for the next episode
  12. This is great - but I don't think I would want any Random stuff - cos if on the 29th go you wind the pickup that is utterly magnificent - hot - mellow - rounded - just perfect , well how do you duplicate it . I reckon with this much control you can experiment where you want the "scatter" winds - 3 layers then a scatter then 4 layers and 2 scatters ....... Might take a long time , but sooner or later you will arrive at a formula which you know will sound Brill - and make the pyramids rotate and Machu Pichu vibrate
  13. Thanks to sandy-r for putting those links in - very interesting - I had actually taken 3 amps down to last years bash cos I thought they were going to be doing it again - however that didn't happen hope thy do it at this years bash Heft - well it seems to be analog don't know if its something to do with chopping the wave up then re-assembling it in the class D lightweight stuff - I use a Genz Benz shuttle 9.2 - but I also use an old Markbass Slim Head - the last one they made before going lightweight class D it just has that HEFT - got a couple of old valve heads - even more HEFT - so dunno - I know it when its there
  14. Hmmm - check out the Clarke Hutchinson Band - crazy songs - great playing - pretty sure it was Stephen Amazing on bass - memory fails a bit , would it be Andy Clarke on keys , same as Upp - I saw Upp supporting Beck Bogart and Appeche in Top Rank Cardiff god knows what year - that was when I realised these guys were part or wholly the Clarke Hutchinson Band of the LP I had - amazing
  15. If its anything like their guitars it will be excellent
  16. I should say its one Stevies cabs from this forum LFSYS being his operation - and he certainly knows what he is doing
  17. Hi Stub - yes really pleased with the cab - its actually LFSYS (low frequency systems) Have been trying a few gigs on its own and a few with an extra cab under it because I use so much bass boost for reggae - have used it on its own for small gigs - but feel more comfortable with the extra cab for larger halls - plus our guitarist has just taken delivery of his new FRFR 200 watt rig - that's RMS !! so I need to keep the low end covered - but the beautiful clear clear sound of this cab ( Monaco ) is superb
  18. Ah - Mrs Screamer lol - I'll tell her you said that - that looks like her 18 as far as I can make out and that's me 10 I believe , behind Stevie - must say an excellent day - THE FOOD ------ now I understand why everyone was going on about it - well this was my first time - well done all the organisers - will try and get down for next year too
  19. OK - so I'm definitely coming avec la lady - who is bringing a book doesn't want to be left behind lol- bringing 3 amp heads - a power cable - don't really have any gear for the raffle - so it will have to be a bottle - see you all tomorrow - cheers
  20. Are you by any chance going to the South West Bass Bash in Taunton on the 8th and possibly taking this Corvette - just asking for a friend of course
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