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Everything posted by choob.squeemer

  1. May be interested in this - is the end of the neck designed to hold the ball ends of the string ? or is it a string lock mechanism for cut off strings
  2. Well - I saw the pop up last night when I entered the site - I did not click "got it" absolutely not - don't want it - don't want any tracking on me - very unhappy about this adverts all over the place - in the middle of the screen - between the written lines - totally unacceptable so then I'm no longer logged in - wtf - so does this mean that if I don't agree to their "got it" then there are consequences I am not a supporting member , but would be happy to become one if it meant getting rid of this nonsense if this is the way its going then I'm out - shame really like this site - the members are great - lots of interesting stuff to read have bought nice stuff here - but tracking me and filling the page up with ads NOOO
  3. Lovely- just lovely ! I have a similar age one too - also not epoxy - the only difference is the epoxy not the pre-amp . absolutely wonderful sounding bass
  4. They're great - I'm running two of them now
  5. Hmmmm - very interesting so you ended up with the Fender 8 x 10 cab I have a Genz Benz 8 x 10 Uber cab here in storage only just read this thread now , maybe you would like to have tried it maybe you would still like to try it - Im only down the road in Cardiff
  6. Haha yes - I already have one that I really like - been using it with a 2 x 10 but have been keeping weather eye out for another glad the gas is relieved
  7. Hmmm I had a quick look around online and came across a old picture of another one for sale it looked identical except for a big 16 where you have an 8 - also came across different ones made for Eden by Eminence £29.99 new at Gear for music - who I think own Eden now I had read that Eden and SWR had used the same speakers at certain times - but that a company called PAS made the early SWR ones - couldn't find anything about PAS
  8. HI Im interested in buying this
  9. Hi if you put a multimeter on the terminals set to ohms, then an 8 ohm speaker will show around 6 to 7 ohms a 4 ohm speaker will show around 3 ohms I doubt it is 16 ohms but if it is, it will show 14 to 15 ohms
  10. Hi is this still for sale ?
  11. Hi everyone - joined this site the other night when a good friend of mine [a bass player] was forcing me to drink a lot of whiskey wait a minute - it was my house ah yes - I was forcing him to drink a lot of whiskey . Well - Im in Cardiff - do a lot of gigging - usually play a very old stingray , which I found by good fortune , right place right time . Before that I was in aberystwyth playing guitar and my whiskey friend playing bass . Before that I was in France , where I played bass in one band guitar in another band and drums in a third band . As it happens it looks like Im gonna be doing a bit more drumming occasionally soon here too . I could never quite decide which I liked playing the most out of the three but well enjoying this bass stint at the moment - cheers
  12. hi - tried sending a pm the other day - is this still for sale?
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