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Everything posted by interpol52

  1. In an attempt to do something about my lack of David Bowie knowledge I have just purchased the Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust album. Lets see how it goes!
  2. If it gets people out and watching live music then fair enough.
  3. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1452862521' post='2954167'] That's a thread in it's own right... My life would have been greatly improved had I never heard a single note of the Gallagher brothers musical output [/quote] Imagine the arguments that thread would start!
  4. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1452860290' post='2954144'] Musical blind spots I wish I had [/quote] Now there is a can of worms!
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1452847315' post='2953960'] Ok. I've put a bit more thought into this. Maybe our biggest musicial influences happen between the ages of 11 and 25. [/quote] Good point, I've not thought about it like that before.
  6. Hello and welcome!
  7. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1452783596' post='2953481'] I don't know how David Bowie can have slipped under anyone's radar unless they were born in 1990. I mean I was born in 1969, I've heard loads of Beatles tunes but never bought anything or actively listened to them other to learn a tune. [/quote] I was born in 1975. I know exactly who David Bowie was (is? I don't know which to say and be respectful) and I know some of his songs. I meant that the majority of his music I don't know, like album tracks and those songs or performances that mean you feel you really know an artist. I haven't avoided his music, I don't dislike what I know of his songs. It's just that I have never dug deeper into his musical output for whatever reason. It might happen, maybe tonight I will listen and I will be hooked?! Who knows? I might have a go.
  8. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1452781410' post='2953439'] Musical blind spots, for me are areas of music that I've not been 'introduced' to, rather than genres or artists 'I don't get...' [/quote] Yep that's kind of what I meant. Acts that for whatever reason have slipped under your radar, no negative feeling whatsoever.
  9. I have 2. One with LaBella flats and the other with DR Sunbeams. It's pretty much all I need. Pretty much...
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452695539' post='2952517'] Same here. For years I wondered what all the fuss was about. Learnt a track from Nashville Skyline for a recent audition and immediately understood the huge talent involved, where before I saw nothing. Still, better late than never, eh? I've only been in the dark for about 50 years, so no harm done. This band are of a genre I know very little about, so I really hope I get the gig! It's all new to me! [/quote] It was Tangled Up In Blue that got me on board with Dylan. Good luck with getting the gig!
  11. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1452691284' post='2952447'] I think a lot of posts are missing the point of the OP. It's not so much major bands/artists that you don't like, but rather ones that have always been there but for whatever reason went under your radar. I think [/quote] That is exactly it! Well put.
  12. Do we need to lock this thread? I didn't want to start another one of these half-brick lobbing matches. It was just a simple question I wanted to ask people.
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452684889' post='2952320'] It means to me his comment was " out of pocket " and I had to call him out on it. Blue [/quote] I still have no idea what you mean. Are you referring to my comment that started this thread?
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452649834' post='2952092'] Timing is everyone's responsibility, not just the drummer's. Having said that, if you're lucky enough to have a really great drummer it certainly helps. And I've been in that situation of being a one-man bass metronome before, and it totally sucks any joy out of the process of playing bass. And like you say, it is really bloody tiring. I hope you get it sorted one way or another. [/quote] I am having this issue right now, I am the click track in effect. As a result, I'm rapidly losing interest. It doesn't help either that the drummer doesn't properly listen to the songs and learn his part before going into the rehearsal room. Him not knowing the songs enough means that the drum parts are inconsistent and speeding up. I dont need the hassle of band stress so I'm just going to leave. He thinks he is awesome so I can't see it going down well if I tell him that he isn't.
  15. Just to clarify things a bit further, my original post held no malice. I haven't willfully avoided listening to David Bowie in my life - I am neutral on his music. I don't know much about him or any of the songs other than the really really popular mainstream ones. A similar thing happened with Bob Dylan, then one day I heard one of his songs in a film and it connected with me at that time, from then on I became a fan. Maybe because my parents were not big Dylan or Bowie fans then I missed out on that from being young (I'm 40 now). Most of my knowledge of the greats is derived from what was on in the house when growing up and then my own musical tastes and how they have changed and grown over the years. The reason why I mention this is because I hope that this doesn't turn into another Blue vs Anyone who doesn't like the greats thread. I am in no way ignorant of musical history, I just haven't listened to everything, I'm working on it though.
  16. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1452654112' post='2952112'] I say it is a matter of respect and one of the reasons your generation will never generate the amount of great musical artists as mine. Sorry guys, I had to "dog" the OP and I did. Blue [/quote] What do you mean by 'dog' in this context?
  17. I stopped for about 5 years too. I had been in bands constantly for about 20 years and I just lost interest. I did the occasional gig standing in for a friends band during those 5 years but the bass would go away again in its case again straight after. Oddly enough it was Scotts Bass Lessons that got me back into it, then this forum helped too.
  18. At least it means his music is there for me to discover one day. That's the good thing about having a blind spot! Joy to be had.
  19. The sad news of David Bowie losing his cancer battle got me thinking about how I hardly know anything about him or his music. That might sound odd but hear me out. I grew up in a really musical house, my mum and dad were Beatles mad, John Lennon more than Paul. My dad played guitar and was in bands for most of his life, he favoured singer songwriters like James Taylor, Janis Ian and Don McLean my mum raised us on a healthy diet of Motown, Northern Soul and acts like The Drifters and The Platters. I consider myself to have a good all round knowledge of most of the legends of the last 60 years or so, but David Bowie is my music blind spot. I was at rehearsal last night and the guitarist knows nothing about Pink Floyd, the drummer said he had never listened to a Doors record. Anyone else have these gaps in knowledge, especially where 'the greats' are concerned? Edited for a grammar - as always.
  20. [quote name='such' timestamp='1452439032' post='2949924'] Robert Trujillo! [/quote] I'm definitely going now! I used to love Suicidal Tendancies and Infectious Grooves. I loved Metallica too but mostly the first 4 albums. Really looking forward to it now.
  21. Just sold my Orange combo to Joe. An easy stress free transaction, a pleasure! Cheers
  22. I'm about to leave my band because the drummer isn't good enough. I have always played in bands that have amazing drummers and I think I have taken it for granted up to now.
  23. I've changed my mind and keeping it!
  24. Which one of these on a tshirt would have got my head kicked in at a school non uniform day?
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