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Everything posted by interpol52

  1. Our singer always says "Thank you both" if a song doesn't go down well with the natives.
  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1503461596' post='3358389'] I didn't give my son a list, but I helped him workout and play all the songs he chose. I'd tell people starting out to try lots of instruments until they find one that "speaks" to them and start learning to pay their favourite songs. After they do that, and if they are succeeding, get lessons. [/quote] Great advice. Pretty much what my dad did with me. He played guitar in various pub and club bands. I grew up surrounded by guitars and his band practicing three part harmonies in our living room. He never once tried to get me to play, I just found it in my own time. Great thing was, he had terminal GAS so encouraged me to get good gear.
  3. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1503445528' post='3358379'] I'd say check these out, they'll give you ideas of what the bass [b][i]can[/i][/b] do. Don't copy, be influenced and inspired. [/quote] I should have put that my list is pretty much what I was listening to in my first few years of playing bass, they are realistic on that you probably could play some of the songs within your first 6 months. I could have put some Jaco on there but I can't even play most of those now after 29 years! My tastes have changed somewhat since!
  4. My boys have picked up on my musical genes. So this is a Top 5 most influential bass albums disguised as something more meaningful. My 'listen to these, son' albums are - 1 - Iron Maiden - Live after Death 2 - Guns n Roses - Appetite for Destruction 3 - Primus - Frizzle Fry 4 - The Beatles - Sergeant Pepper 5 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik. What would you say? Next chapter: "Dad, what bass should I buy?"
  5. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1503314681' post='3357055'] Maybe just go for a regular Stars and Stripes flag? [/quote] My first thought too.
  6. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1503227325' post='3356537'] Can I ask, where did you get TAB from then? Agree totally about the standing in the shadows of motown book. It's one I use a lot to demonstrate to students how bass lines work. [/quote] I used to have those old Guitar magazine/Play it like it is books. I have no idea what the method was to transcribe them, the bass is inaudible on some of those early Metallica records, Justice especially.
  7. As a 13 year picking up the bass for the first time in 1988, tabs helped me a lot where available. I had no interest in reading music at the time so a combination of tab books and working songs out by ear were the foundations of my development. With the increased availability of isolated bass tracks on YouTube, it has become clear that most of the tab books I used to have are full of errors, examples are the lines to Master of Puppets and Battery by Metallica. This has turned me more towards notation and ear training. In recent years when I have done productions and been handed the bass score, I have improved my ability to read notation. The Standing in the Shadows of Motown book has been a steep learning curve for me. I really enjoy it though. Given the choice, I would go for notation now. That's just personal preference though, not because I think it is the 'right' way to do it.
  8. [quote name='indiegrungesound' timestamp='1502624281' post='3352485'] Sounds like an awesome set up! I hope you can get a 2nd 15" or matching VX210 for a nice mini stack to get the full 4 ohms out of the HA2500! Excellent Avatar & Username btw! :-) [/quote] Thanks! I might add another cab soon, to be honest though its plenty loud enough for my needs at the moment. Even at the outdoor gig it gave plenty of headroom with the PA support. My avatar and username are nods to two of my all time favourite bands. I love the Husker Du logo.
  9. I've got a really low budget Hartke set up. A HA2500 and a VX115. They cost me £260 together brand new from PMT a few months ago. Done a few gigs now with them including an outdoor festival. Sounds great!
  10. [quote name='TCsBass' timestamp='1502477826' post='3351782'] Sounds really tight and focused. Still on stock strings? [/quote] Cheers, it sounds great with that Ampeg style setting. The strings are Ernie Ball Regular Slinky 45, 65, 80, 100, 130. They have been on for about 6 weeks, just starting to get past their brightest but sound great for the funk!
  11. Added a sound clip. Been messing around on garage band. Flat EQ on the bass, flat EQ on the 'Ampeg' amp model. Bit of compression. https://soundcloud.com/julian-gallagher-1/sub-5-flat
  12. It's a Flea classic, I've 'been inspired' by a lot of that bassline! Maybe take this approach to the lyrics? http://youtu.be/WmRTUNh1vPo
  13. If you can find one then a USA Sub5 is a good choice. I've just got one and I love it!
  14. [quote name='40hz' timestamp='1498483025' post='3324901'] Watched it last night and pretty much the same thoughts as others. Brilliant set, but Jerry Barnes was overplaying like f***. Chic basslines should be funky and classy, with a solid groove and the odd fill. He ruined the groove on several occasions and his tone was not suited to the music IMO. I'd never really hate on someone else's playing (each to their own etc), but it really grated on me watching the set. [/quote] I agree. I understand the appreciation of his playing, he can obviously do that. I just think that sound sound of Chic is as much defined by the tone of Bernard Edwards as it is by Nile Rogers and his Strat. Without either one of those elements then the songs just don't sound right to me. Tricky one really, because hiring someone to impersonate another player is dodgy ground too.
  15. [quote name='ebenezer' timestamp='1497518663' post='3318772'] Had one in white, had to change the horrible scratch plate, but a great bass, if a little heavy [/quote] I quite like the scratch plate! This bass is only 8.5lbs, I was really surprised when I picked it up!
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1497383471' post='3317771'] Funkalicous! [/quote] It sure is! I love it!
  17. Hello all Picked this up over the weekend, sounds and feels amazing so far. Cant wait to give it a run out at rehearsal on Thursday! [attachment=247262:IMG_0483.jpg]
  18. Tom is a great bloke! Just done a deal on my Fender Precision MIM for his Musicman S.U.B. 5. An absolute pleasure to deal with, he also has a great collection of basses that he was happy for me to have a blast on. Cheers Tom!
  19. Back up for sale bump!
  20. I had a go on one at the bass show last year, it was great. A bit like that sweet spot on stage where you can feel optimum bass up through the floor, then times that by 10.
  21. I love The Doors and I love this bassline. However, I appear to have been playing it wrong for 30 years. I don't really get the Doors hate on this forum.
  22. My kind of thread! http://youtu.be/EIhSnaqou0I Simple and fun to play, especially the chorus. Nice low Dflat for the 5 stringers too in the breakdown.
  23. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1496092159' post='3308762'] Going for a jam with a guy next week and Under the Bridge is on the list of songs he'd like to do. I've always hated it with a passion. I remember listening to it once about 10 years ago and vowed to never listen to it again. But, being an adult, I decided I'd learn it for this jam and then make my excuses in the future. Gave it a quick spin and it was as I remembered and feared. The shrill, jangly guitar tone. The dull, atonal vocals. Four sections to the song, which are all very plain in their own right, just shoehorned together. Meandering, needlessly complex, and poorly constructed bass line which totally dominates the song rendering it almost unlistenable, and my god does it drag?! Feels like it goes on for 10 minutes! And the drumming! It's like the guitar, bass, and drums are each playing a different song! Dreadful song. No idea why it's so highly regarded. The only redeeming feature is Flea's tone, which is sick. So I've learnt it and I'll give it a run through, but hopefully it'll sound terrible and we'll never have to play it ever again. [/quote] Don't sit on the fence, how do you really feel about it?
  24. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1495824983' post='3306938'] I quit two bands because I seemed to be the only one who was doing my "homework" and coming to the rehearsal prepared. The others seemed to think that rehearsals were for learning material as opposed to the whole band tweaking or fine tuning what they learned in order for the band to be a tight unit. I put up with this for a while, but eventually got fed up looking at/listening to people working out parts at rehearsals, that they should have done before hand. [/quote] This has always been the main reason why I have quit bands. It's infuriating.
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