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Everything posted by leloupa

  1. I'll be leaving this thursday for a short holiday and i'll be back september the 29th. I can understand that there isnt much intrest because MTD's stereo-treble image. The only thing i'd like to say about that idea is that it just shows what the bass is capable to sound like. With a flat eq, its sounds very active, but normal. When you boost the mids it kick's the sh.t out of you, when you boost the bass too much it blows your speakers.. This is the most versatile bass i have ever owned with a low B string that you hear and you can feel in any live occasion. I know she isnt world's most beautifull bass, but when you played it you will say yourselves that there is nothing out there (i owned more than 70 basses throughout the years) that sounds as good as this MTD. Still priced for 1900€. I bought new 2800€ Marleaux custom basses that where lovely and quite good but sounded poor compared to this. What is the worth of a used MTD535 ? around 2200€. What is this particiular bass worth ? This bass is priceless and an active bassplayer would never sell this. Because i quited playing in a band situation i like to give someone the opportuniy to buy it. Grab your chance i'd say.
  2. still there bump
  3. weekend bump !
  4. Thank you Joe, Mick and basic5 for your friendly warm words and concern. Good luck Taa with selling the Warrior !
  5. Hello Mick, at the moment it's the only bass i still have, even my amplifier is sold. I quitted playing music so i'm not intrested in a trade, excuse me.
  6. I see, thanks for the link larrytron !
  7. sorry, the link doesnt seem to work. Here are the pictures :
  8. Hello, i'm selling my beloved MTD535, it has a full solid korina body with a wenge neck, board and headstock. Plane and simple with a huge sound and tight low B. This tonemonster cuts through a wall of sound like a knife through butter. -> 19mm string spacing weighing 4.5kg with original paperwork and brown hard case with fluffy green interior. Price = 1900€ shipment included, located in Belgium Here is the link to the site of the low-end, where it came from some years ago : www.thelowend.net/gallery/vieuwtopic.php?t=1537 I'll try to post some more pictures later on the week
  9. leloupa


    The whole thing behind this happening is to warn everybody that when you plan to buy a used vintage instrument, check it carefully.. Pictures of the instrument without pick guard or with an opened electronics department can tell you very much allready. Offcourse the best thing to do is hear it, feel it, play it and check out yourself. Dont know who made the damage, but the person who did so and didnt tell the next owner when selling the instrument is a big cheater and asshole. I didnt pay too much, the bass has the musicman 'thing' going on and i'll get her restorated. Problem solved.
  10. leloupa


    Why didnt you mention the enormous hole underneath the pickguard.. The square hole seems to be cut out with a hamer and a screwdriver.. almost as huge as the pickguard itselve and more than a centimeter deep. The neck is good though. A stingray neck for 850£ anyone ? Comes with a piece of trash wood attached to it..
  11. I'd like to apologize for my frustrated moment yesterday. That is because i searched years to find an Eclipse, every morning and evening i checked the internet to see if someone insane would sell one of those rare collector items at a normal or even affordable price instead of 3000£. In fact i'm looking for somebody who will treasure this bass, pampers it, knows its history, loves it, will be inspired and will be very lucky to own it. Price is less important to me. I'm a bit emotional about this baby, thats why i lost my mind for a second.. Guess emotions make musicians who they are, excuse me guys.
  12. just curious.. why isnt there any intrest at all ? .. Is it too cheap ? ..too expensive ? i cant believe its still there personally, MTD's are among the best basses in the world. Maybe all you guys are looking for rip-off Fender junk or what ? 25 years ago i started with a Fender, sometimes i play a Fender in my search for a nostalgic 'coming home' kind of feeling but after playing a Fender for 1 minute i realise that they are just lousy basses with an oversized dead sounding body. I think i'll withdraw this, i dont need the money anyway. It will give myself a better feeling just to give it away for free to someone who would die to own a bass like this.
  13. back to the first page bump.
  14. Thats indeed a good question. Well it all starts with the fascination about Mike Tobias and his work. As you'll know he is one of the Godfathers from all custom basses and i owned several Tobiass'es throughtout the years. Always i was looking for one of the 2044 holy-grail-basses he personally build before he sold his company to Gibson, they are so rare and hard to find, i had my pleasure in it searching and finding those beasts. When i found a used Elipse in the states one day, i bought it because it was sooooo extremely rare, it had to be the rarest peace of my collection. He only made 50 of them, all info on that on his own site www.mtdbass.com. Indeed i found out that it is similar to the MTD that i've got and she just stood there being exclusive. Because i dont use it i think that it is time for someone else to enjoy. In fact i'm looking for a Tobias collector who'll pay me 2500euro for this one and put it in a museum, but i cant find anyone here in europe that knows its history.. For the american market its too expensive to ship it over from here.
  15. a family picture bump (cheers Jordi !) :
  16. First page bump for an awesome bass.. ! What a beauty !! Why are you selling this sir ?
  17. In fact there's an Elrick 5 on its way, but i'm planning to sell my four string Tobias as well and start looking for a Sadowsky nyc modern 5 and a Ken Smith. I'm open for suggestions but i am very difficult in looks and colours. I like things as natural as can be.
  18. Maybe if you have something real nice.. I'm thinning my collection really but give me an idea mr bassman.
  19. A once-in-your-lifetime bump
  20. and here they are ..
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