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Everything posted by Prunesquallor

  1. Price drop bump situation.
  2. Forgot this was on here until I was clearing out the cupboard. Anyhoo, still available!
  3. PM'd
  4. I just bought a preamp from Dan. The unit was delivered at super speed and was exactly as described on the tin. A top Basschatter.
  5. The BEST finish for a Stingray. Congratulations! I'd love a fiver like that.
  6. Take her to meet a friend who has a modular synthesiser - a VCO alone can cost as much as a good bass.
  7. Gabriel-era Genesis did nothing for me. (His solo stuff is something else, though.) I love everything in the Collins era - up until they discovered MTV, that is. I pretend the band vaporized after Three Sides Live. Oh, and the live stuff hammers the studio albums every time. They had BALLS live. The studio stuff just sounds so restrained and polite.
  8. A Space Ritual initiate here as well. I know he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes some time ago - not a nice disease - and his attitude was 'Well, you've got to die of something'. I take it he wasn't cutting back on the Malboroughs and Johnnie Walker... He IS rock 'n roll - saw the Beatles at the Cavern Club, was a roadie to Hendrix, shared a flat with Noel Redding, sang Silver Machine, tried to teach Sid Vicious the bass, good mates with John Lydon, the Damned, the Ramones, Dave Grohl... Oh yeah, he's the guy in Motorhead as well. :-)
  9. For me, Signals was their last truly great album, and the beginning of the end. There were a few songs I liked on GUP, and the last tour has made me reassess some stuff from Hold Your Fire. Since then, meh. Counterparts was good, though. A real peak amid a lot of dross.
  10. This argument seems to come up every time there's a punk thread. There seems to be two ways you can define 'punk': only music coming from the original 70s punk scene (which was very diverse, incidentally - Sex Pistols and the Damned, but also including the Stranglers, Buzzcocks, Siouxie & the Banshees, Bauhaus, etc - some of them could actually play) vs all what has retrospectively been labelled punk music (you know the sound I mean). Either definition's fine by me, but I think it's worth bearing in mind that the second definition is more usual these days and people will immediately get what you mean if you describe the Cockney Rejects as a punk band. To call them an Oi band IMHO is tiresomely pedantic. YMMV
  11. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1373530978' post='2138573'] There are no American punk bands. . . [/quote]
  12. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1373482916' post='2138195'] Paul Gray [/quote] He did a couple of albums with them, so he lasted longer than most. I think he was the one who dictated his will to his girlfriend down the phone during an Italian tour (things were getting a bit hairy, apparently), and joined UFO of all people shortly afterwards.
  13. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1373493064' post='2138360'] I'd say '79 - '80's was just 'power pop with attitude (much of which was 'pretend'). Punk was more than a musical style. People had been playing hard and fast for a long time and will continue to do so for many more years I'm sure. It just ain't 'punk', maybe 'thrash' is a better term [/quote] Well, thrash is a totally different genre... I believe the genre police called Suicidal Tendencies and the Dead Kennedys 'West coast skatecore' or something, but punk will do for most of us.
  14. The Damned, no contest. Neat, Neat, Neat for the most recognizable punk bassline evaarr, and Love Song coming a close second: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCZU-pHezx0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPoYQHDi1HI
  15. Hawkwind's Space Ritual as a Lemmy 101: the bass is clearer and slower than it became with Motorhead, and it's right at the front of the mix. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhWArBhPWu0
  16. I think there's a lot of confusion about punk because the modern label 'punk music', meaning basic angry music, was retrofitted on to it later. Punk was a (very) loose movement, reacting against the (as they saw it) boring music of the time. The The bands were very varied, ranging from the Pistols to the Buzzcocks to the Banshees to Bauhaus, and the clothing was also very DIY and individual. All called themselves punks, but many people (now) would say that punk was defined by the Sex Pistols and Vivienne Westwood-inspired clothing alone - a real testament to the marketing of Malcolm McLaren, really.
  17. Indeed! This is a good excuse to post their 2008 Roundhouse gig: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp2rW-rNgC0 My favourite part is the 'Latin' suite (Bejia Flor - Dorset Perception - Periscopes of Consciousness) that starts about 10 minutes in.
  18. The sound was pretty good from where I was standing - centre, near the front - but you'd hope so at that position! I thought Geddy had good growl and definition when he was playing his black Jazz, not so much his white one. Maybe it was the bass, or just the way he was playing it on those songs he chose to use it... I thought they played very well. I can see why they're rated live. I wasn't so impressed with the set list though - they basically lost me after Signals. Also, I'd hurt my back recently, so I left after the interval. Would've been good to hear the encore, but hey ho.
  19. They've got a gig lined up in the UK! October 25th at the Troxy, London https://www.ticketline.co.uk/order/tickets/13283366/shpongle-live-in-concert-london-troxy-2013-10-25-20-00-00 What with Simon spending most of his time in the US, and Raj getting younger, it's a rare event. Looking forward to the new album!
  20. Anyone else seen this? http://www.dv247.com/page/bigger-and-better Puts paid the rumour of them going bust, it seems.
  21. I have to say this was also one of my least favourite albums of theirs. Lemmy was absolutely right on this one: when they kicked him out they lost their cojones. I think there was also a lot of underlying tension in the band as Nik Turner was turfed out soon after. It'll always be Space Ritual for me.
  22. Beautiful! Ditto on not changing the pickguard - you can't hide that finish.
  23. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1367413788' post='2065315'] I think for most of the music listening public it still does despite how much we, as bassists, try to convince ourselves otherwise. [/quote] That depends on what they like. I enjoyed and preferred more 'active' bass playing way before I picked up one myself. It was one of the things I liked.
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