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Everything posted by sprocket123

  1. Ok thanx eude
  2. I might add that you guys have nice basses too
  3. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1330161286' post='1553439'] Here's one of my lovely ACG and here it is in action [/quote] You got some nice bass there Steve
  4. ok thanx for the comeback buddy , I thought they where made with Alnico 3 or 5 , but someone can have whatever he want s I guess with ACG
  5. Hey scojack: what picups-preamp do you use on that bass buddy
  6. Sorry for the late answering back , you re welcome scojack .
  7. Hey eude,congrats on your bass,by the way,what are these pickups buddy
  8. Hey apook : did a nice job buddy
  9. You re doing great rubis , look forward to your next post
  10. Hey GustOo ; did a nice job out there , out of a course , keep it going man
  11. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1329509057' post='1543741'] Bring it on [/quote] +1
  12. Thanx for the comeback StraightSix
  13. I wasn t sure about BYOC, I saw the ads a couple of times in Premier Guitar magazine , but they seem to be pretty good in here .
  14. [quote name='electric nate' timestamp='1330001272' post='1551099'] [color=#222222]Just got me new Genz Benz neox 2x12. First impressions: holy crap what a detailed and articulate sound. It's a lot more sensitive than I was expecting as well, I figured being rated at 600w it'd require a fair bit of grunt to move air, but I was very wrong. It makes the power amp I bought seem completely overkill. Like driving a tank to the corner shop. [/color] I've been busily re-tweaking all my effects and tone settings as the new cab has revealed a lot of details I wasn't so fond of. I guess it's incredibly difficult to say what a "coloured" sound is or what a "clear" or "uncoloured" sound might be without having an incredibly extensive experience of hearing the same bass and amplifier though many many different cabs, but certainly the Genz sounds more "high definition" to me than anything else I've used. I'll be interested to try playing an iPod or a CD or something though it to see how it sounds with a full range sound source. [color=#222222]The tweeter in this cab is wonderful too, that has to be said. I'm not usually a tweeter kinda guy, I was planning to just keep it turned off but it's actually really well balanced with the woofers and not at all harsh or fizzy sounding like some tweeters i've heard. The attenuation knob on the back of the cab is more like a very subtle presence control, gently shaving down the very top end sparkle rather than dialing harshness in or leaving you sounding muddy and vague without it. Lovely stuff.[/color] [color=#222222]The only thing I dislike so far is that it could do with some handles on the sides. Straps would do - the thing is so light they wouldn't need to be strong. The handles on the top are great, really well made and handy for rolling the cab on it's wheels, but if you want to walk up a flight of stairs with it it's kind of awkward because the handles force you to hold it upright, but the cab is tall enough that it would be easy to bash the bottom of it against a stair or two unless you have your hands right up by your chin, which is fairly uncomfortable. If the handles were half way down each side of the cab, the bottom of the cab would be nowhere near the stairs and you could keep your hands about waist height which is a lot more comfy. I'm kind of nit-picking here though I guess.[/color] aaaaaaand that's enough rambling from me. [/quote] Hey Electric nat , you happen to have Avalon & QSC,which ones do you have buddy .
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1329667357' post='1545539'] I was under the impression that scientifically it makes no difference if a cab is front or rear ported with regard to placement; a ported cab acts like a ported cab no matter where the port is. Sound doesn't come out of the ports so front or back is immaterial... a cab should be correctly tuned no matter where the port is! [/quote] Hey buddy , do you happen to have a rear-ported cab on hand , if so , I was thinking like that also , so nothing s personal here , try playing true it ,then move the cab @ lots of places in the place,you ll haer the difference it makes sonically . That s why I want my cabs front ported , have a nice one out there .
  16. [quote name='Ejb' timestamp='1328955569' post='1535195'] Anyone got any opinions on the Gallien Kruger 4x10 MBE 4ohm cab? Cheers John [/quote] Fairly priced , light weight , good bang for the bucks , would recommand this one .
  17. [quote name='flippyfloop' timestamp='1323549871' post='1464554'] The Berg sounded amazing at home, like a studio monitor. By no means a bad cab, 2nd place over all the others I've owned. The Berg just didn't cut through live and had a lot of crazy low end, partly due to the rear port ? So I discovered that I'm not keen on rear ported cabs. Another minor point would be the top mounted handle. A bit cheap. The Vanderkley sounds like there's a slight mid boost at home but this works great live. I'm guessing the slight mid bump helps to cut through. The cab definitely moves more air & I love the front port. It just sounds clear from top to bottom. Reminds me of an Epifani UL112 but less pillowy. I recon two cabs would be killer. [/quote] Rear ported cabs can t be put in everywhere on stage , some time you don t have any choice but put where there s space . that s why I don t like them also . i like front ported , well tuned cabs with a flat frequency curve .
  18. Hello every one ; Let not forget that rhe power amp is the weakest link in the signal , ( either valve or ss , either proffessional or hifi ( I bought a brand new QSC , which has a pretty good reputation for being rugged , & lucky me , bought that thing like 5 years ago , let it in boxe , never plugged it , when I was ready to setup my rig because as a truck driver you don t have time to do anything , it never whent on . & before some one tells yhat I didn t know how to wire my stuff,i ve only put the power on & poofs, transistors blown . That said , a transistor or a valve can blow off anytime either a 100 dollars unit or a 50000 dollars hifi power amp , any given part can leave yiu any time , I like a tube amp for fretlss bass, it s good for midrany stuff , like rythm etc It s really tough for a tube amp to have a flat sound do , because of lots of factors that were writen above but to each his own right . On these have a nice one there .
  19. I know it s an old thread , but i must say that you got some nice rig_bass out there .
  20. Thanx Discreet , their s stuff to learn in this forum & happens that i have a Status , UK Bass right!
  21. Hey scojack , you got some ni.ce project out there , top notch build . Where are you based , I m new to forum & don t know much about people here , it s why I m asking .
  22. But this can go on & on , it comes to personal tastes we can debate this forever right , on this have a good one out there .
  23. This is a point that if the cabs aren t tuned & that if crossovers aren t tuned , as allot of them aren t , you ll get bad sound , no definition , clarity , headroom & so on .There aren t lots of good 18 inch bass cabs around , Eden stopped production of its model , Trace Elliot 1818 , I sadly never tried them but should sound great . But their s good 18 inch cabs for pa applications that can be very good also . For me , I use custom hifi rig as a kit , tried lots of bass rigs & came to use either PA full range systems or custom biult cabs , never came back , but i must say I never tried Bag End bass cabs that are pretty good , mghit have tried these .
  24. If you want to keep the Peavey 4x10 , than you should add a 18 inch buddy .
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