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Everything posted by status1

  1. I had a similar set up I had two 2-12 ninja cabs and an 800 W MB head,you think those cabs are light you want to try the GL cabs,as well as my Vanderklay rig which posted on here I got a 2-12 and a 1-12 lightweight GL rig,The 2-12 is only 11 kgs and the 1-12 is 7 kgs unbelievable sound,I’ll stick up a piccy on here later
  2. These are good cabs,think it’s a bit overpriced as a new one will cost just over £400,these normally go second hand £275 -£350 depending on condition,glwts
  3. Yeah that’s the one I think it’s silver,I got one already and thought it was that good I got a spare but now I don’t need it as I’m using my TC head which gives me onboard effects for my other band I’m doing
  4. I’ve got. A Galen kruger fusion 500 I’d swop
  5. Yeah I use my Vanderklay rig for theatre and festival gigs mainly,did look at the BF stuff but build quality is no where near the Vanderklay gear,Saying that the GR cabs I recently got just seem to light to be true if you know wot I mean and build quality seems not as good as the Vanderklay stuff but then I think it’s down to the weight issue which I’m not comp,wining about,tonight I’m in studio and I’ll take my 1-12 gR lightweight cab 409 watts,plenty power
  6. If you are using the pa most of the time just get a 2-12 as they do anything you want,As stated earlier the Gr 2-12 does it all and I went with the 1-12 to match and they are light as a feather 11 kg -7 kg respectively
  7. One of my Vanderklay 2-10 cabs is 1200 watts not to heavy either,ive allways been a fan of 2-12 bass cabs as I find they do wot a 10 inch and 15 inch does sort of in between sort of thing,I used just the 1-12 GR cab which is 400 Watts and that kept up with the Marshall cabs the guitarists use,These are well worth a try they come with a 5 year garentee as well I didn’t go for the slim version as my flight case would’ve overhanged
  8. Yep that’s the baby,we’ll worth a look
  9. The GL cabs which are the light ones I also got the 1-12 to go with it but don’t need it really,also my other rig which isn’t to heavy is a couple of Vanderklay cabs great build quality and scarily awesome and in the bigger gigs festivals ect I use them with my trusted Trace Elliot SMX 350
  10. Have a look at the GL lightweight cabs available from bass direct,ive got the 2-12 weighs in at 11 KGs I carry it in one hand ,amp head worth a look is the Galien Kruger 800 fusion,weighs less than my sandwich box,ive got a spare 500 watt fusion I’m thinking of off loading
  11. status1

    GL Cabs

    Bass direct is where I got mine they are Midlands based I’m based Essex Herts so if not to far away you are welcome to try mine out
  12. status1

    GL Cabs

    Gl the lightweight ones
  13. status1

    GL Cabs

    Anyone tried the GL lightweight cabs,thoughts,well here’s mine so here goes im a big lover of 12 inch bass cabs so when I see these 2-12 weight 11 kgs I thought that sounds too good to be true,you know the saying but doesn’t apply in this case,I went for the 2-12 and thought I’d have a 1-12 to go with it,didn’t need the smaller cab as that’s good enough on its own but glad I got it as comes in handy and it weighs in at 7 kgs The 2-12 does everything a 15 or 10 inch cab does,can’t fault sound,delivery ect i usually use two 2-10 Vanderklay cabs which are equally awesome but the others come out on top because of the weight probably going to offload the Vanderklay rig,as we get older the stuff gets heavier and the Vanderklay stuff doesn’t weigh a ton it’s still one of the lightest out there i use a Galien Kruger 800 fusion with both set ups or sometimes my Trace Elliot 350 smx which I might sell as just don’t need it These cabs are not cheap but Wots the price on a bad back compared These cabs are well worth a sniff
  14. Don’t want to insult you as kitchen and bathroom to pay for
  15. Looking for one of these but just can’t make the asking price at the mo,I’ll keep saving,already got the 800 fusion,great bit of kit
  16. If your not cutting through turn volume down a tad and tweak treble and bass if need be ,that’s the tip I got many years ago by a well known pro,it works
  17. Couple of 2-10 Vanderklay cabs,1800 watts of mayhem mated to my Galien Kruger 800 fusion and sometimes I use my good old Trace elliot head
  18. I used my GR 1-12 last night as the 2-12 hasn’t arrived yet,plenty loud enuff and nice and light,couldn’t fault it,can’t wait for the other cab to get here,I use 2 Vanderkley cabs as my main rig
  19. How lightweight are you going,ive just purchased the GR 2-12 and 1-12 from bass direct,im using the 1-12 tonight as small pub it weighs 7 KGs is there anything lighter,I reckon my sandwich box is heavier
  20. Now sold
  21. Mine was for sale on here about a month ago,great little cab
  22. You’ll get a lot of bands that don’t have many gigs,That’s says it all,They are like flies round stinky poo when a gig comes up although there are a few decent ones amongst them all doing the same songs
  23. Ok I’ll get our man to send a link later
  24. Yes Al fully insured ect ect pa lights
  25. Check out Afterlife on FB,full pa,lights ,insurance ect
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