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  1. A propos nothing much, but was at All Points East last friday. I went to watch Jai Paul. His rather anodyne/generic R'n'B isn't really for me, but two things stood out. The first is that his bass player is Rocco Paladino, and certainly in this case the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree! The second is that Rocco's bass for the evening was a BB1100. Big amp, pedalboard, instrument leads and this bloody amazing-sounding bass...this combination of ostensibly "outdated" equipment and a player of taste and talent, without any intention of "it were better when I were a lad...." nostalgia, really struck me. And particularly the fact that Yamaha BBs really do have a completely amazing sound all of their own.
  2. I am custodian of a close relation...
  3. I'm not sure that this adds any value to the conversation, but I have a dog that is really good at catching mice. I was about to apologise for being pedantic, and then remembered which thread I'm on......
  4. Hiya Thanks. If they don't I definitely will (I checked with thoss nice people/algorithms at the bank. Cheers Crispin
  5. Hi Woodster, Am very seriously interested in this bass. Just need to work out some finances(and ultimately flog some stuff) but wondering if you could place it on hold. As I say, I am genuinely interest and will confirm one way or the other asap. Cheers Crispin
  6. I find that spine-tinglingly, almost obscenely, gorgeous. And I echo the point made by our esteemed colleague: In particular, the cavity excavated just beside the pickguard, above the control plate in the pics.
  7. Billy Zoom from X. He decided to do this onstage and never stopped....think he is still smiles like this to this day. Saw them live a few times....totally bloody terrifying face !!! Sometimes NOT smiling is a far more reassuring option
  8. Bought Steve's BB350f. One way and another (my work.....his work...a juggernaut blocking the M6....) it took ridicilously long for me to collect it and pay the man. He was patient and endlessly helpful thoughout. Great bass too, and a great price. Great basschatter!! Can't recommend highly enough. Cheers mate. Crispin
  9. Dominic Aitchison, Mogwai.... big beard, big Gibson, big noise....
  10. Just wondering when people stopped "making" basses (and similar stuff) and started "building" them.... I realise this is a vanishingly trivial thing in a world apparently heading to hell in a handcart, but on a dull February morning these things can start to itch....
  11. (Belatedly...) Mick bought my Status Stingray neck. Throughout he was courteous and communicative and he helped make everything very straightforward. Great guyvtobdeal with. Cheers Crispin
  12. I think this suggestion is bordering on genius!! The old rockist cliche of a fag shoved behind the E string is tired and so passe.... Doctor J's idea is forward looking and, with the option of the vegan variety, inclusive and environmentally aware too. Hail the new Rock'n'sausageRoll !!
  13. I am confused.... see previous post, above.
  14. So you've not really given the idea of a signature bass much thought, then?
  15. Interesting....or maybe interested... Given the initial snide remarks, I am just wondering,Nilorius, whether the english you are using to contribute on here is your first language?
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