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Everything posted by kevin_lindsay

  1. It's episode 18 of series 4
  2. Here is a link to the episode : www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0004b87
  3. I bought one of these "fold flat" trolleys to ease the lugging around of my cabs. Best £19 I've spent in years! (the wheels automatically flip out when you fold down the loading tray) https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F303114745147
  4. I bought two of the RS212 cabs at the sale price - mega sounding units! I fitted four adhesive foam squares to act as feet. I also got a couple of custom made covers to protect the finish.
  5. String life depends upon various factors - how you play, and also your finger sweat!! I've got DR hi- Beams on my white basses, the Jazz has had the same strings on for about a year and a half, and still sound great - nice and glassy, with the classic solid bass fundamental. However, when Guy Pratt used that very same bass, with a fresh set of Hi-beams on it, the strings were completely gubbed after two weeks. Sounded like someone kicking a cardboard box down the road! Hahaha. My brother (who is a guitarist), can turn unwound stings completely black within the space of a single gig!! All due to his acidic sweat. Yuck. (I've attached a pic of Guy sound checking with the bass when he first borrowed it).
  6. Not a pic of me alongside him, but this is a pic of Pino when we were out grabbing some breakfast together.
  7. Yeah, theWals are in there too (as is his Steinberger)
  8. Peter Gabriel - Secret World Live - fabulous album (and DVD if you want it in visual format too)
  9. Chris is great. I've been friends with him for about 25 years. He's a grouch, but knows his stuff inside out, and he's been an absolute star to me for the past quarter century. My fretless McIntyre Jazz Bass is a dream to play.
  10. Sad news indeed. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.
  11. This was released in 1968 - although we all know the Morecambe and Wise version as the definitive version.
  12. Actually, the strings were originally on my through body P-Bass, so there will be no problem with the strings being long enough to run through the body, and still be long enough to reach over the nut.
  13. You got it! Just PM your address details and I'll get them posted off to you tomorrow matey.
  14. Anyone want a used set to try out? I used a little spacer behind the bridge to ensure that the string end winding at the ball end didn't sit over the E string saddle (I've included the spacer with the strings). Usual Kev offer - free of charge, and free delivery to your place (within the UK).
  15. How come the pickup Joe uses on his own bass isn't the same as the one on the production model?
  16. Also, the Buggles version of this track was the definitive version (this original version was produced by Trevor Horn too) Video Killed The Radio Star
  17. I've always loved this version Devo - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction https://youtube/jadvt7CbH1o
  18. Cory Wong at Oran Mor in Glasgow on Tuesday was fantastic!!
  19. I'm going to see Steely Dan tomorrow at The Hydro in Glasgow. Wanted to see Cory Wong next week in Glasgow too, but it's sold out (plus I'm absolutely skint until payday!! So that would have been a washout anyhow! Hahaha)
  20. I've got the same notification. I've ready got a copy from the initial run, it's a gorgeous book (and very big!!). It's well worth the wait. I ordered another copy in case I need a last minute bass related present for someone!!
  21. Tears For Fears / Alison Moyet at The Hydro in Glasgow last night was a belter of a gig. Fantastic sound. Audience up on their feet for the sets of both acts. Pity the O2 in London didn't seem to have the same atmosphere?
  22. Ooh! My order is still showing delivery anticipted between 15th Feb and 12th March.
  23. As well as being a great bassist, his vocals were great too. Here's Dee as part of the stellar backing vocals on "Candle In The Wind". Love it!!
  24. I had Captain Fantastic And The Brown Dirt Cowboy album playing in the car today - still sounds amazing.
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