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Posts posted by kevin_lindsay

  1. I ordered my cover on 11th October, and now after 7 weeks I still haven't received it!

    The website states that it can "take up to 10 working days" to make a cover. I sent a message to them after 2 weeks asking when my cover would be ready, and got a reply the next day saying "Sorry for the delay. It usually takes 10 working days, I'll look into it tomorrow".

    Over the following 5 weeks I have received no further response, despite numerous messages sent requesting the courtesy of a reply indicating when I can expect the item.

    2 weeks ago I sent a message saying the non response was totally unacceptable and that if no indication of the delivery of my item could be provided, I'd expect a refund. Yet again, no reply.

    Ice sent a further 4 such requests in the past 2 weeks - no reply. You can't call the company as the number just rings out then an automated message states "there is no-one available to take your call, and you cannot leave a message".

    So, I've now had to lodge it as a fraudulent transaction with my credit card company. They've stated that it can take up to 2 weeks to get a resolution. I'll keep you updated with the next chapter of the story.

    So, I guess the message for any potential cover buyers - avoid Silverstone Amp Covers!!!!!

  2. Just sent another message trying to find out what's happening with my cover.

    Three and a half weeks without even the courtesy of an email saying he's sorry for the dealt and telling be when he expects to get it done.

    What a terrible way to do business! Plus, he received the money in full at the time of the order!

    Anyone considering this company, please bear in mind the awful experience of myself and others.

  3. Well, three weeks have passed and I still have no sign of my cover.

    I sent smessagrvis the company's website "comment" facility last Tuesday ( a fortnight after placing my order). I received a reply from Shaun the next day, saying orders usually take 10 working days and that he'd look at my order the next day.

    A further week has now passed with no further correspondence. I've just sent him another message asking about the status if my order.

    I'm not impressed!

  4. Oh dear, I just remembered another "oops!" gig.

    I was a guest at David Coulthard's 21st birthday party, and everyone was in fancy dress. I'd only found I was going a few days before, and as it was a fancy dress affair, I decided to go as a surfer.

    Stupid me thought it would be a good idea to wear my full wetsuit and take my surfboard ( not too cumbersome on the minibus going, but a nightmare in the taxi heading back to DC's folks' afterwards!

    Anyhow..... 10 minutes into the party and I'm roasting because of the wetsuit. My head was bright read. The band playing were a fantastic outfit. Halfway through the night DC's dad Duncan gets on stage and announces, "we've a special guest here who's going to play with the band. Kevin, come on up here". I was shouting and clapping for the guest to go up, when SC leans over and says "that's you he's talking about, you arse!"

    So I go up to the stage and borrow the bassists White P-bass. The band ask if I'm singing? "nope, I just play". Okay then, the guitarist says, were in B flat and it's a blues shuffle feel. I then hit a note to check the bass - and nothing comes out! I check the led's connection to the bass and amp. Nothing! The lead is changed while a load of celebs at the party watch me. Try again.... Still nothing.

    The usual bassist then walks onto the stage and simply turns up the volume knob on the bass. Aaaaagh!!!

  5. I remember my mate picking up his gorgeous new Sei bass and us driving home to Glasgow. He was so chuffed with it, and when he gotbit home he showed it to his parents who looked at it rather, in a rather bemused manner. His Dad was obviously struggling to find something to say, and then said. "erm, it's got a lovely stem on it!??" hahaha

  6. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1318321700' post='1400366']It's complete nonsense. It's just an electronic component - so if it works leave it alone. Changing it will only make a difference in your imagination. I'm sure I'm going to get shouted at but it's on the same level as gold-plated speakers cables and suchlike.

    I assume you have the knowledge and equipment to set up the bias when you change the valve?

    Never criticise a man's religion, wife, politics or valve-amp :)[/quote]

    You're talking nonsense mate. And I suppose different string types make no difference either ? Flatwounds and roundwounds sound the same too as they produce the same notes, huh?

    Different valves from differing manufacturers sound different as they can found bassier or treblier, or can sound cleaner or more distorted depending upon the way they are constructed.

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