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Everything posted by kevin_lindsay

  1. Hi owen, I hope you're happy with the new Bravewood bass. Glad it arrived safe and sound.
  2. SOLD! The bass is being uplifted tomorrow for an overnight delivery to Owen. It's being sent in a flightcase which used to belong to John Deacon from Queen of all people. VERY cool, huh?
  3. Sold to Owen pending payment. Thanks to everyone who contacted me, thw response was truly overwhelming. You guys are great!
  4. Here's some more pics for your delight and delectation mateys!
  5. Hi there, I don't have any scales at home at present (too frightened in case I find out how much my belly actually weighs you see! hahaha). Saying that, the body is light - not overly so, but the instrument is lighter in weight than my other USA P-Basses and is lighter than the USA Vintage Reissue Jazz I have at home right now. Kinda vague answer I know, but it's the best I can offer at present.
  6. PM's replied to. Anyone else out there who's interested, feel free to drop me a line. Nice to hear from you all again - it's been far too long since I've been on the site!
  7. Okay, so this bass is sounding and playing amazingly good right now. However, I am selling it (which I'll probably regret afterwards). The pickguard is a genuine 1963 tortoiseshell celluloid one - and has the usual buckling and shrinkage associated with such plates. Price is £900 delivered in the UK Anyone fancy a piece of uber-cool retrotastic P-Bass action? Go on, treat yourself! The swirly figuring of the original tortoiseshell plates just looked SOOOO good!!! The bass playing great now, and the sound is wonderful - really retro - BIG, ROUND, and WOODY. Sounds just like a classic P-Bass should!
  8. Bass paid for, and deliver arranged. bass will be uplifted from myself in a short while and will be with Oli on Monday. Hope you have fun with the bass mate, it really is a great instrument.
  9. Sold to Oli - pending payment! Thanks for all the interest guys - you are a class bunch of bassists!
  10. You can see the bass being made here: [url="http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/Building%20a%20BW.html"]http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk/Building%20a%20BW.html[/url] Any questions, feel free to send me a PM
  11. Well, I never thought I'd sell this one on, but circumstances have forced me to do so. Boo hoo. So, here's my beloved '56 P-Bass relic made for me by John Elliot at Bravewood Alder body with maple neck Seymour Duncan Antiquity pickup with added "earth wire" to ground the chrome pickup cover. The bass is strung with DR 45's and the intonation is great all across the board. The instrument really plays wonderfully and it's a wrench to let it go, but my girlfriends apartment needs some work done, so I'm offloading some guitars to pay for the upgrades. Price is £950 posted in the UK. John charges £1,499 plus postage for these. Here goes with some pics:
  12. Hey Nick, those basses are GREAT!!!! Nick is a 100% great guy to deal with. Hopefully the basses will shift soon and you can get the building work completed at home mate!
  13. it looks great Wes!
  14. yeah, it's the one narrated by Sir Larry
  15. AND IT"S GONE!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the interest Dan.
  16. Drop me a PM with your address and I'll get it posted off to you tomorrow!
  17. I have a Chinese bootleg copy of the World At War DVD Boxset. It plays fine, and has all the episodes. 11 DVDs in the boxset. Anyone who wants it - just drop me a line and I'll get it posted off to you - all free, no item or postage cost to you!! See, we Scots aren't mean buggers after all!
  18. Hi guys, well, as can be seen from the pics earlier, this bass has the serial number "2". Now, this style - single coil P-Bass is the ONLY one Carey has made so far! The first P-Bass style one he made was a split coil style P-Bass with an added J pickup - that bass was made for Calvin Turner. I'd ordered this bass only a few days after Calvin ordered his one. The neck is chunky, but is you've played the older style P-Basses you'll know that the classic P-Bass tone was founded upon the woody tone you get from such a solid neck. The fretting is simply wonderful, and the rolled edges on the edge of the fingerboard make the bass feel instantly like an "old friend" when you play it. Whoever grabs this bass (and likes full necks) will love this bass!!
  19. Johnny Marr's main stage and recording guitar these days is his Olympic White Jaguar which has pickups in there wound by Bare Knuckle Pickups - might be worth contacting them? [url="http://www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk/"]http://www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk/[/url]
  20. Okay, here we go again. Yet another of Kev's "as new" condition pieces of equipment. Here's an MXR Phase 100 with all the MXR leaflet "bumph" still intact. Anyone wondering how the unit sounds - here's a Youtube clip ) Most of the clip shows 6 string guitar, but it also features Bobby Vega jamming on his Jazz Bass too [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/jimdunlopusa#p/search/0/AREuTrzrT3s"]http://www.youtube.com/user/jimdunlopusa#p...h/0/AREuTrzrT3s[/url] £40 posted in the UK. Any questions, drop me a line!
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