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Everything posted by kevin_lindsay

  1. [quote name='project_c' post='236203' date='Jul 10 2008, 12:09 AM']reduced to £100 plus p&p, can't take any less for it really.. i'll give it a couple more days here then it's off to ebay.[/quote] PM sent matey
  2. PM sent regarding the Mojo Vibe matey
  3. [quote name='Higgie' post='168822' date='Apr 2 2008, 11:48 PM']Who might that be mate? I had my other one into Dave at The GigRig, and he resurrected the thing and got it working perfectly on a 9V Boss DC Jack, using a product The GigRig now sell called the Virtual Battery. I was the first customer/tester, the ones in mine are the finished prototypes before they went into production I think! It's just the way of the world mate. It's a scientifically proven fact that as soon as you buy something you want, loads of them pop up straight away! And cheers kev [/quote] No problem matey!!! Incidentally - it's "Dan" at the GigRig sweetie!!!! hahahaha
  4. Hi matey, Just sent you a PM.
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