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Everything posted by colgraff

  1. for some reason, this reminds be of Eurotrash.
  2. The reference to sloppy spelling, grammar, etc. intrigues me. As a gut reaction, I completely agree however on Basschat I have noticed that a disproportionate number of members commit grievous crime against English remarkably often (including those who have, in the past, railed against linguistic standards), even when they are in other regards reasonably eloquent. I wonder to what extent it is still true that musicians have a disproportionate number of semi-literate and/or dyslexic people in their numbers. This certainly used to be true in the 70s and 80s but I haven't seen any more recent studies on the distribution of literacy skills.
  3. John Deacon Gail Ann Dorsey Deon Estus Bruce Foxton Steve Harris Rick James (not the dead one!) Mark King Roger Waters Chris Wolstenholme and someone else tba
  4. [quote name='RickyV' timestamp='1456481699' post='2989406'] What are your thoughts on the in-ear system? We have just bought a Gear4Music set-up for our band but havent had a chance to test it out yet. [/quote] I bought the three pack IEM and an extra receiver. The receiver packs are plastic and feel a bit cheap, but that is hardly surprising at the price. There is a manual six-band selector on the broadcaster and receivers to find the clearest signal, but I have never moved off the first channel. Some people are nervous around channel 70 gear, but the signal is strong and clear and doesn't conflict with our channel 70 wireless microphones. The earphones aren't great, but are useable. We all use our own preferred types of earphones. Personally I use the sport type that clip over the ear because anything else slowly work themselves loose. I'm really glad that I didn't buy a more expensive system as it would be unnecessary expense, although in a bigger band something more sophisticated might be necessary. Add to that, the joy of not having to carry monitors is worth the money alone. They do take a little time to get used to but the quality of sound definition in the ear without extraneous noise and at a volume that is comfortable is wonderful.
  5. I'm impressed with their own brand stuff, too. It's nothing fancy but is astonishingly cheap. I've played with someone who had one of their drum kits, and I use their in-ear monitor system.
  6. Something I was selling, as soon as I uploaded a picture, the site kept inverting the photo so it was upside down. Extremely annoying and it took ages before I could fix it. If I wasn't so fussy, I would have left it like that.
  7. I lusted after an Egypt bass in a music shop in the 80s. it was too expensive for me but might be collectible now.
  8. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1456408028' post='2988675'] Regarding playing stuff wrong, I am in a position to offer reasonably priced lessons to any BC members needing to address any problems they have in this department. Based on past results, a course of just 6 lessons with me, will have you playing stuff wrong on demand, as and when you want, in the studio, live on stage, wherever. References available. [/quote] My problem is middle age and stamina. Do you offer a Captain America-style genetic engineering package?
  9. I am no expert about these things or voltages, but there is an adaptor for Smart Media to modern readers: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/XD-SMC-Adapter-SMC-Interface-XD-Card-to-SmartMedia-SM-Card-Adapter-Convertor-/221334849483?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368
  10. I always try to play a cover exactly like the original because that way I learn stuff about how notes fit together, how different musicians have complemented each other, etc. For example, in my current band I am playing Another One Bites the Dust in a group for the first time and there is a nice little 'flick' from the guitar which neither the guitarist nor I would have thought would fit, but it does. I only fudge things if the original is too far above my skill level. For example, I'm not a slap player but can rise to the occasion if necessary but the little slap fill in Car Wash is too fast for me, so I play it with fingers.
  11. It is much more than your budget, but the only amp I have used that runs at 2[font="Calibri"][size="3"][color="#000000"]Ω is a Vanderkley Aurora.[/color][/size][/font]
  12. A fair price, though.
  13. Go for it.
  14. I can see why something like this is becoming necessary, especially if a large company's franchisees have a history of fiddling the books to pay bands but I'm glad to have avoided it so far. One band I was in formed ourselves into a partnership because we were making quite a bit and it was easy to write all income off as a loss come the year's end. The tax return was pretty easy, too.
  15. As a dedicated 5 stringer, I love all the ones for sale. It saves me looking at porn!
  16. I'm a lightweight gear man all the way. The only thing that has unnecessary weight is me. I am, unfortunately, the living embodiment of heft.
  17. I played the song with my gear as below and my Boss ODB3 set at eq: 1/2 low 6/10 high, balance: 3/10 gain: 4/10. Treble on my bass turned up to 3/4 (but is a very bright bass, so treble is normally off). This also sounds good for Walk on By by the Strangers.
  18. In some undefined way, a (subjectively) cool bass plays better than an uncool one. I don't know why, but it does.
  19. Get him a Roscoe. Some of those are nice and light! I started with a dreadful Satellite short scale.
  20. Vanderkley works without load.
  21. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1455968027' post='2984021'] That seems a bit of an odd thing to spend time doing. I'd rather concentrate on rehearsing the tunes that are likely to go wrong so that they don't. Effective rehearsing is an art to itself. I've spent too long in bands who will only play the songs from start to finish. A complete waste of rehearsal time. You should be able to pick up a song just before it crashed and rehearse that same few bars several times so that everyone gets it into their muscle memory. [/quote] The interview was a good 25+ years ago so my memory isn't great, but I think this was in the context of the band are good to go, but Mr Bowie might get the verses wrong, forget the words, etc. and how o keep the show running smoothly when that happens. After all, with his history of drug abuse it was probably a wise contingency.
  22. Re the irony of the White Settler term, I remember Billy Connolly saying that you can spot the Aberdonians on the beach in Spain. They're the ones who go from blue to white in the sun. He also did a nice sketch about Aberdeen beach saying that it lures you in with its beautiful sand and blue waters (it is pretty). Then you get in the water and this stabbing pain goes through your stomach as your testicles try to climb out of the water looking for warmth. That's when you realise that a few miles north it is called the Arctic Ocean.
  23. I wasn't setting out to offend anyone, although I should have realised that I would have. Apologies to the Aberdonians. Things did improve in the later years.
  24. Jumping in with both feet, because I am feeling reckless. I lived in Aberdeen from 1986 to 2002 and, at the time I would have struggled to distinguish between nationalist, separatist and racist. I had White Settler sprayed on my house 11 times, was spat on, barred from pubs, assaulted, had the wheels loosened on my car, was refused from taxis. On most occasions when I reported this to the police, I was told "What do you expect? Go home." I won't be going back.
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